The Mountaineer - Rocky Mountain House, Alberta, Canada
© 2007 The Mountaineer Publishing Company Limited.

Rocky Figure Skating Club hosts regional competition
By Brittany Willsie 
Staff Reporter 

Over the weekend, the Rocky Figure Skating Club hosted the Central Region STARSkate Invitational at the Bunch and Quick Lane arenas at the Rocky Regional Recreation Centre. 
There were 320 skaters registered to compete over the two-day event, with the competition kicking off at 9 a.m. on Saturday, Feb. 5 and coming to a close at 4 p.m. on Sunday.
Four local skaters competed. It was the first competition in two years for Ayla Ljunggren, Alexis Harriott, Tanika Smallboy and Alexa St. Onge.
“We were actually supposed to host this competition last year, but they were all cancelled,” said club president Nicole Heath. 
“I think everyone was really happy to be there as it was missed last year – it was nice to actually see the kids skate.” 
There was a wide age range at the STARSkate Invitational, with six year old skaters taking the ice and adult skaters.