New Clearwater County municipality
holds first council meeting
By Diane Spoor
Staff Reporter
Jan. 7 saw the new municipality of Clearwater County hold its first council meeting. The Village of Caroline and Clearwater County were officially amalgamated effective Jan. 1.
The first order of business for the new municipality was to officially swear in the new council, which consists of the six councillors of the former Clearwater County: Genny Mehlhaff, Daryl Lougheed, Bryan Cermak, Michelle Swanson, Jordon Northcott and Neil Ratcliffe, as well as Barbara Gibson, who was appointed from among the members of the former Village of Caroline council.
This interim council will serve until the next general election on Oct. 20.
Once the new seven-member council was sworn in, the reeve and deputy reeve were chosen by councils. Councillor Bryan Cermak nominated Michelle Swanson for reeve, and councillor Neil Ratcliffe nominated Genny Mehlhaff for the role. After a secret ballot, Swanson was sworn in as reeve.
Councillor Barbara Gibson then nominated Bryan Cermak to serve as deputy reeve and councillor Neil Ratcliffe nominated councillor Genny Mehlhaff. After a secret ballot, Bryan Cermak was sworn in as deputy reeve.
Following the swearing in, the new interim council held its organizational meeting.
The new council then held its first regular council meeting where the only items on the agenda were the adoption of budgets.
Clearwater County council approved the previous Village of Caroline’s operational budget of revenue of $1,275,003 and expenses of $1,275,003, as well as the capital budget of capital grant revenue of $664,448 and capital expenses of $664,448.
The new council then addressed the previous Clearwater County budgets.
The new council approved an operating budget for broadband operations for a total of $1,730,585 being funded through operating revenues of $1,730,585, as recommended by the Broadband Committee, Strategic Planning Committee and previous Clearwater County council.
Council also approved Clearwater County’s 2025 capital budget for broadband totaling $43,675,676 with funding of $28,697,830 through capital revenues and $14,977,846 being funded through restricted surplus transfers, as recommended by the Broadband Committee, Strategic Planning Committee and previous Clearwater County council.
Prior to the council making decisions on the previous capital and operating budgets, deputy reeve Bryan Cermak made a motion to include two projects in the 2025 budget that had been included and then excluded during budget deliberations by the previous council. Those projects relate to heated storage and the central solid waste site. Cermak said delaying the work on these projects will only increase the cost.
Councillor Daryl Lougheed said he understands why Cermak wants to see those projects move ahead sooner rather than later, but said that first these two budgets need to “blend together.”
Councillor Genny Mehlhaff said she would not support the motion to include them back into the 2025 budget as she wants to have time to look at the new municipality as a whole before making those decisions.
Councillor Neil Ratcliffe said he would not support the motion because of the location of the two projects and he said there has been no public consultation on development of the north quarter.
Reeve Michelle Swanson said she has given these projects some thought and believes the needs of the new municipality as a whole need to be considered before adding these projects back in.
Bryan Cermak and Barbara Gibson voted in favour of the motion, and it was defeated.
Councillor Daryl Lougheed made the motion to approve Clearwater County’s 2025 operating budget, excluding broadband operations and the hamlet of Caroline for a total of $55,521,258 being funded through operating revenues of $53,859,308 and transfers from restricted surplus of $1,661,950 leaving $18,691,721 to fund the balance of operating, debt principal repayment and transfers to restricted surplus as recommended by the Strategic Planning Committee.
That motion was carried with councillors Neil Ratcliffe and Jordon Northcott voting against.
Reeve Michelle Swanson made the motion that council approve Clearwater County’s 2025 budgeted restricted surplus transfers of $18,468,366 and debt payment of $223,335 being funded through general municipal revenues.
That motion was carried with councillors Neil Ratcliffe and Jordon Northcott opposed.
Councillor Barbara Gibson made the motion that council approve Clearwater County’s 2025 capital budget, excluding broadband and the Hamlet of Caroline totaling $41,294,355 funding of $8,006,855 through capital revenues and $33,287,501 being funded through restricted surplus transfers.
Councillor Neil Ratcliffe and Jordon Northcott voted in opposition and the motion was carried.
Councillor Daryl Lougheed made the motion for council to approve the four-year Financial Plan. Councillors Jordon Northcott, Genny Mehlhaff and Neil Ratcliffe voted against the motion and it was carried.
Finally, reeve Michelle Swanson made the motion for the council to approve the 10-year Capital Plan. That motion was approved with councillors Genny Mehlhaff, Neil Ratcliffe and Jordon Northcott voting against. |