- Rocky’s New Year baby was born to Charity Yellowface on January
- Katrina Grabner of Rocky was assisting in relief work in Thailand
after the devastating Boxing Day tsunami.
- Two llamas belonging the Connie and Matt Murphy family were killed
by a cougar.
- Due to a change in ownership the Sunpine LVL plant was renamed West
Fraser LVL.
- Darren Whitford was elected chief at the O’Chiese First Nation.
Councillors were Roy Bremner, Martin Ironbow, Cedric Whitford, Landi
Cunningham, Robert Strawberry and Barry Salteaux.
- Keely Johnston, Amy West and Patricia Parr won awards at Augustana
Faculty of the University of Alberta in Camrose.
- Rocky Search and Rescue received a mobile rescue winch with financial
help from STARS.
- A proposed team name change to the Predators from the Rebels for
the new West Central High School was hotly contested.
- The grand opening of the redeveloped post office building was held.
- 16-year-old Laura Weimar was recovering after a successful liver
- The 2005 budget showing a four per cent increase in spending was
approved by town council.
- The Canada World Youth exchange program hosted a fundraising Ukrainian
Festival for the Affordable Housing Board.
- Good Neighbours: Joanne McClintock and Dorraine Lonsdale.
- Died: Julia Duhamel, 77; Jean-Pierre Charmont, 73; Gerald Boutin,
65; Eileen Pullan, 81; Vern Neal, 57; Ken Dumont, 59; Alvina Ost, 65;
Al Parent, 71; Heather Layden 51; Bob Hinton, 85; Robert Inglis, 82;
Olive Thompson, 83.
- Barry Holmes was named Community Builder of the Year at the Chamber
of Commerce’s annual awards banquet. West Country Family Services
was recognized as the Corporate Service Award winner; Kandi Wyatt Junior
Achievement Award; Jeff Hartling of the Tamarack Motor Inn, Hospitality
Award; the Dabir Naqvi family, Community Service Award; the Nicolay
family, Farm Family of the Year.
- Organizers of the Ukranian Festival reported that about $9500 was
raised for the Rocky Affordable Housing Board.
- Parallax Energy Systems and Key Safety and Blowout Control merged
to form Key Monitoring Solutions Corporation.
- The Rebels name was officially reinstated for sports teams at the
new West Central High School.
- The rink of Murray Schroderus, Greg Miller, Dean Scott and Robert
Luoma won the 20th annual Farmers’ Bonspiel.
- The Farmerettes Bonspiel was won by Connie, Scott, Barb Matchett,
Pam Torwalt and Betty Ravio.
- Over 700 people enjoyed the annual Festival of Culture at the RMH
- Wild Rose School Division began recruiting foreign students for the
school division.
- Caroline Chamber of Commerce board of directors: Bob Briand, Cassidy
Crawford, Linda Vandermeer, Melanie Black, Dan Burger and Reg Dean.
- The Alberta Outfitters Association held its annual convention in
- Good Neighbours: Sandy Valstar; Ken and Sarina Jones; Ken Fowler.
- Died: Warren Teskey, 33; Al Regnier, 97; Wayne Erickson, 46; Vern
Clearwater, 82; Clara Rangen, 90.
- The name of the RMH Centre was changed to the Lou Soppit Community
Centre in honour of the former mayor.
- The Rocky Figure Skating Club held its annual skating carnival with
the theme “When I Grow Up.”
- The Canada World Youth Exchange participants finished their time
in Rocky.
- Carole Garnick returned from the Alberta 55+ Winter Games with four
- Will Sinclair High School band instructor Mark Friesen received the
Tommy Banks Award at the Alberta International Band Festival in Calgary.
- Meghan Hammell, 16, and Cassidy Dingman, 18, were fatally injured
in a car crash on Hwy. 22.
- MP Dale Johnston announced his plans to not seek election again.
- The Will Sinclair High School Rebels boys’ basketball team
won the 3A provincial championships.
- Boxer Kandi Wyatt won the Quebec Cup championship.
- Good Neighbours: Dean Harden; Joe and Mae Roselle; Dwight McNutt;
Mike and Gayle West.
- Died: Robert Misner, 51; Mabel Papineau, 79; Adele Matchett, 91;
Lloyd Moggy 41; Harry Fay, 76; Meghan Hammell, 16; Cassidy Dingman,
18; Nellie Luft, 69; Ken Lyon, 68; Dan Courtright, 42; Gertie Gold,
- Kandi Wyatt claimed the Canadian boxing title in her class at the
National Cadet Boxing Championships.
- Gaileen Irwin, Site Operations Manager for the RMH Historic Site,
left for a new job at the Gulf Island National Park Reserve off Vancouver
Island. Jerilyn Sambrooke was chosen as temporary site manager.
- Cole’s Auction Mart was demolished to make way for new stores
on the highway.
- Seven volunteers raised $13,000 for the Canadian Cancer Society by
having their heads shaved at the Rocky Co-op.
- Over 380 people took part in a fundraiser auction for Cathy Calliou.
- First Christian Reformed Church welcomed their new pastor, Len Batterink.
- The Midget B O’Chiese Flyers won the 2005 Bear Division hockey
- The Rocky Midget A Royals hockey team won the NCMHA Midget Tier 2
- Norm McCallum began duties as executive director of the Rocky Native
Friendship Centre.
- Next to New donated $23,000 to community groups.
- Sims & Associates and the Alberta Registries Office officially
opened their expanded office space on main street in the old Treasury
Branch building.
- Herb Wylhuizen was named the Rocky Ag. Society’s member of
the year at the annual Ag. Society banquet.
- The federal government announced it would invest $2.9 million in
new funding in the National Historic Site.
- Judi’s Clothing, operated by Judi Smith, opened on main street.
- Good Neighbours: Mark Lund; Ward and Denise Lund; Neva Brierley.
- Died: Elfrieda Kasparsons, 91; Bill Miller, 47; Freda Courtright,
92; Jason Heinemann, 29; Marie Hutchins, 81; Jim Arthur, 74; Henry Maki,
- 5000 people attended the Chamber of Commerce Trade Show.
- Northern Crossing presented this year’s musical, “All
4 One.”
- The Library moved to the old Opportunity Corps building during renovations.
- Hire A Student opened with Jamie Yalte as Employment Officer.
- Julia Johnston began work as Mountaineer summer reporter.
- Local agrologist John Reid was named agrologist of the Year by the
Red Deer branch of the Alberta Institutes of Agrologists.
- Alpine Drug Mart celebrated 40 years in business in Rocky.
- Ken and Wendy Fowler, airport managers, received Aviation Alberta’s
Airport Operator Award.
- Jean Vankoughnet had her name “The Post House” chosen
for the renovated post office building.
- Bill Symko retired from Ecole Rocky Elementary after more than 30
years as a teacher.
- Over 200 students took in the Ag. Theme Park at the arena complex.
- A brigade of canoes travelled from the Rocky Mountain House National
Historic Site to Fort Edmonton Park to deliver two beaver pelts and
two elk hides to Lt. Gov. Norman Kwong who accepted them for Queen Elizabeth
who was visiting to celebrate Alberta’s centennial.
- St. Matthew School celebrated the achievements of its final graduating
class. Chelsea Chisholm was valedictorian.
- Greg Somers and Hendrick van Dijk were elected to Caroline Village
Council in a byelection.
- Brady Mason was named Overall Grand Champion at the 4-H Show.
- Loyal Ma was selected by the Canadian Cycling Association as Commisar
of the Year.
- Ground breaking was held for the new COPE residence across from Ecole
Rocky Elementary.
- Good Neighbours: Davena Ma; Gordon and Angie Iverson.
- Died: Marta MacDonald, 91; Eric Franson, 94; Barbara Scott, 55; Jeannie
MacMillan, 50; Evelyn Hopp, 76; Edna Christensen, 72; Kathrin Falz,
24; Lorne Nelson, 54; Peter McGowan, 78; Lillian Gray, 85; Dr. Joe Semple,
82; Edward Hummel. 76.
- Will Sinclair High School held its official closing ceremony.
- Artist Gordon Wesley of the Kiska Waptan Nakota Bighorn Reserve had
three of his paintings accepted for display at the Calgary Stampede.
- David Hartley, principal of Caroline School, resigned after five
years there.
- New Chamber of Commerce board members were Val Clement, president;
Ryan Delaire, president-elect; Gerry Casroro, vice-president; Laurie
Harden, treasurer; Sandy Anderson, Ron Caine, Larry Cameron, Michael
Cummings, Gayle Mason, Ed Medeiros, Sheila Mizera and Randy Saler, directors;
Bud Duncan, Rocky Ag. Society representative.
- The area experienced the worst flooding on record after 150 mm (6
inches) of rain fell. At Rocky Mountain House the North Saskatchewan
River peaked at 4.5 metres above its normal average. Roads and bridges
throughout Clearwater County were seriously affected.
- A General Blessing and first Mass were held at the new St. Dominic
High School.
- Becky Hoppe of David Thompson High School achieved the title of Rodeo
Princess at the Alberta High School Finals Rodeo.
- Premier Ralph Klein, along with some cabinet ministers, toured flood
damage in Clearwater County.
- Town councillor Connie Eklund-deBoer resigned.
- The first annual ALS Walk was successfully held at Crimson Lake in
spite of torrential rain.
- The seventh annual Crohn’s and Colitis Heel ’n Wheel-a-thon
raised over $10,000.
- Jean Witwicki retired as coach of the Barracudas Swim Club after
serving on and off since 1984.
- The Mountain Rose Women’s Shelter celebrated its official opening.
- Enough land for 22 building lots in the LeCerf subdivision was sold
to SkyScrape Development.
- Good Neighbours: Rick, Artzen; Diane Caine; Shirley Needham.
- Died: Leo Remillard, 70; Don Hocken 68; Ben Gray, 85; Johnnie Proskow,
81; Marcel Cardinal, 55; Lawrence Polnau; Bruce Lemley, 45; Juanita
Cochrane, 48; Mary Davis, 89; Leonard Godkin, 76; Brian Leek, 60.
- Teachers at St. Matthew School earned a 2004/05 School Recognition
Award from the Canadian Association for Health, Physical Education,
Recreation and Dance.
- The final graduating class of Will Sinclair High School, numbering
131 students, held their ceremonies at the Voyageur Arena.
- Recognition was given at Canada Day celebrations to Alajoy Morris,
Elder of the Day; Wendy Hartley, Citizen of the Day; Neva Brierley,
Pioneer of the Day.
- Canada Day celebrations in Caroline enjoyed good attendance.
- Mountaineer editor Brian Mazza was awarded one of the International
Society of Weekly Newspaper Editors’ Golden Dozen editorial awards.
- Curtis Levinsky and Joel Yachimec were named to U16 Alberta Boys’
Rugby Team.
- Rocky Knights U16 boys soccer team took bronze at provincial championships.
- Communities in Bloom judges visited.
- Crystal Steeves won the Caroline Idol contest.
- Equestrian vaulter Hannah Marland qualified for the 2006 World Equestrian
Games to be held in Aachen, German.
- Lucky Springs Farm (Len and Sally Songer) won at the Calgary Stampede
Carcass Show.
- The North Saskatchewan Regiment was in town to pay respects to Ray
Zengel, V.C., who was a member of the regiment during the First World
- The Kamikawa student exchange group arrived from Japan.
- The Rocky Red Dogs men’s baseball team was Parkland Men’s
Baseball League Champion.
- Edward Jones representative Scott Gerlitz earned the Regional Leader’s
Award and the Partner’s Award.
- A new boat launch was installed at Burnstick Lake.
- Flood damage was estimated at $4 million.
- Good Neighbours: Amanda Haggert and Marty Umscheid.
- Died: Thomas Workman, 96; Antonia Nielsen, 37; Clifford Arnold, 87;
Juanita Cochrane, 48; Laverne Holmes, 62; Michael Mandelin, 17; Jack
Edgerton, 100; Caroline Beaverbones, 63; William Law, 60; John Cardinal,
79; Robert Tranmer, 51; Hugh Gold, 52.
- A plaque marking the Nordegg National Historic Site was unveiled.
- The Rocky Bantam AA Diamondbacks baseball team hosted and won the
provincial championship.
- The Sunchild men’s soccer team won the Indian Metis Soccer
Championship in North Battleford, Sask.
- Hockey School in Caroline ran with a full slate of skaters.
- The Rocky Aboriginal Employment Service moved into a new, larger
- Elephants from Circus Gatti were spotted grazing on Butte Hill.
- Music ’n Muscle in Caroline featured mini chuckwagon races
and a performance by George Fox.
- Sundre Forest Products, Spongberg Enterprises and B.W. Bouwman Plumbing
earned 2004 Best Safety Performer Awards.
- The Canadian Rocky Mountain Cruise-In took place in Rocky and raised
approximately $3500 for STARS.
- Crammond School held a homecoming at the hall.
- The Rocky Mountain House Reunion was held as an Alberta centennial
event and attracted over 170 people.
- Heidi Northcott and Royal Richardson were named to the baseball U13
Peewee Girls Baseball Team Alberta.
- Former Rocky resident Evelyn Zuberbier held an art show at the museum.
- Another successful David Thompson days was held.
- Rocky’s Linda Riley won an equestrian endurance race in Drayton
- Brand new West Central and St. Dominic High Schools opened to students
for the new school year.
- Cayley Moffat and Louise Veillard organized “A Night in Italy”
to raise almost $4400 for the Free the Children charity.
- The David Thompson Trail Run had record participation.
- Shelley Grenier and Kim MacDonald raised $7000 in the 60 km Weekend
to End Breast Cancer in Calgary.
- Caroline celebrated Alberta’s Centennial at the Homecoming,
which featured many events.
- Caroline Village Council heard from a delegation requesting more
public input regarding Village affairs.
- 22 new lots were made available in the LeCerf Phase III subdivision.
- Good Neighbours: Brenda Thompson, Dorothy Prenevost, Tracey Lainchbury;
The Hainsworth Family.
- Died: Bill Gray, 56; Steven Mason, 23; Bob Brown, 71; Gary Howard,
68; Carol Stewart, 52; Robert Stuart, 71; Jake Mehrer, 78; Alice Larsen,
90; Staenor Rahko, 90; Trinity Fillinger; Walter Fingler, 57; Ashley
Law, 16; Cathy Calliou, 47; Alice Larson, 90; John Roper 82.
- MLA Ty Lund was in town to help celebrate Alberta’s centennial.
Former mayor Lou Soppit served as one of 100 Alberta Centennial Ambassadors.
- New staff welcomed to Caroline School included Gerald Markovich,
Dean Pillchuk, principal Pat Teskey, Nora Reilander and Carol Verquin.
- High speed wireless Internet became available Caroline and area.
- The Next to New donated $22,000 to community organizations.
- Bill Symko won a council seat in a town byelection.
- The Caroline and District Chamber of Commerce held a public lunchtime
meeting featuring speakers MP Myron Thompson and Keith Anderson from
Parkland Agri Services.
- The R.L. Zengel, V.C. Branch No. 8 Royal Canadian .Legion distributed
approximately $22,000 to many community groups.
- The Hon. Norman Kwong, Lt. Governor of Alberta, presented a Coat
of Arms to West Central High School.
- A petition was presented to Caroline Village Council supporting the
status of the village.
- Local horse competitor Linda Chovin returned from the Canadian Nationals
in Regina with many titles.
- Local schools organized Terry Fox runs to raise money for cancer
research. Caroline staff, students and community members raised $940.85.
- Caroline School unveiled a new mascot and logo.
- The National Historic Site got new entrance gates.
- Lyle and Vinnie Adams stepped down after 13 years of organizing the
horseback poker rally at Caroline.
- Pine Hills Golf Course officially opened their new clubhouse.
- The Rocky Public Library reopened after extensive renovations.
- Rocky was awarded five blooms in the Communities in Bloom competition.
- A delegation from Rocky’s sister town, Kamikawa, Hokkaido Japan,
- Jeff Hartling earned the Paul Harris Fellow medal for his commitment
to the Rotary Club’s humanitarian principles.
- Wet weather caused more damage in the county.
- Frieda Kerik retired from Sobeys (formerly IGA) after 30 years.
- John Prockiw joined the Clearwater County Highway Patrol.
- Good Neighbours: Edna Cooper and Jean Stewart; Elsie Overguard; Bud
and Larea Groves.
- Died: Ike Adams, 87; Don Mitchell, 71; Niels Nielsen, 85; Rhona Larsgard;
Herby Garnett, 62; Scotty Mottus, 85; Charles Fleming, 87; Betty Bangle,
86; Brenda Pierce, 54.
- Former mayor Lou Soppit was appointed to the David Thompson Health
Region Foundation Board.
- Big Bend School was added to the Caroline Museum inventory.
- Rocky’s bullying bylaw earned the town an award for innovation
in the 2005 Minister’s Awards for Municipal Excellence.
- Rocky Christian School fundraisers made 1400 apple pies.
- A Suicide Prevention Workshop was attended by about 100 stakeholders.
- Japanese exchange students visited Rocky.
- A harvesting bee benefited the Canadian Food Grains Bank.
- Mayor’s Awards were handed out to Royal Richardson, Heidi Northcott,
Scott Hornstra, Richard Saarela and Dustin Northcott in sports; Ken
Fowler in performing arts; Carolyn Kent for outstanding citizenship;
Cayley Moffat and Louise Veillard for distinguished voluntary service;
Tom Machan for continuos voluntary service. The Mayor’ Special
Award went to the Rocky Reunion and Historical Society.
- The Caroline Ag. Society hosted Octoberfest featuring The Emeralds.
- The ribbon was cut at Confluence Campus for the official opening.
- Iris Stevens and Helen Willigar filed nomination papers for the byelection
to fill the vacancy on Caroline Village Council.
- The Caroline District Chamber of Commerce earned the 2004 Chamber
of the Year Award in the 1-50 category.
- Llyssa Peterson was presented the Kathryn Alstott Youth of the Year
Award at Caroline School awards night.
- Century 21 Westcountry Realty was named Small Business of the Year
by the Chamber of Commerce.
- Final awards night was held for Will Sinclair High School students.
- Groundbreaking was held for the new Ta Otha School on the Bighorn
- The Legion Ladies’ Auxiliary donated a total of $9000 to various
community organizations.
- David Thompson High School held their awards night.
- Local Rocky firefighters received medals for service.
- Western Wheels made a total of $2136 in donations to local charities.
- Linda Chovin was declared overall champion at the U.S. Sport Horse
National Championships in Lexington, Virginia.
- Canadian Tire held their grand opening.
- Died: Ruth Teskey, 83; Florence Domagala, 80; Grace Lougheed, 85;
Bethyl Hay, 79; Larry Roberts, 51; Ricky Mason, 45; Jim Dickson, 79;
Jerry Verhaeghe, 74; Howard Waunch, 29; Loretta Aske, 84; Herb Sinclair,
81; Rosanna Pengelly.
- Dwight Oliver was named County reeve.
- Christine Nordhagen, world champion and Olympic wrestler, spoke to
students at Caroline School.
- John and Cheryl Hildebrand earned a safety award for their “Push
Off 2000” invention.
- Eleanor Pengelly resigned as Village of Caroline administrator.
- Local electricians Gord Van’t Bosch and Peter deBruyn earned
a provincial medal for their efforts in apprenticeship for young electricians.
- The Caroline Royal Purple Fall Supper served 141 people.
- Linda Granfield, author of various war books, visited the Rocky Public
- Archeologists held a dig at the RMH National Historic Site.
- The Nazarene Church in Caroline celebrated the church expansion.
- The Victim Services Unit marked its 10-year anniversary.
- Sunchild E-Learning School earned the Conference Board of Canada’s
Community Learning Award.
- November was proclaimed Family Violence Prevention Month.
- Rocky Mountain House Memorial Public Library celebrated the opening
of its newly renovated facility.
- Rocky’s Kari Bailey was featured on The Miracle Channel’s
“.WavFile” interview show.
- Caroline’s 10th annual Rhythm and Rhyme Festival was a success.
- A public forum looked at policing issues in Caroline.
- There was a large turnout for Remembrance Day ceremonies at the Lou
Soppit Centre and in Caroline.
- Glen Pitman was hired as interim CAO for the Village of Caroline.
- Operation Christmas Child collected over 800 boxes locally for distribution
to needy children in other countries. Caroline School contributed another
128 parcels to the program.
- The Rocky Hospital Auxiliary donated $10,000 to the hospital’s
endoscope project.
- The Canada World Youth group was back in Rocky.
- Damages from the June flood were reassessed to $5.9 million.
- Trevor Bertagnolli and Scott Allen received medals for completing
the Red Cross Learn to Swim Program.
- The Crammond Hall Beef Supper was attended by 150 people.
- Mellisa Hollingsworth-Richards won a World Cup skeleton race in Calgary
and placed second at Lake Placid to qualify for the 2006 Winter Olympics
in Turin, Italy.
- The St. Dominic Huskies won their senior boys’ volleyball league.
- George Chuvalo, sponsored by Rocky Victim Services, spoke to more
than 1300 people in Rocky and to the Sunchild and O’Chiese First
Nations about drug abuse and suicide awareness and prevention.
- Barb Proudler received an Alberta Centennial Medal.
- Teen Challenge Alberta; The Proven Cure for the Drug Epidemic was
in Rocky delivering their message at Rocky Christian School.
- Helen Willigar won the Caroline Village Council byelection.
- Figure skater Bryce Burndred earned a spot on the Alberta Development
Team after qualifying at the BMO Sectional Championships in Edmonton.
- Dustin Coleman of Caroline School won a heifer calf in an essay program
sponsored by the Canadian Angus Foundation.
- North Saskatchewan River Park keys were turned over to Stampede Board
president Lorrie McMeekin.
- Gerry Grieve was reappointed mayor and Marjorie Peters was appointed
deputy mayor of Caroline Village Council, both by acclamation.
- Caroline Village Council voted to ask the Minister of Municipal Affairs
for a dissolution study.
- The Town of Rocky took the unusual step of advertising in Atlantic
Canada for workers.
- Chelsea Chisholm was awarded the Governor General’s Medal at
the final awards night for St. Matthew Catholic High School.
- The Walking Eagle Inn was recognized at this year’s Alto Awards
for its innovative marketing of tourism packages.
- St. Matthew Catholic School hosted professional writing coach Betty
- Rocky’s Catholic schools held a thirst-a-thon and raised approximately
$11,400 to purchase biosand water filters for families in Cambodia and
- Reader’s Haven at the Pioneer School library opened for the
enjoyment of all students. Students paid for much of the work with proceeds
from a magazine subscription campaign.
- West Central High School.Rebels footfall players Leroy Alberta, Shane
Atwater, Sheldon Levinsky and Scottie McLeod were selected as all-stars
at the Central Alberta League’s 2005 all-star banquet.
- The Rocky PeeWee A Vipers, Drayton Valley United Truck Rebels and
Rocky Ice Devils won their respective divisions of the Blaine Chambers
Memorial PeeWee Hockey Tournament.
- Brayden Friesen won gold in Division 8 at a speedskating event in
Red Deer.
- West Central High School hosted a joint jazz concert with the Pioneer
Jazz Bands.
- Scott Whiting was appointed Site Operations Superviser at Rocky Mountain
House Historic Site of Canada.
- Good Neighbours: Doug Zeigler; Donna Nicholson and John Veldman;
Vic Gale.
- Died: Alice Graham, 71; Veral Sims, 81; Theresa LeCerf (nee McNelis),
86; Sylvia Walker, 79; Kenneth Gardiner; Robert Robinson, 41; Ensio
Schroderus, 74; Olga Paulson, 92; Ken (Teddy) Colosimo, 76; Mildred
Moore, 79; Stewart Paisley, 73.
- Caroline and District Athletic and Ag. Society held their annual
general meeting.
- Another successful Parade of Lights was held.
- The Alberta Government hosted an information session regarding the
new Smoke Free Places Act.
- Michael Bristow, son of Dr. Stan and Mary Beth Bristow, was admitted
to the degree of Master of Science, Engineering Department of Electrical
and Computer, University of Calgary.
- Scott Gerlitz of Edward Jones earned the Pacesetters Award.
- Rocky Barracudas swim club hosted the Central Alberta Region Jr.
Circuit Meet #2.
- Rocky PeeWee A Vipers won a tournament in Lamont.
- Jessica Jackshaw completed the Red Cross Swim Kids 10 Learn to Swim
- Area candidates started their campaigns for the upcoming federal
- Immanuel Lutheran Church staged its 25th annual Pageant of Christ’s
Birth, to the delight of hundreds of people.
- Ecole Rocky Elementary hosted an art workshop for students, staff
and parents, featuring an artist from Edmonton.
- Rocky’s SADD Chapter held a candlelight vigil at St. Dominic
Catholic High School.
- Northern Crossing presented scholarships to Brandi Sidoryk, Jesslyn
Miller, Rae Veillard, Grant Pulay and Jamie Meyers.
- Mellisa Hollingsworth-Richards placed second at a Skeleton World
Cup race in Ingls, Austria and third at a race in Sigulda, Latvia.
- Caroline School choirs sang at the Festival of Trees in Red Deer.
- Canada World Youth held a mid-project retreat at the Centre for Outdoor
Education in Nordegg.
- St. Matthew Catholic School held its Christmas concert.
- The Songer family did well at the Canadian Western Agribition in
- Next to New donated $29,500 to various community groups, bringing
the year’s total to $74,500.
- Pioneer School initiated a program where Gr. 7 students visit Clearwater
Centre residents once a week.
- Becky Bristow’s DVD, A Russian Wave, was released.
- Mountainview Dental Clinic collected 182 plush animals for Santas
- The Christmas edition of The Mountaineer, at 80 pages, was the largest
edition published since May 1981.
- Northern Crossing presented their annual Christmas program to a very
appreciative audiences.
- Wild Rose School Division reported a $1 million surplus.
- St. Matthew/St. Dominic Band concert was attended by an almost standing
room only crowd.
- Rocky public Library opened a black and white photography display
by the Alberta Diversity Association.
- Vic Michel received the Alberta Centennial medal for his volunteer
efforts with the R. L. Zengel V.C. Legion Branch #8
- Helen Willigar was officially sworn in as Caroline’s newest
counciller after winning a byelection.
- Westward Goals achieved full accreditation for adult and children’s
- Good Neighbours: Donna Dukart, Tom Moffat and children.
- Died: Stewart James Paisley; Fred J. Perrault, 81; Erna Wolter; Ken
Reed, 79; Muriel Foesier, 91; Everett Bowers, 68; Gerald Maitland-Smith,
70; Gus Hobmaier, 72; Carol Bednarz, 54; Florence Marshall, 99.