Year in Review - 2007


  • Lucas Ernest Alexander Davis, son of Fallon Davis was Rocky’s New Year’s baby, born January 2, 2007 at 11:23 p.m.
  • The West Central Alumni Tournament was won by the team of players from 1998-2002 for the 2nd year.
  • Weather conditions were favorable for the Rocky Barnstormers Remote Control Flying Club annual January 1st Fun Fly.
  • High winds caused damage in the area. Sustained winds of 100-120 kph were reported.
  • RDC announced new programs for Rocky’s Confluence Campus.
  • Caroline School honoured Kris Russell for his success at the World Junior Hockey Championships.
  • Mountaineer Reporter Stephanie Douglas earned the Canadian Medical Association/Canadian Nurses Association Media Award for Excellence in Local Print Reporting for her coverage of the area’s Suicide Prevention Initiative.
  • New O’Chiese Council was sworn in. Members are: Douglas Beaverbones, Leslie Yellowface, Darren Whitford, Martin Ironbow, Cedric Whitford and Cleon Strawberry.
  • Rocky gymnast Dylan Patsula came home from a meet in Calgary with 5 medals and 2 ribbons.
  • Died: Henry Orava, 75; Petra Croft, 62; Betty Hogberg, 74; Donald Davis, 91; Betty Quintel, 57; Dorothy Bancroft,85; Anita Lubben, 50; Una Otto, 78; Alberta Williams, 88; Rune Olson, 84; Eugene Kruger, 75; Mrytle Murgatroyd, 103; Raymond Beagle, 88; Emma Op denDries, 76; Theresa Malaka; Charlotte McDonell, 95; Margaret Foster, 88; Maurice McMeekin, 72; Letha Scott, 87; and Ken Kissick, 71.
  • Good Neighbour: Christine Merrills.


  • Very successful Farmers’ and Farmerettes’ Bonspiels were held.
  • Husky Oil Operations donated $1200 to various local organizations.
  • Shell Canada donated $2000 to the Rocky Nordic Ski Club.
  • Haukedal Enterprises and ESSO donated $6500 to the Rocky Stampede Board.
  • Frisco Dinner Theatre put on another successful production.
  • Ecole Rocky Elementary, in conjunction with the Alberta Society of Artists hosted an exhibit titled “Life Near Gjoa Haven.”
  • Canada World Youth marked the Chinese New Year with “A Taste of China.”
  • Romance n’ Roses, a fund-raiser for Mountain Rose Women’s Shelter was a success again this year.
  • More than 500 people turned our for Family Day fishing on Cow Lake.
  • A successful Festival of Culture was held at the Lou Soppit Community Centre.
  • Local boxer Kandi Wyatt won a national title in the female cadet division in St. Catharines, Ontario.
  • 51 climbers took part in the 2007 edition of the Nordegg Tri-Ice-A-Thon.
  • Scouting in Rocky celebrated 50 years in Rocky.
  • Died: Alma Gray, 89; Robert Freitag, 73; Alma Gibb, 82; Frances Klein, 59; Len Colosimo, 71; Yvonne Loomis, 68; Robert Shafer, 52; Sam Mercia, 75; Frank Long, 68; Alda Kendrick, 99; Tom McLellan, 89; Robert Croteau, 16; Ed Penna, 54; Bluestone Yellowface, 78; Max Vandenbrink, 76 and Neil Smith, 89.
  • Good Neighbour: Dallas Sinclair; Cliff Johnson; Myrna and Brian Cermak.


  • The community was shocked and sadden by the sudden passing of Mountaineer Editor Brian Mazza.
  • Rotary Exchange Student Zulma Bogio addressed local Rotarians.
  • Canada World Youth group left Rocky after a three month stay.
  • Rocky Credit Union donated $1250 to local schools for their nutrition programs.
  • Caroline’s Help Line marked 20 years of service.
  • Rocky Chamber of Commerce awards were handed out: Community Builder was Bud Duncan; Humanitarian Award to Bob and June Ekelund; Community Service Award to Darry Gruntman; Farm Family was Burdett and Lousie Bystrom; Hospitality Award to Grandview Stage; Corporate Service to Keyera Strachan Gas Plant; Small Business over 21 employees to Rocky Credit Union; Small business 1 to5 employees to Jackie’s Travel Getaways; Small Business 6 to 20 employees to Rocky Bottle Depot.
  • WCHS was the host school for the 3A High School Provincial Basketball Championships.
  • Husky Energy donated over $26,000 to various local organizations.
  • Janelle Kerik and Stephanie Ernewein earned U of A scholarships.
  • Rocky Pro Rodeo’s tarp sale was a huge success.
  • Rocky and District Chamber of Commerce Visitor Centre won RV West’s Silver Choice Award for Favourite Visitor Info Centre in Alberta.
  • David Thompson Alumni Basketball Tournament drew 110 players.
  • Rocky Minor Hockey held their awards night. Along with players from each team the following people were recognized for their commitment to the organization: Sarina Johnson-Jones, Brenda Nicolay, Don Gordon and Alisa Kruger.
  • Caroline School students raised over $1500 for cancer.
  • Died: Brian Mazza, 45; Claire Henshaw, 75; Peter Krohn, 67; Harold Jameson, 87; Roy Tubbs, 90; Elaine Delbeke, 60; Bertha Brownlie; Helen Sawyer, 87; Kayanne Baxter, 39; Beulah Tomplains, 86; Louis Rollier, 71; Leonard (Tank) Knox, 62 and John Hutchinson, 72.
  • Good neighbour: Sherry Casperson; Nellie Aasman; Thelma Laut.


  • Rocky’s Museum earned Recognized Museum status.
  • Rocky’s Scotiabank branch celebrated the corporation’s 175th anniversary.
  • The Rocky Rams won the Sr. B Provincial Championship.
  • The “Hellfire” rink of Bob Booth, Darwin Fuller, Phil Harstead and Steve Fowler won the Oilmen’s Bonspiel. Booth was also named to the all-star team and Most Valuable Player. 100 teams took part in the 2007 edition of the ‘spiel.
  • Rocky’s Curves for Women collected 4589 pounds of food for the Lord’s Food Bank.
  • Bo Jangles Studio held their 6th annual dance recital to a packed house.
  • Rocky Christian School students and staff took part in the 30 hour Famine.
  • A public meeting was held in Caroline regarding the Dissolution Study.
  • Construction was started on the Clearwater Boys and Girls Club dream home.
  • More than three dozen people attended an info meeting of the Community Child Care Group.
  • Shane Goodrunning, Devon Hudey and Justin Krabben, Rocky Minor Hockey alumni were members of the Red Deer Elite 15
  • Northstars who won their Provincial Championship.
  • Rocky’s baseball clinic was well-attended with stations highlighting hitting and pitching.
  • A tentative deal was reached averting a teachers’ strike at the last minute.
  • The Youth Employment Centre, reopened with Dixie McLeod in charge.
  • Caroline Wranglers “Small Town Smack Down” was a sold out success.
  • West Country Family Services recognized their volunteers at a luncheon.
  • Died: Shirley Von Hollen, 71; Bessie Williams, 85; Bernice Clayton and Sylvia Wells, 70.
  • Good neighbour: Joyce Laut; Gillian and Brian Metson and Juan Herrera.


  • Rocky Co-op donated $1200 to West Country Family Services.
  • Rocky Credit Union Donated $1000 to Rocky Search and Rescue.
  • Northern Crossing opened their production of Carousel, dedicated to Brian Mazza.
  • Rocky Trade Show had 110 vendors showing their wares to between 3200 and 3500 people.
  • The Mountaineer welcomed Nathalie Nobert as the student reporter for the summer.
  • Next To New donated $34,000 to various local organizations and charities.
  • Rocky welcomed new rec director Todd Becker to town.
  • First Christian Reformed Church sent a group to Mexico to help build a vacation Bible School.
  • Rocky Legion bowlers did themselves proud with a very successful trip to the District Four Tournament.
  • The 2007 edition of the Agriculture Theme Park was attended by nearly 400 students.
  • A rogue funnel cloud demolished a shed under construction just west of Caroline.
  • WCFSA received a cheque from Challand Pipeline in the amount of $10,000.
  • Shelly Rae Sitala received a Certificate of Commendation for her outstanding service to scouting.
  • Debbie Gastongauy and Rita Hillier received a Medal of Merit for their involvement in the Scouting movement.
  • Vandals struck the Junior Forest Wardens clubhouse again causing extensive damage.
  • Brogen Solberg won a Junior Provincial gold medal in Taekwondo.
  • Sea Cadets held their annual parade night featuring promotions and service awards.
  • Caroline School won the 1J CWJHAA badminton title.
  • Bighorn Stampede enjoyed good crowds in spite of damp conditions.
  • Ground was broken for the Sunchild School addition.
  • West Central High School student J.B. Moore earned $14,000 in scholarships form the U of A.
  • Luke Titford raised the 4-H Show and Sale overall grand champion; Haylee Katona had the overall reserve champion; Hanna Lund had the North Champion and Melissa Geduha had the North reserve champion.
  • West Central High Band brought home gold from the Seattle trip.
  • Died: Clarence Tensen, 82; Harold Ayre, 82; Donald Gallant, 48; Annette (Paton) Gallant, 51; Floyd Bascom, 66; Alysha Nuttall, 15; Juliana Lawson; Doug Kaiser.


  • Zellers donated $1400 to the Rocky Health Centre.
  • The Over 60 Club donated $2000 to the Rocky Legion.
  • Ecole Rocky Elementary School released young Rainbow Trout that they had raised in their science class into Twin Lakes.
  • Rocky’s Rodeo was a success in spite of some wild weather.
  • The Clearwater River jumped its banks resulting in major flooding to farms in the Butte area.
  • Neva Brierley was honoured with the Minister’s Seniors Service Award for her volunteerism.
  • Former Rocky resident, Chief Petty Officer 1st Class Richard Devlieger received the insignia as Member of the Order Of Military Merit.
  • Rocky Search and Rescue hosted the 10th Annual Provincial Conference attracting about 150 people.
  • Northrock Resources donated $4000 to four local organizations/
  • Grade 6 students from Rocky marked 40 years of trips to Goldeye.
  • The Frisco Ladies Club donated $1500 to two local charities.
  • 32 paddlers took part in the Whitewater Classic at the Brierley Rapids.
  • World-class aerobatics coach, Sergie Boriak, visited Rocky’s Airport and put on a clinic.
  • Stu Salkeld was named Editor of The Mountaineer.
  • Caroline residents said “no” to dissolution of the Village.
  • Clearwater County stepped in to temporarily stop the flooding in the Butte area.
  • A colourful National Aboriginal Day celebration was held at Lochearn School.
  • Shell donated $30,000 to Caroline School to help with the purchase of a new minibus.
  • Trans Canada Pipeline donated $5350 to local organizations.
  • Rocky Knights Soccer hosted 52 teams at the 2007 Provincial Qualifying Playdowns Tournament.
  • Died: Ann Vary, 77; Jack Loucks, 84; Grant Qually, 33; Ted Graham, 75; Michael Bunch, 33; Harold Lindquist, 90; Louisa Rodgers, 92; George O’Brien; Maureen Campbell, 75; Doris Beller; James Heron, 95; Ivan Christiansen, 77; Margaret Downs, 91; Bryan Crawford, 85.
  • Good Neighbour: Barb Proudler


  • Local high schools celebrated graduation.
  • Many people celebrated Canada Day at the National Historic Site and the North Sask. River Park. Honourees were: Pioneer of the
  • Day – Lawrence Stewart; Elder of the Day – May Bouvette and Youth of the Day – Thomas Zeigler
  • The Children’s Fish Pond was restocked with over 600 fish for the second time this year.
  • The Rocky Bantam Diamondbacks won the provincial round-robin tournament in preparation for the Provincial Championship.
  • The Thompson Country Horse Trails were a huge success.
  • Crimson Lake was hit with high winds that caused damage to trees and personal property.
  • Rocky National Historic Site hosted a successful Brigade Days.
  • The Mountaineer welcomed new reporter Jennifer Sputek.
  • Husky donated $45,000 in proceeds from their golf tournament to three local organizations.
  • The Hart Oilfield Rocky U-18 soccer team won the Under The Lights Tournament in Camrose.
  • The Rocky Bantam Diamond backs took silver at Provincials.
  • The Midget AA Sun Devils won gold at Provincials.
  • Caroline Council met new school principal Nathan Moore
  • A new OHV By-law was approved.
  • Rocky welcomed members of the Kamikawa Rocky Mountain House student exchange program.
  • Died: Wava Minks, 78; Evelyn MacDonald, 97; Mel McRae, 74; Bill Klassen, 70; Edna Chapin, 71; Hazel Varty, 83; Patricia McTaggart, 54; Bertha Gray, 91; Faunie Martin, 74 and Al LeCerf, 67.
  • Good neighbour: Grace Qually; Marvin Peterson and Carol Visotto.


  • Kandi Wyatt won her third consecutive world championship belt at the Ringside World Championships in Kansas City, Missouri.
  • The 16th Annual Fat Tire Festival was held near Nordegg, attracting over 83 riders.
  • The Mountaineer welcomed Laura Shantora Nelles to the writing staff.
  • Rocky resurrected their bike patrol with patrol members Special Cst. Brent Craig, Special Cst. Levi Simcoe and RCMP Cst. Harold Smits.
  • A helicopter crashed into Abraham Lake – the pilot and two passengers swam to shore.
  • The 26th Annual Lion’s Club Demolition Derby was a smashing success.
  • St. Matthew Ramon Catholic Church welcomed Fr. Kazmirierz Kubat as their new priest.
  • Rural Beautification winners, were: Peter and Josephine Belder, Wes and Karen Saarela; Darrell and Shirley Ogilvie and Harvey and Jan Pedersen.
  • EnCana donated a total of $4000 to two local organizations.
  • Scott Hornstra accepted a baseball scholarship to Colby Community College in Kansas.
  • Jovita Byzitter, Curtis Levinsky and Emily Stearns were named to the National Rugby teams.
  • The inaugural Brian Mazza Trail Run was held in conjunction with David Thompson Days with approx. 230 participants.
  • David Thompson Days was deemed a success by organizers, participants and observers.
  • Caroline’s Tyson Denham won gold with Alberta’s Baseball team at the 2007 edition of the Western Canada Summer Games.
  • Rocky Town Council approved the purchase of defibrillators for the pool, curling rink and arenas.
  • Jovita Byzitter, Curtis Levinsky, Angie Seamen and Emily Stearns were part of the Alberta contingent at the 2007 Rugby Nationals in Newfoundland.
  • The 20th Annual Ag. Tour drew a great crowd.
  • Good Neighbour: Gerald and Diane Knott; Margaret Larsgard.
  • Died: Edna Ankle, 85; Betty Gare, 82; Jean-Marc Bilodeau, 67; Dixie Sorenson, 60; Matej Vavrek, 95; Blair Switzer, 52; Helen Lukashuk, 63; Cameron Wirda, 66 and Edith Umsheid, 82.


  • St. Matthew Catholic School welcomed new principal Al Libby to start the school year.
  • Superintendent Greg Thomas tendered his resignation from WRPS.
  • Rocky Pentacostal Church welcomed Pastor Dan Smallwood as their new pastor.
  • Rocky Flying Club’s Fly-In Breakfast attracted more than two dozen aircraft and numerous spectators.
  • Over 1,000 people attended Rocky’s 2007 Fall Registration Smorg.
  • Clint McHugh took over as the Director of the Rocky Aboriginal Employment Centre.
  • Rocky Victim Services held another successful golf tournament.
  • Town, County and School Board candidates began election preparations.
  • RNFC welcomed Merle White as their new Executive Director.
  • Terry Fox’s brother Darrell was at St. Matthew school to help kick off the annual run.
  • Good neighbour: Del Ramage and Donna Clark.
  • Died: Eldon Graham, 43; Iva McTavish, 87; Bernice Horseman, 73; Don Bruce, 62; Megan Brun, 20; Larry Stewart, 71.


  • Pioneer School raised approx. $1400 in Terry Fox Run.
  • The North Saskatchewan River Park lawsuit was settled.
  • Rocky Whirlaways donated $5000 to the Pioneer Centre.
  • Local elections saw some new faces voted in for Town, County, Caroline and School Board.
  • St. Matthew School raised $18,0007.38 for Terry Fox run.
  • West Central High School handed out about $100,000 in scholarship money at their annual awards night.
  • West Central football Rebels raised over $5000 for Cops for Cancer.
  • Western Wheels Car Show donated over $3000 to various local organizations.
  • Taqa North donated $2000 to local organizations.
  • Local schools scored well on provincial and diploma exams.
  • Bev Hammons was appointed Superintendent of Wild Rose Public Schools.
  • Pioneer School held a very successful Harvest Craft Sale.
  • Good Neighbour: David Wragg and Nola Morgan.
  • Died: Pat Poteet, 56; Vic Laventure, 71; Len Larson, 81; Clem Rilling, 90; Vic Evans; Lloyd Froehler, 82; Reuben Hoisington, 70; Carol Sarty, 73; Dave Gilbert, 75 and Duane Gillis, 44.


  • Members of Rocky scouting paid a visit to Legion veterans.
  • Rocky’s new Director of Finance, Barbara Bunt, was hired.
  • Quinn Contracting donated $250,000 to Red Deer College’s Rocky Campus.
  • Approximately 600 people attended the Remembrance Day ceremony in Rocky.
  • 1129 shoeboxes were collected for shipment to children in underdeveloped countries.
  • John Hudak, Rocky ex-RCMP member, wrongfully accused of sexual assault received a settlement and public apology from both the provincial and federal levels of government.
  • The Junior Forest Wardens’ cabin was vandalized for the fourth time this year.
  • Local signer Amber Williams was the Grand Winning Act at the Country Vocal Finals in Edmonton.
  • The Health Centre Gala raised $169,000 with their annual dinner.
  • China Night raised about $15,000 for the band trip.
  • Tammy Cote was named as ATB Financial’s Rocky branch manager.
  • Bunch Projects donated $50,0000 to Red Deer College.
  • Died: Randy Verhaghe, 51; Edith Killick, 94; Anne McKervey, 75; Alex Boguski, 88; Helen Hamilton, 78; Ronnie MacAulay; James Hebb, 59; Allan Sailer, 72; Johanna Wetsteyn, 69; Lenard Oliver, 77; Vic Evans, 78; Liz Beckett, 72; Craig Fos, 41.


  • The Parade of Light was a chilly success.
  • The Rocky SADD Candlelight Vigil attracted approximately 50 people.
  • Santa’s Workshop attracted 555 people who visited a variety of “crafty” work stations.
  • Chay Stearns, 14, earned his black belt in Karate.
  • Melissa Hollingsworth Richards won silver at the World Cup Skeleton Race at Canada Olympic Park in Calgary.
  • The Rocky Legion Ladies’ donated $9250 to various local non-profit organizations.
  • Rocky Rams Junior Forest Wardens were the recipients of $4850 from generous local companies.
  • A fire at the Clearwater County shop in Leslieville resulted in approximately $500,000 damage.
  • Next to New donated $53,000 to various local organizations and charities.
  • Over 200 stuffed toys were collected by Mountainview Dental Clinic for Santa’s Anonymous.
  • Northern Crossings “A Lamplighter’s Christmas” was enjoyed by many.
  • Wade Hansma lost his nearly completed shop for the second time in less than 12 months this time to fire.
  • Crystal Huizinga has been named Program Co-ordinator of the Clearwater Girls and Boys Club.
  • Died: Nelson Jenkins, 51; Bob Donner, 92; Alex Matchett, 63; Arnold Keddy, 44; Molly Schafer, 84; Cliff Lowry, 67; Swani Martin, 95 and Marjorie Farnham.