Year in Review - 2008

January 2008

  • Rocky’s New Year baby was Anika Dorothy Land, daughter of Eddie and Sasha Land.
  • West Country Family Services surpassed their fundraising goal thanks to a generous anonymous donor.
  • Rocky RCMP detachment welcomed Chris Matechuk as the new sergeant.
  • Melissa Hollingsworth won her second Canada skeleton title in Calgary.
  • Twenty-four teams took part in the Town and Country bonspiel at the Rocky Curling Rink.
  • The Mountaineer welcomed new reporter Natalie Clewley to the staff.
  • Janell Krabben of the Rocky Bantam She-Devils hockey team and her coach, Wendall Mason, were both named to the Zone 4 team for the Alberta Winter Games.
  • Firefighters were kept busy fighting a fire at M. Pidherney Trucking in –40°C temperatures.
  • Wild Rose Public Schools ratified a five-year deal with its teachers.
  • Red Deer Rebels Luke Egener and Mark Louis made an anti-drug presentation at Pioneer School.
  • Good Neighbours: Richard Artzen; Darryl Trahan.
  • Died: Charles Brzak, 82; Lisa King, 53; Jim Payne, 79; Wayne Webster, 60; John Van Son, 80; Wendy Friesen, 44; Nellie Holroyd, 89; David Morgan, 45; Alfred Payne, 83; Ty Briault, 30; Loraine McLeod, 67; Arthur Patterson, 94; Jean Charters, 76; Helen Greer, 93; Marle Shantz, 59; Irene Pittendreigh, 93.


  • Kandi Wyatt won her fourth Canadian boxing title.
  • Doug Ritchie, David Hadley and Roland Curll were presented with plaques in recognition for their efforts during a rescue in September 2007.
  • Community Connections Child Care Centre held its grand opening.
  • Laramie Hollingsworth won a gold medal at the Golden Gloves boxing tournament in Calgary.
  • The Farmers’ and Farmerettes’ bonspiels were both successes.
  • David Thompson High School celebrated its 50th anniversary.
  • Caroline hosted an all-candidates forum for those running in the provincial election.
  • The Parks and Rec. Dept. held a successful Festival of Culture.
  • A benefit auction for Chantelle Long, daughter of Regan and Lori Long, was attended by 400 people and was deemed a huge success by organizers.
  • Good Neighbour: Marnie Langford.
  • Died: Frank Bertagnolli, 44; Marlene Ketchum, 57; Helen Shon, 63; Harold Hall, 97; Patricia Harrowby, 46; Ruth Hopper, 86; Iola Chappell; Max Hauch, 74; Florence Lougheed, 85; Mark Steenbergen, 43; Julia Morrison, 48; Merle Neal, 74; George Levinsky, 62.


  • April Wandler was the winner of the Rocky Boys and Girls Club Dream House raffle.
  • Ty Lund rode the Progressive Conservative wave to victory in the provincial election.
  • The Rocky Figure Skating Club hosted the Star Skate Championship with 297 skaters competing.
  • Sustainable Resource Development moved 80 elk from Elk Island National Park to an area west of Nordegg.
  • At the annual banquet, the Rocky Chamber of Commerce presented awards to Civic Tire, Small Business of the Year; Francis Baich, Service Excellence; Lorrie McMeekin, Community Builder; Challand Pipeline, Corporate Service; and Caroline Snowmobile Club, Hospitality Award.
  • Mayor’s Awards presented at the Chamber banquet went to Phyllis Loewen, Continuous Voluntary Service; Meike Wolfs, Continuous Voluntary Service; and Leah Collinge for Distinguished Voluntary Service. The volunteers of the Next to New earned the Mayor’s Special Award.
  • Rocky Credit Union donated $2000 to various area schools to support their breakfast programs.
    MP Blaine Calkins paid a visit to Rocky Town Council.
  • 40 people took part in the eighth annual Nordegg Tri-Ice-a-Thon.
  • Over 400 people attended Am Braighe’s third job fair and checked out the 33 exhibitors on hand.
  • Pat McDonald was inducted into the Shooting Stars High School Coaching Hall of Fame.
  • Good Neighbours: Maria Tweedle; Dennis and Joyce Neilson; Ken Featherstone; Judy Bott.
  • Died: Maxine Kreutzer, 62; John Walker, 77; Ruth Metzger, 77; Reg Morrish, 81; Gerald Kujala, 65; Donna Brown, 64; Gerry Ouwens, 83; Jessie Tose, 91; Glenn Bader, 63; Albert Jensen, 81; Molly Doel, 89; Ethel Marsolais, 76; Lorne Gaetz, 77.


  • Nearly 100 teams participated in the Rocky Oilmen’s Bonspiel.
  • Rocky Rams hockey team successfully defended their Senior B Provincial Championship.
  • Rocky band students returned home from a successful trip to China.
  • Fire damaged four houses in the Creekside subdivision.
  • Rocky’s Speed Skating Club celebrated 20 years of skating.
  • Darrell Constantinoff, Director of Operations, and Brian Irmen, County Manager, tendered their resignations to Clearwater County Council.
  • Rocky Bantam AA goaltender Cody Nicolay came home with a gold medal from the Bantam U-14 tournament in Czech Republic.
  • A fire set by vandals destroyed the buildings at the new rodeo grounds at the North Saskatchewan River Park.
  • Martha Kostuch, a Rocky veterinarian active in the environmental movement, passed away.
  • Northern Crossing presented a successful spring musical, “Jesus Christ Superstar.”
  • Ron Leaf was selected to succeed Brian Irmen as Municipal Manager for Clearwater County.
  • Students from St. Dominic High School gave a community presentation on their recent trip to Mexico.
  • MLA Ty Lund presented a cheque for $75,000 from the provincial government to the Rocky Band Parents to cover expenses for the bands’ trip to China.
  • Kim Neilson was awarded the Life Member award at the Rocky Ag. Society’s annual banquet. Marlene Korver and Mary Fredine were recognized for their participation at the Ag. Theme Park.
  • Yard Beautification Awards presented at the annual Ag. Banquet went to Harv and Jan Pederson, Peter and Josephine Belder,
  • Wes and Karen Saarela, Darrell and Shirley Ogilvie.
  • Died: Darcy Watters, 40; Ralph Bruinsma; Lorne Peters, 75; Hugh Allan, 79; Alberta Dickson, 75; Joyce Bergh; Barbara Moore; Bertha Lammertsen, 85; Bob Antonation, 72; Julie Bagstad, 90; Wayne Farnham; Nephi Quist, 84; Max Vandenbrink, 76; Martha Kostuch, 58.


  • The Chamber of Commerce’s Trade Show was a success, with over 100 vendors taking part.
  • Nathalie Nobert began work as The Mountaineer’s summer student.
  • Many volunteers began rebuilding work at the rodeo grounds after it was damaged in a deliberately set fire in April.
  • An open house was held at Everdell Hall to celebrate the hall’s recent renovations.
  • Over 160 participants set off from Rocky on a journey to Thunder Bay, ON in the David Thompson Brigade bicentennial canoe trek.
  • An accident east of Caroline claimed the lives of Penny Oliver and Audrey Oliver. Injured in the accident were Clearwater County Reeve Dwight Oliver and his wife Donna.
  • Jessica Jones joined The Mountaineer’s summer reporting staff.
  • Next to New handed out many donations to community organizations.
  • The R. L. Zengel V.C. Branch No. 8 of Rocky presented lifetime memberships to Otto Lekosek, Doug Martin and Marinus Konynenbelt. Robert Currie was awarded the Meritorious Service Medal.
  • Lochearn School raised nearly $15,000 for the Heart and Stroke Foundation at their Jump Rope for Heart event.
  • A spring snowstorm caused icy road conditions in the area.
  • Clearwater County Councillor Pat Alexander took over duties as Reeve in Dwight Oliver’s absence.
  • Tracy King was appointed manager of Community and Support Services.
  • The Ladies’ Hospital Auxiliary celebrated 70 years of service to the community.
  • Local nurse Joyce Ritchie travelled to Ottawa to receive the First Nations and Inuit Health Branch Nursing Award of Excellence.
  • The Rupert’s Land Festival, highlighting the life of David Thompson, consisted of various events in the community, including a Colloquium, events at the National Historic Site and a ceilidh.
  • The Red Deer Rebels hockey team picked up rights to local player Justin Krabben.
  • Rocky’s first Relay for Life raised over $200,000 for cancer research and support for those with the disease.
  • The trustees of Wild Rose Public Schools decided to hold a by-election in October to replace the late Gerald Kujala. Some parents and community members protested the decision, saying the by-election should be held earlier.
    Sylvia Pedrazzini, president of the Confluence Heritage Society, was presented with the Award of Merit by the Historical Society of Alberta.
  • Good Neighbours: Aftyn Reum; Joanne Leung.
  • Died: Phil Carpentier, 55; Guido D’Amico, 90; Audre Erickson, 69; Chick Demenuk, 90; Chester Visotto, 76; Don Zander, 50; Alvin Hanson, 56.


  • Over 200 people attended the Rotary Club’s Lobsterfest.
  • At the annual 4-H Show and Sale, Dennis Titford showed the Interclub Overall Grand Champion and the South Champion. Avery Erickson showed the North Champion Steer.
  • Ravenwood Farm Fresh Meats opened for business in Caroline.
  • The Rocky Fire Department will appear on the cover of The Fire Within 2009 Calendar.
  • Doran Stewart Oilfield Services celebrated 25 years of business.
  • In spite of cool weather the Rocky Rodeo was a success in the rebuilt grounds.
  • Edward and Mark Kostuch accepted a special achievement award at the Emerald Foundation Awards Night on behalf of their mother, the late Martha Kostuch.
  • The Leslieville Elks Club donated $15,000 to the Clearwater Centre.
  • Many competitors took part in the Loggers Sports Show.
  • Nominated as slate of directors for the Rocky Chamber of Commerce were Larry Cameron, president; George Kleskin, vice-president; Millie Holmes, treasurer; Val Clement, past president; Laurie Fitchett, Kyla Eiffert, Judy Richardson, Marion Kostynuk, Mike Hofforth, Jerry Pratt and Tyler Graham, directors.
  • The Wilderness Studies 20 class at David Thompson High School won an environmental Emerald Award.
  • Phil Fontaine, Grand Chief of the Assembly of First Nations, visited Sunchild School to recognize the school’s nearly completed expansion.
  • Long-time Pioneer School principal Henry Stelmaschuk announced his retirement.
  • Sarah Sutherland of Rocky was named Miss Rodeo Sundre.
  • Good Neighbours: Sabrina Jessop; Hannah Jessop, Rod Wylhuizen.
  • Died: Nora Parker, 67; Don Lian, 72; Alice Syren, 82; Walter Killaly, 79; Winnie Wolf, 93; Jim Fink, 74; Ross Loblaw, 36; Joan Smith, 94; Kathleen Johnson, 91; Jessie Johnston, 92; Pearl Coombs, 95; Vergil Hallock 90; Roy Schmelzer, 88; Elmer Heringer, 78.


  • Eric Tait and Keith Warren, trustees for Wild Rose Public School, resigned.
  • Zachary Zuber gave the valedictory address at West Central High School graduation ceremonies.
  • Jean-Marc Nobert was valedictorian at St. Dominic High School graduation ceremonies.
  • Chelsea Mason and Brennan Smith shared valedictory duties at David Thompson High School graduation ceremonies.
  • The Frisco Dinner Theatre group donated proceeds from their 24th annual theatre presentation to Colton Hope and Chantelle Long.
  • Lochearn Gr. 3 teacher Richard Foote was nominated for a teaching award from the Association of Professional Engineers, Geologists and Geophisics of Alberta.
  • The Mountaineer Write-on Contest winners: Keanna Brouwer, Sydney Forsyth and Thomas Soodsma of Rocky Christian School, Rayan Jeffrey, Tia Mayhew, Amanda Simpson, Brady Laut, Leanna Warford and Rebecca Sevigny of Lochearn School.
  • At Canada Day celebrations held at the National Historic Site, Walter Atchison received the Citizen of the Day award; Joyce Brown, Pioneer of the Day; Carrie Mason, Elder of the Day; Zane Chisholm, Youth of the Day.
  • Rev. Ron Tiessen of Memorial Presbyterian Church retired.
  • Lorine Stevens and Gail Krabben, sisters of the late Brian Mazza of The Mountaineer, presented a scholarship in Brian’s memory at the International Society of Weekly Newspaper Editors annual conference in Detroit, Michigan.
  • Clayton Berg presented the valedictory address at Caroline School’s graduation ceremonies.
  • Levi Lloyd of the Rimbey area clinched the Wrangler Junior High Division Chute Dogging World championship in Gallup, New Mexico.
  • Sarah Sutherland won first place in a public speaking contest at the Calgary Stampede.
  • The Town erected a new electronic sign at the intersection of Hwy. 11 and 11A, to be used by non-profit groups to promote their activities.
  • The Junior Ladies Golf Provincial Championships were held at Pine Hills Golf Course.
  • The Thompson Country Horse Trials attracted many competitors.
  • The fifth annual Music Fest at Grandview Stage was a great success.
  • Larry Merrett of Fort St. John, BC died when his plane crashed west of Caroline.
  • Mountain Air Lodge, west of Sundre, was damaged in a suspicious fire.
  • Marjorie Yule won a 2008 Jeep from the Red Deer Hospital lottery.
  • Many local artists showed their works during the Rocky Studio Tour.
  • The David Thompson Brigade, which included many Rocky paddlers, completed their canoe journey from Rocky to Thunder Bay, ON.
  • The Rocky Sun Devils Midget baseball team won the gold medal at the provincial championships, held in Rocky.
  • Husky Energy’s annual charity golf tournament raised over $30,000 for local charities.
  • Christine Heggart was appointed CAO for the Village of Caroline.
  • Good Neighbours: Henry Huhn; Edith Janiszewski.
  • Died: Rita Hammonds, 55; Grant Wolf, 70; Ronald Anderson, 85; Gerry Kirstein, 53; Joel Barker, 61; Lawrence Von Hollen 82; Helen Wales, 90.


  • Leslieville Antique Days was again successful, drawing large crowds.
  • Civic Tire raised $2146 for the Canadian Cancer Society.
  • Mitch Ball worked as an umpire at the World Junior Baseball Championships, held in Edmonton.
  • The Lions Club held a successful demolition derby at the Rodeo Grounds.
  • Clearwater County Rural Beautification awards went to Carl and Mary-Ellen Wilson, active farm category; Helda Oastrom, retired farm category; Bruce and Colleen Stangl, acreage over 15 years.
  • Over 260 runners took part in the Brian Mazza 10-K Run at Crimson Lake.
  • The fifth Rocky Airshow was a success, bringing more than 8,000 people to the area.
  • Former Rocky resident Brad Stuart brought the Stanley Cup to town. Stuart is a member of the Stanley Cup champion Detroit Red Wings.
  • A busy David Thompson Days weekend included a bench show, special Farmers’ Market, pancake breakfast served by the Rocky
  • Lions at the Co-op, a Rotary Club family carnival, miniatures in Motion horse show, Main Street Festival, Western Wheels Show and Shine, Gymkhana Club All Breed Horse Show, ROAR Pet Parade, DT Days River Race, David Thompson Footsteps at the National Historic Site.
  • Rocky Youth in Action hosted a fundraiser at the Bard Theatre for Free the Children.
  • Local author Carrie Mason held a book signing of her book “My Girl . . . my baby girl.”
  • Died: Jack Cummerford, 65; Ralph Lewis, 78; Jon McMullin, 38; Richard Hare, 76; Steven Ellis, 46; Barrie Davis, 64; Marjorie Lindgren, 99; Dick Black, 94; Bob Brookes, Alice Mitchell, 95; Ray Cinnamon, 59.


  • Reporter Cameron Strandberg joined The Mountaineer staff.
  • Brothers Jeff and Keenan Cook left Rocky, planning to bicycle to Argentina, raising money for HOPE International.
  • Clay Byzitter and Luc Prins of the Alhambra area were members of the gold-winning softball team at the Alberta Summer Games.
  • Linda Fredine, Curt Maki, Teresa Angliss-Motz, Gary Thompson, Eric Tait and Maureen Fisher all announced their intention to run in the Wild Rose Public Schools trustee by-election.
  • RCMP Cst. Mark Amatto was appointed as the new school resource officer.
  • Two people were charged after an RCMP drug bust on a local home.
  • Margaret Markotic, 83, swam to the island at Crimson Lake.
  • The Kinsmen Club donated $15,000 to the Friends of St. Matthew School.
  • Seniors were in the spotlight at the Clearwater Centre’s Grandparents Day.
  • Bullying and crime concerns in Leslieville were discussed at a community meeting there.
  • A brown bear was sighted near the North Saskatchewan River Park.
  • The Village of Caroline celebrated its centennial.
  • The Rocky Fire Department sold 600 “Heroes in the Sky” calendars at an overnight fundraiser.
  • A representative of the Servants Anonymous Foundation gave a frank and disturbing presentation about the global sex trade at Living Branches Community Church.
  • Specialty Medical Services celebrated 20 years in Rocky.
  • Telus turned off their analog cell phone towers, switching to all-digital service.
  • Emily Cochrane began work as The Mountaineer’s sports reporter.
  • Brad Stuart donated $5000 to the Boys and Girls Club.
  • Clearwater County awarded the development and conceptual design of the trail between Rocky and Nordegg to Armstrong Industrial Services.
  • Clearwater County decided to tell the province to contract existing independent emergency service providers directly and not through the county.
  • Alberta Sustainable Resource Development set a controlled burn in the west country to reduce the spread of mountain pine beetle.
  • The county’s new Ag. Service Building was officially opened.
  • An election forum for Wild Rose Public School trustee candidates was held in Caroline.
  • Hiring and retention of employees was the topic at a symposium for employers hosted by Am Braighe Education and Training Services.
  • Rocky schools took part in the annual Terry Fox Run.
  • The Rocky Mountain House Scout group announced that there would be no Scouting program for 2008-09 due to a lack of leaders.
  • Good Neighbours: Debbie Schroderus; Linda-Mae Untinen
  • Died: Terrance Gray, 43; Helen Brockman, 89; Olaf (Ollie) Erdell, 50; Gunther Hellfritz, 87; David Venance, 69; George Carter, 77; Harry Ferrill, 62; Cheryil Schmelzer, 63; Tony Peters, 24; Lola Kraft, 78; Pat Cullum, 63; Ralph McDonald, 57.


  • Gary Thompson, in Ward 3, and Eric Tait, in Ward 4, were elected in the Wild Rose Public School Division by-election.
  • Robert Wagner of Didsbury was found dead from a bear attack west of Sundre.
  • A group of local farmers harvested 12 acres of oats for the Canadian Food Grains Bank.
  • Almost the entire fleet of golf carts at Pine Hills Golf Course was vandalized.
  • The Hon. Dave Hancock, Minister of Education, visited the Wild Rose Public School Division offices.
  • A program sponsored by the Rocky Native Friendship Centre called Common Ground brought together stakeholders from the
  • Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal communities at the Lou Soppit Community Centre.
  • Sarah Donald of St. Matthew School was fire chief for a day after winning the Rocky Fire Department’s annual colouring contest.
  • The Rocky Curling Club purchased pre-printed reusable roll-out sheets to facilitate ice preparation for the curling season, thanks to local donors.
  • Royal LePage Tamarack Trail Realty, owned by Lorna Moore, held its grand opening.
  • A group of secret visitors from Slave Lake visited Rocky and reported their impressions, both negative and positive.
  • Conservative Blaine Calkins was re-elected as MP for the Wetaskiwin riding in the federal election.
  • Conservative Blake Richards was the new MP for the Wild Rose Constituency. Nationally the Progressive Conservatives were elected as a minority government.
  • The Rocky Physician Recruitment and Retention Committee announced that two new doctors will be practicing in Rocky.
  • Amanda Almond received the Governor General’s Award for highest Gr. 12 marks at West Central High School award ceremonies.
  • Rocky’s Jason Cermak appeared at the Bard Theatre’s premiere of the WWI movie “Passchendaele.” Cermak was an actor in the movie.
  • Team Sycosis of Rocky placed second in the Canadian Woodsball Championships held in Halifax.
  • Karen Chartrand and Gord Eadie won one million Club Sobeys points in a western Canadian contest.
  • A “swap tent” set up by the Rocky Regional Waste Authority was deemed a big success.
  • A fire at the Wild West Pawn Shop was regarded as suspicious by the fire department.
  • The Rocky Chamber of Commerce sponsored a workshop on employee retention featuring guest speaker Kristen Cummings.
  • Angie Edgerton celebrated her 101st birthday with the Rocky Whirlaways Square Dance Club.
  • Gemma Hall was the first place winner of the Rocky Aquatic Centre’s North Saskatchewan Swim competition.
  • Good Neighbours: Linda Greening; the Brown family.
  • Died: Tom Lund, 95; Peter VandenBrink, 48; Jean Pierson, 89; Esther Mitchell, 80; Ryan Grant, 29; Jean Harper, 91; Isabelle Evans, 85; Jeanne Beattie, 70; Lloyd Cale, 81; Mitchell Feys, 74; Doreen Salmon, 69; Todd Tew; Florence Garland, 87; Eileen Layden, 76; Glenn Rivers, 74; Michael Thomson, 40; Ida Teskey, 91; Bill Murray, 80.


  • Pat Alexander was selected as Reeve of Clearwater County by the council.
  • A History TV series about WWI had a connection with John Willoughby of Rocky in one segment.
  • Local trucking companies noted that a diesel fuel shortage was affecting their businesses.
  • Clearwater County Council voted to change the names of all county roads that are named after people.
  • The Rocky Public Library celebrated 70 years of service to the community.
  • Mayor Laura Cudmore and deputy mayor Gwen Nielson were re-installed in their positions on Caroline Village Council.
  • Fred Nash of Rocky was appointed to the Red Deer Regional Airport Authority.
  • A Challenge Day bullying workshop, for local students was held at the Lou Soppit Community Centre.
  • Rocky Town Council moved to implement the Martha Kostuch Memorial Award for environmental stewardship.
  • The Rocky Mountain House Pubs and Lounges Association was circulating a petition to hold a vote on whether VLTs should be allowed in local businesses.
  • Clearwater County councillors Dwight Oliver and Earl Graham received the 2008 Alberta Premier’s Award of Excellence for their work on provincial committees.
  • A fire destroyed bleachers at the baseball diamonds.
  • COPE held a celebration to mark 30 years of valuable service in the community.
  • The third annual hospital gala raised $201,000 for the endoscopy/operating room project.
  • The Rocky Mountain House Health Centre recognized many staff members with long service awards.
    Students Against Drunk Driving held a candlelight vigil in honour of those killed by drunk drivers.
  • Jean-Marc Nobert was awarded the Governor General’s Award for highest Gr. 12 marks at the St. Dominic High School awards ceremony.
  • The Clearwater Centre marked Health Care Aide week with a celebration.
  • ATB Financial raised $27,700 for children’s hospitals in a staff fundraising event.
  • Carolyn Kent of Am Braighe Education and Training launched an immigration worker kit in Olds.
  • 198 Royal Canadian Sea Cadet Corps was awarded as the top corps in all of Alberta for the second year in a row.
  • RCMP asked for assistance in locating Everett Goodrunning, a local man who has been missing since June.
  • A cougar study by Kyle Knopff and Aliah Knopff of the University of Alberta, discovered some interesting  information about cougars and their habitat in the Clearwater County area.
  • Wild Rose Public School Division band students from Gr. 7-12 presented a jazz showcase.
  • With Superintendent Bev Hammond away on sick leave, Christopher MacPhee was Acting Superintendent of Wild Rose Public School Division.
  • Rocky author Chuck Shipley published his fourth book, “Arctic to Alpine.”
  • David Thompson High School Voyageurs volleyball team took gold at the 2A Boys Central Zone volleyball championships.
  • A hockey All Star Game hosted by the No Hit Hockey League raised $800 for Youth Central, the Boys and Girls Club youth program.
  • Good Neighbours: Mieke Wolfs; Glenn Holmes
  • Died: Karin Knight, 90; Eileen Camps, 79; Jim May, 85; Thera Moberg, 80; Michael Thomson, 40; Donney McCaw, 67; Bryan Hacon, 66; Nan Sandham, 88; Tom Bickford, 66; Rory Medin, 33; Leonard Czernich, 78; Bill Slofstra, 76; Peter Wadman, 83; Donna Wymenga, 64; Margaret Cinnamon, 93; Dewey Browning, 86; Kay Turnbull, 66; Earl Varty, 75; Ed Carlson, 90.


  • The Town relaxed the two-hour parking limit downtown for the month of December for the convenience of local shoppers.
  • Sustainable Resource Development said the mountain pine beetle numbers have been decreased by 20 per cent.
  • Alfred and Cheryl von Hollen lit their large display of Christmas lights.
  • Caroline Village Council increased Village staff remuneration by 3.5 per cent.
  • Next to New gave cheques totalling $70,000 to various community groups, bringing their yearly total to $117,700, a record for them.
  • The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints hosted a display of nativity scenes for the community.
  • Another successful Parade of Lights was held.
  • David Thompson High School Voyageurs senior boys’ volleyball team represented their zone at the 2A provincial tournament in Peace River.
  • Local boxer Kandi Wyatt won at boxing provincials in Calgary, earning a berth at the national championships. Breanna Hollingsworth will also be going to the national championships. Laramie Hollingsworth won a silver medal at provincials.
  • The RCMP said that they had received reports of 130-140 quads stolen from locations in Clearwater County since February, over a million dollars worth of equipment.
  • At their monthly luncheon meeting, Chamber of Commerce members heard opinions on the issue of VLTs returning to Rocky
  • A cabin at Crimson Lake was damaged by fire.
  • Northern Crossing’s annual Christmas festival of music was a great success.
  • For the tenth year Dr. Mark Chatenay and his staff collected stuffed animals for Santas Anonymous.
  • Tyler Mckinnon was appointed CAO for the Village of Caroline, replacing Christine Heggart who is going on maternity leave.
  • Birders and nature enthusiasts were encouraged to take part in the annual Christmas bird count.
  • Clearwater County Ag. Services and the Alberta government were offering a $50 bounty for every wild boar killed.
  • A collision between a school bus and a car on Highway 11 resulted in no major injuries.
  • Good neighbours: Doris Vollman; James and Sherry Mackay.
  • Died: Violet Tjostheim, 91; Charles Read, 95; Lillian Skates, 74; Clarence Raivio, 69; Roxanna Crurtchfield, 81; Elsie Siddall. 96; Hank Smid, 86; Ilene Mason, 65; Susan Roche, 63.