- Jacob Michael Miller, son of Mary and Thomas, was born at 8:28 a.m. January 1 to become Rocky’s New Year baby.
- A number of computers for use by Norquest College students were donated by Rocky residents.
- Kurt Browning made a surprise appearance at the Rocky Figure Skating Club’s STARskate seminar.
- The Caroline Elks organized a well-attended poker rally.
- The Town announced that 2008 building permits totalled over $20,000,000.
- Linda Eftodie, custodian at Condor School, was awarded Wild Rose Public School district’s “Above and Beyond” award.
- The Ladies’ Hospital Auxiliary reported that they had donated over $30,000 to local health care in 2008.
- Local bar owners were saying the indoor smoking ban has had negative consequences on their businesses.
- Amber Williams of Rocky returned from the USA World Showcase in Las Vegas where she won first place in the female country category.
- Clearwater County council approved a budget that contained a tax increase, the first in 11 years.
- The petition regarding VLTs that was presented to the town by the Pub and Lounge Owners Association was declared invalid. A spokesman for the association said the issue was not over yet.
- Hy-Tek Computer Sales and Services won the Aboriginal Youth Entrepreneur Award of Distinction from the Alberta Chambers of Commerce.
- Leslie Yellowface received an award from the RCMP for his efforts to reduce suicide rates on the O”Chiese and Sunchild Reserves.
- Kerri Wallace of Rocky received the first place trophy at the 2009 Red Bull Crashed Ice event, held in Quebec City.
- Died: Joyce Hayball, 74; Garry McMillan, 58; Neoma Stock, 99; Ruth McColman, 83; Maggie McLeod, 53; Glenn Gouda, 55; Ron McGrath, 55; Clifford Evans, 78; John Sinclair, 72; Art Johnson, 74.
Good Neighbours: John Harder, Eddie Connelly
- A head-shaving event at Condor School raised over $4000 for the Canadian Cancer Society.
- Two men were charged with drug trafficking after cocaine was found by police in a baby’s diaper bag on main street.
- Clearwater County approved pay raises for councillors and board members.
- The Frisco Dinner Theatre group presented their 25th production, “Touchtone ‘M’ for Murder.”
- Mountaineer advertising manager Dianne McLaren presented a donation to West Central High School’s Students Against Drunk Driving group, proceeds from the paper’s “Don’t Drink and Drive” campaign over the holidays.
- Local oilfield and hospitality businesses in town reported a significant slowdown in business.
- A local group was working to establish “last mile” internet service around Clearwater County.
- The Cow Lake Fishing Derby, sponsored by Grandview Stage, attracted over 375 fishermen. A donation from the proceeds was to go to COPE.
- Ravenwood Farm Fresh Meats of Caroline was a winner of the Best Practices Award sponsored by the Government of Alberta.
- Eleven-year-old Ashley Stevenett of Leslieville raised over $1800 for cancer research by baking and selling cookies.
- The Mountain Rose Women’s Shelter held a successful Romance ’N Roses fundraiser.
- Good Neighbour: Julian Janiszewski.
- Died: Leroy Johnston, 76; Mary Smith, 97; Arthur Johnson, 74; John Sinclair, 72; Mary Ann Machan, 72; Kay Devereux, 97; Margaret Martin, 85; Glen Bradshaw, 78; John Clearwater, 70; Jennie Depner, 88; Kay Ellison, 96; Mary Marcinek, 80; Jim Killick, 66; Anna Allen, 91; Don Dool, 62; Helen Kohtala, 76; Gunter Schug, 76; Sarah Schug, 72; Dr. Hessel Boschma, 58; Bill Kimber, 84.
- Community Connections Childcare Society received a one-time contribution of $75,000 from Rocky Town Council, Clearwater County and the Canadian Union of Postal Workers.
- Lindsay Wagner of “Bionic Woman” fame spoke at a private retreat in the area.
- Boxer Kandi Wyatt earned her fifth Canadian Amateur Boxing title in Edmonton.
- After a Municipal Planning Commission hearing, approval was given to the Rocky Youth Development Society to develop a dedicated site for programming in Caroine.
- James Frencheater was elected chief of the Sunchild First Nation. Councillors are Melvin Goodrunning, Jonathan Frencheater,
- Lisa Daychief, Richard Daychief and Edwin Frencheater.
- Town Council approved a rebate program for homeowners who replace toilets with water efficient models.
- Over 80 residents took part in a town hall meeting hosted by Wild Rose Public Schools.
- Sylvia Pedrazzini received the Lou Soppit Community Builder of the Year award at the annual Chamber of Commerce banquet. Other Chamber awards went to Husky Energy Ram River, Good Corporate Citizen; Grillers Steakhouse, Hospitality Award; Hy-Tek Sales and Service, Small Business of the Year; GHG Solutions, Martha Kostuch Memorial Award-Business; Louise Bruns with Greener Footsteps, Martha Kostuch Memorial Award-Individual; Ruth Jahraus, Distinguished Voluntary Service Award; ATB Financial, Service Excellence Award.
- The Clearwater County Farm Family Award was presented to the Art and Karen Terpsma family.
- TheGood Samaritan Society Clearwater Centre celebrated five years in Rocky with a pancake breakfast.
- Funding of $5.6 million from the provincial government was announced for modernization and improvements to Westview Lodge.
- Doug Cruiskshank received the Long Time Volunteer Award at the Rocky Minor Hockey Awards Night.
Councillor Ernie Murias told Town Council that a new doctor will soon be moving to Rocky.
- The Rocky Ag. and Stampede Society held a successful tarp auction to raise funds for the Rocky Pro Rodeo.
- Rick Foesier was appointed chief of the Caroline Volunteer Fire Department.
- The Rocky Community Learning Council received a grant of $200,000 for their “Plug Into Learning” project to encourage adults to take part in adult literacy, numeracy, English language learning and other learning.
- Students at David Thompson High School raised money for an area family who had lost their home in a fire.
- The Red Flames team were the winners at the 44th annual Oilmen’s Bonspiel.
Tamara Taylor and Ravenwood Farm Fresh Meats of Caroline won a Best Practices Award at AgChoices 2009.
- Many Caroline residents were present at an appeal hearing against the Boys and Girls Club development permit to use a property on Main St. for their programming.
- Good Neighbours: Julie Vasselin; Joyce and Richard Fredine.
- Died: Arlene Harris, 61; Sister Catherine Peters; Florence Striker, 72; Harold Weiss, 59; Ida Alhstrom, 96; Donald Henderson, 85; Maxine (Urch) Larsen, 83; Trudy Rump, 90; Brian Thacyk, 56; Wallace Blowers, 74; James Carpentier, 83; Jean Oastrom, 78; Edna Penner, 86; Bradly Teghtmeyer, 18; Cathy Hornshaw, 65; Elsie Veenstra, 73.
- Dan Gonzales of The Lord’s Food Bank said March was the busiest month on record.
- A dead body was discovered in a burned-out vehicle near Spruce View.
- The Larsgard family held their first CD release party.
- The Village of Caroline’s Subdivision Appeal Board turned down an appeal to block a Boys and Girls Club development.
- More than 300 people enjoyed the 2009 Rhythm and Rhyme Fest at the Caroline Complex.
- Joe Anglin, leader of the Alberta Green Party, gave a presentation at the Leslieville Hall opposing the provincial government’s Bill 19.
- RCMP were warning the public about a wave of counterfeit bills circulating in the community.
- Figure skater Shayna Rauch was one of five Albertans to qualify for the STARSkate finals in New Brunswick.
- Ravenwood Farm Fresh Meats in Caroline celebrated their grand opening.
- Vandals burned down an outhouse at the Children’s Fish Pond adjacent to the Junior Forest Wardens cabin.
- Former St. Matthew teacher Jared Eszczuk pleaded guilty to one charge of sexual assault just prior to his trial in Red Deer.
- A dead body was found in the south area of Rocky called “The Jungle.”
- The RCMP announced that S/Sgt. Bill Laidlaw was to take over duties as commander of the local detachment.
- Local teachers Jolen Burkard and Tracy Trautmann were chosen to attend the National Science Teachers Association’s US conference in New Orleans.
- St. Matthew Catholic School began a Breakfast for Learning program.
- Local artist Marg French debuted her first solo exhibition at the public library.
- Condor Gr. 7 student Derek Chapman travelled to London, England, with his soccer team, the Red Deer Renegades, where they won all their games.
- At least six people were arrested and charged after a series of violent events at the Sunchild Reserve, including a drive-by shooting and a nine-hour standoff.
- Mayor Jim Bague presented Bill McKinnon of Rocky with a Certificate of Commendation from Governor General Michaelle Jean’s office for risking his life to help someone in a fatal lake accident.
- Kirby Krysak caught a 20-lb. 2 ft. 11-inch trout at Lake Abraham.
- Died: Geoffrey Jones, 35; Doris Hall, 92; Hilda Grosso, 69; Ellen Featherstone, 50; Ken Kirstein, 83; Harvey Vankoughnet, 82; Dina de Bruyn, 85; Brent Hornshaw, 43; Wilda Riddle, 92; Darren Vankoughnet, 47; Elsie Pleskie, 69; Florence O’Brien, 87; Eugene Williams, 55; Susan Blackburn, 60; Jim Fillion, 70, Dan Flick, 42; Lloyd King, 77; Everett Peterson.
- Four Bighorn sheep were poached from Hwy. 11 near Beaver Dam.
- Vandals did considerable damage to the “Where Adventure Begins” signs at the north end of town.
- Northern Crossing presented their spring production of Beauty and the Beast before 1700 people.
- Reporter Victoria Paterson joined The Mountaineer staff, arriving from Maple Ridge, BC.
- The annual Chamber Trade Show drew in almost 3000 people.
- The Ta-Otha Community School at the Bighorn First Nations held the grand opening of its new facility.
- Draven Jerry of Sunchild School was chosen to play hockey on a team that represented Canada at a series of hockey tournaments in Europe.
- The library showcased an exhibit of artist Marg French’s work throughout the month.
- A farm in Clearwater County belonging to Arnold VanGinkle was quarantined due to the H1N1 (swine flu) virus found in the hog operation.
- A petition to have council recommend the province allow video lottery terminals in Rocky was found valid by Town Council.
- Ali Visser, a teacher at Cookie jar Preschool, was a finalist for the annual Child Care Professional Awards of Excellence.
- Local band Heaviside released their first album, Pushing Forward Back.
- The Rocky Junior Forest Wardens helped to plant hundreds of saplings in an area adjacent to the Clearwater River.
- Next to New presented $50,000 to various community groups.
- Town Manager Larry Holstead gave notice of his retirement to Town Council.
- Local resident Andy Smith told the story of his discovery that, unknown to him, he had been adopted.
- A Rocky ambulance carrying an RCMP officer was involved in a head-on collision with a minivan just outside of town. The driver of the minivan died of his injuries. Alcohol was considered to be a factor in the accident.
- Over 500 participants took part in the Canadian Cancer Society’s Relay for Life at Curtis Field.
- A replica of a north canoe was unveiled during Museum Day at the Rocky museum.
- Town Council cleared the way for the establishment of a community garden in the Creekside subdivision.
- The Rocky Flying Club and Calgary Flying Club hosted a “COPA for Kids” aviation course for St. Matthew students, which included flights for the students.
- O’Chiese student Sheena Meechance spent a day working as a “job shadow” at The Mountaineer.
- The RCMP reported a steep decline in quad thefts in the area.
- A large crowd packed the arena for the annual 4-H Show and Sale. Kaitlan Titford showed the overall Grand Champion and Justin de Bruyn the overall Reserve Champion Steer.
- Died: Irene Bruce, 56; Trudy Garnett, 67; Pat Robbins, 82; Clifford Odenbach, 48; Beth Gagnon, 67; Pete Pidhirney, 99; Elizabeth Hicks, 70; Myra McQuiston, 54; Gerti Galvon, 77; Allan Garrett, 66; Leon Groves, 43; Dirk Hoetmer, 82; Darian Randall; infant; Mike Hammond, 46; Lorraine Ball, 82; Beatrice Hartle, 92; Dustin Payette, 28; Margaret McElderry, 66; Harold “Pops” Morgan, 93.
- The Mountaineer unveiled the results of its redesign to readers.
- Clearwater County Community Peace Officer Terri Miller reported to council that littering and garbage left behind by May long weekend campers was particularly bad.
- Patrick Oslund was introduced as Clearwater Regional Fire Rescue Services’ new regional fire training and prevention officer.
- The fourth annual safety day, hosted by Conoco Phillips, EnCana, AB Sustainable Resource Development and TransCanada, was well received.
- Kim Nielsen, the county’s manager of agricultural services, returned from his secondment in Australia.
- Harrison Berg was valedictorian for Caroline High School graduation ceremonies.
- A successful “Swap Recycle Tent Event” was hosted by the Rocky Regional Waste Authority.
- Tom Albert celebrated his 100th birthday.
- Rocky Town Council set the VLT plebiscite date for July 27.
- Local hog farmer Arnold VanGinkle culled his entire hog herd to remove the stigma of the H1N1 virus in his herd.
- Grace Qually received the Senior’s Service Award from the Minister of Alberta Seniors and Community Support for her volunteer work at the Clearwater Centre.
- Mud, rain and snow did not deter rodeo fans from attending the annual Rocky Pro Rodeo.
- In the Rocky Rodeo Dress Western competition, winners were Rocky Credit Union, best dressed large business; Royal Canadian Legion R. L. Zengel Branch #8, best dressed small business; Rocky Museum, best decorated small business; CIBC, best decorated large business.
- Students from Ecole Rocky Elementary released rainbow trout fingerlings into Twin Lakes as part of their Fish in Schools program.
- Alberta Sustainable Resource Development oversaw a 5000 hectare prescribed burn west of Lake Abraham in an attempt to bring about more bio-diversity in the area.
- Brian Celli of British Columbia was named the new superintendent of Wild Rose Public Schools.
- The father and son team of Merv and Troy Pidherney competed in the Big Rig Thunder at Race City Speedway in Calgary.
- The Rocky Chamber of Commerce 2009-2010 board of directors were elected by acclamation: president, Larry Cameron; president-elect, Laurie Fitchett; vice-president, Marion Kostynuk; treasurer, Millie Holmes; past president, Val Clement; directors, Judy Richardson, Jerry Pratt, Fred Nash, Shelley Whitmore, Larissa Gilbert, Cindy French and Colleen Dwyer.
- Jane Huhn and Olive McCrae received their Tae Kwon Do black belts.
- The Glow Project, an inspirational evening for women hosted by Clearwater FCSS, attracted 125 participants.
- Town Council voted to hold an advanced poll on July 21 for the VLT plebiscite.
- Cindy Peterson, Executive Director of the Rocky Chamber of Commerce, was named Executive Director of the Year at the
- Chambers of Commerce provincial convention.
- Write On awards, sponsored by The Mountaineer and the Alberta Weekly Newspapers Association, were presented to Susanna Heystek and Megan Harrison of Rocky Christian School, Lauren Phillips of Condor School and Brooklyn Copithorne of St. Matthew School. Emilie Schieve of Lochearn School was a provincial winner for her age group.
- The Mountaineer was recognized by the Welcome Wagon organization for 40 years of support for the program.
- A census conducted by the Town of Rocky showed a one per cent population reduction since 2007. The population is now calculated to be 7155.
- West Central High School principal Jimmy Clark resigned his position.
- A fundraiser held by members from the Fire Department, Rocky Ambulance and Rocky Mountain Dodge and RV raised funds for Daniel Butin, an ambulance driver who was injured in a head-on collision May 25.
- Leland Morrison gave the valedictory address at St. Dominic Catholic High School graduation ceremonies.
- The Caroline ATB celebrated 70 years of operation in the community.
- At West Central High School graduation ceremonies, Jessica Ringness gave the valedictory address.
- Lindsey Hennessy was valedictiorian for David Thompson High School graduation.
- Withrow singer/songwriter Chad Downey released his self-titled debut album.
- Good Neighbours: Kamryn and Kendall Westlund; Ken Qually.
- Died: James Brooks, 88; Evan Anderson, 44; Neil Anderson, 69; Robert Green 31; Virgina Kovacs, 71; Janet Gordon, 72; Natalie Vavrek, 84; Amy Davenport, 96; Judy Smoes, 60; Terry Silvester, 57; Elizabeth Sinclair, 74; Robert Hunley, 76; Bob Brant, 82; Sophia Stark, 94.
- Travis Quewezance of the Sunchild Reserve was killed in a single vehicle rollover.
- Citizens honoured at Canada Day festivities held at the National Historic Site: Isabel Davis (Grandma Glover), Pioneer of the Day; May Bouvette, Elder of the Day; Royal Richardson, Youth of the Day; Bertha Berger, Citizen of the Day.
- The Rocky Knights U16 girls soccer team won gold at provincials.
- Rocky optometrist Dr. Pamela Syrota was planning a stint as a volunteer for Unite for Sight, a non-profit organization working to combat blindness.
- Twelve-year-old Kaylee Wirda of Rocky travelled to Phoenix, Arizona to attend a burn camp.
- An ATV rider from Grande Prairie was killed after a collision with another ATV on July 1.
- The O’Chiese First Nation started a band-owned business, O’Chiese Sand and Gravel.
- The Thompson Country Pony Club held their annual Alberta Horse Trials which were deemed a great success.
- The Rocky Knights U16 boys soccer team won gold at provincials.
- A community meeting was held in Sundre, attended by residents concerned about the closing of the helipad at the local hospital.
- Sergei Boriek, coach of the Soviet National Aerobatics Team, taught a four-day course on aerial aerobatics at the Rocky airport.
- The Northern Crossing Music and Drama Society told town council in a letter that they want to develop a “home for the arts” in Rocky.
- Field surveys from Sustainable Resource Development showed that some pine beetles were killed over the winter but not enough to halt the infestation.
- The organizers of the fourth annual Studio Tour said it was a success, with anywhere from 75 to 100 visitors at each artist’s studio.
- David Thompson High School student Jennifer Fetaz won gold medals in the long jump and high jump events at the Royal
- Canadian Legion Track and Field Provincials in Calgary.
- Jonathan Benz of Caroline received his gold Duke of Edinburgh Scouting award from Prince Edward, the Duke of Wessex, in Calgary.
- Frontier Lodge, on the shores of Fish Lake by Nordegg, celebrated its 50th anniversary.
- The return of VLTs to Rocky was defeated in a plebescite by a 76 per cent to 24 per cent vote.
- Staff Sgt. Bill Laidlaw was the new commander of the local RCMP detachment.
- Mayor Jim Bague announced that Todd Becker, Director of Special Projects for the town, will take over duties as Town Manager upon Larry Holstead’s retirement in September.
- It was reported that inspectors working for the Canadian Food Inspection Agency became ill with the H1N1 virus after inspecting a local hog farm infected with the virus.
- The Rocky Midget Sun Devils hosted the Alberta Midget Competitive Tier II Provincial Championship in Rocky.
- Nicole King won first prize at the Rocky Legion’s Youth Have Talent competition. Jamie-Lee Walker placed second and Brylee Davis third.
- Sustainable Resource Development reported that the hot weather was negatively affecting fish habitat.
- Died: Edna Jacobson, 95; Maybelle Mofford, 90; James Clarkin, 89; Anne Emery, 73; Carole Garnick, 68; Althea Godun; Alex Peterson; John Schroderus, 79; Roy Como, 83.
- A severe storm on the long weekend caused much damage in the area. Nordegg townsite was evacuated due to a leak in a high pressure propane tank.
- Sustainable Resource Development confirmed the sighting of a cougar near the walking path in town.
- The body of Jay Thomas Roberson of Michigan was found near the Saskatchewan River Crossing.
- Karen Woodley was chosen as a torchbearer for the 2010 Winter Olympics to be held in Vancouver. She won a contest through her employer, Zellers.
- Crime stats from Statistics Canada showed that Rocky had the highest crime rate in central Alberta.
- Three men, including an RCMP officer, were injured following the thefts and rollover of an unmarked police vehicle on the Sunchild Road.
- The North Saskatchewan Regiment, formerly known as the 5th Battalion, climbed Mt. Zengel and held a special ceremony in honour of Ray Zengel, V.C., a past member of the unit.
- Local production companies Dime’s Edge Productions and Staged Right Productions were shooting a film called “Cursed Evermore” in and around Rocky.
- Former Rocky student Gwyneth Dunsford was spending the summer in Washington, DC at an internship at a public speakers bureau.
- The Town Department of Recreation, Parks and Culture reported an increase in vandalism to town property.
For the fifth time, Robert Renman of Camrose won the Zoley Garnick Trophy at the Brian Mazza Memorial Trail Run at Crimson Lake. Christie Hackenbrook won the Carole Garnick Memorial Trophy as the first woman to finish the 10k race. Curtis Lutz was first across the finish line in the 3k run.
- A group of 16 to 18-year-old female basketball players, coached by Allison Davidson, were planning to take part in the Spalding World Youth Tournament in Hawaii in late December.
- Jennifer Fetaz of Leslieville attended the Canadian Youth National Track and Field Championships in Sherbrooke, Quebec, where she made a strong showing.
- Blayze Holbein of Rocky ran in Grande Cache’s extreme five km Death Race, despite suffering from osteogenesis imperfecta, a serious bone condition.
- Yard and Garden Awards announced at the David Thompson Days Bench Show: commercial, Dunsford and Scott Lawyers; master gardener, Emily Blake; back yard, Arlene and Stuart MacDonald; front yard, Wes and Judy Davis; special feature, Ray and
- Audrey Bott; non-profit, Westview Terrace condos; seniors, Jennie and Bill McPhail; total yard, Ross Draginda and Tammy Kolody; vegetable garden, Bernie Ernewein.
- Rural Beautification Awards were won by Ray and Bev Roberts, combined acreages, and Ron and Pricilla Cech, combined farm.
- Clearwater County voted to begin the process of developing a new subdivision in Nordegg.
- The Rocky Senior Housing Council announced that a new building will be built at the Westview Lodge site. Planned completion will be in 2011.
- Memorial Presbyterian Church welcomed Rev. Marc Fraser as their new pastor.
- Judy Pyra, working through the Red Deer Crisis Centre, was hired by Rocky Victim Services to work with victims of sexual assault.
- The Alberta Historical Resources Foundation awarded a grant to Clearwater County to be used toward restoration and stabilization of the Nordegg mine site.
- An aerobatics competition was held at the Rocky airport.
- The Rocky Canoe and Kayak Club’s Brierleys Whitewater Classic attracted kayakers from across Alberta.
- The Rocky Rams hockey club announced their name change to the West Central Rams Senior Hockey Club of the Chinook Hockey League. The team will be holding their practices at Sylvan Lake.
- The West Central Rebels Basketball Camp attracted the highest number of participants in its history.
- Former students gathered at Shilo School to celebrate the 100-year anniversary of the building.
“Shadows of David Thompson,” a film about the famous explorer, made its premiere at the RMH National Historic Site.
- Good Neighbour: Judy Street
- Died: Patricia Luoma, 71; Albertine Kingsbury; Arnold Rodtka, 75; Ervin Johnston; Alfred Schroderus; George Harper, 75.
- A 17-year-old girl survived a serious fall at Crescent Falls.
- Statistics Canada said that the Rocky area had one of the lowest unemployment rates in Alberta.
- Grace Gopher of the Sunchild Reserve returned home from a vacation to find her house vandalized.
- Gord Atkinson, new principal of West Central High School, began duties.
- Mike Horembala, a former teacher at David Thompson High School, returned to begin duties as the new principal there.
- The annual Lions Demolition Derby was again a smashing success.
- The Rocky Motorcycle Club hosted a motocross event at Tabletop Raceway.
- New Life Church gave out 67 backpacks at their fourth annual Backpack Giveaway and Pancake Breakfast.
- A severe windstorm knocked out power around Rocky and blew down many trees.
- Rocky welcomed two new physicians to town: Dr. Erus Peens and Dr. Dolan Kirstein.
- RCMP arrested 10 individuals for trafficking cocaine.
- Janel Schultz’s cat Wookie survived 19 days trapped in a motorhome.
- The Caroline Church of the Nazarene celebrated 60 years.
- The Good Samaritan Clearwater Centre celebrated their third annual Grandparents Day.
- Police and military marksmen from across Alberta took part in the Inter-Service Small Arms Competition at the Rocky Rod and Gun Club course.
- The temperature on September 23, the first day of fall, was 32.8°C, a record for the area.
- Jinja Kim owner of the Wildrose Laundramat, took donations of winter clothing to give away to those who need it.
- Heidi Northcott of Rocky was selected to play on the Baseball Canada Women’s National Team at national and international championships in Grandby, Quebec.
- Neal Tarnasky of Caroline was signed to the WHL Lethbridge Hurricanes hockey team. Neal’s older brother Nick plays for the Florida Panthers.
- The CBC announced that former Caroline resident and famous figure skater Kurt Browning would be hosting a CBC series, “Battle of the Blades.”
- Jason Stephens was chosen as head coach and general manager of the West Central Rams hockey team of Rocky and Sylvan Lake.
- Dr. Kenny O’Connor and Dr. Kyle Garrett began practicing in Rocky.
- Alpine Drugs celebrated 45 years of business in Rocky.
- Died: Christine Gray; Margaret Brown, 89; Roy Hord, 78; Norris Switzer, 82; Ken Thomson, 96; Harvey King, 69; Johanna Plested, 90; Jeannette Landin, 59; Neal Titford, 49; Neal Speight, 88; Thomas Hertz, 50; Helen Torgerson, 90; Harold Davis, 68; Annie Gabler, 92; Tanner Mayer, 15; Audrey Whitesell, 77.
- The Rocky Native Friendship Centre earned an award from the Alberta Friendship Centres Association for their addictions program.
- Merle White of the Rocky Native Friendship Centre was elected president of the Alberta Friendship Centres Associations at their annual general meeting.
- The local Filipino community was raising funds to help out people in the Philippines affected by the recent typhoons that hit the area.
- The Rocky Youth Development Society opened a movie theatre in Caroline at the clubhouse of the Boys and Girls Club there.
- The Rocky Youth Rodeo Association hosted their first Rocky Wrangler and High School Rodeo, attracting 300 entries.
- St. Matthew School raised $11,843 for cancer research at the Terry Fox Run.
- The Rocky Greyhound ticket office and freight station were closed down by Greyhound.
- The Parkland Airshed Management Zone announced that Tyson Swain of Leslieville and Sarah Connelly of Didsbury were the recipients of the first Dr. Martha Kostuch Environmental Education Scholarship.
- Todd Becker, Rocky’s new Town Manager, began work.
- St. Dominic Catholic High School added a youth minister, John-Paul Markides, to their staff.
- Clearwater County councillors decided to have voters elect the Reeve directly during the next municipal elections.
- Cst. Conrad Siewart took over duties as the new RCMP School Resource Officer.
- Dr. Kathleen Game and Dr. Johan Peters joined the doctors’ practice at the Rocky Medical Clinic.
- Caroline Village Council received a $500,000 grant from the provincial government for work on the Kurt Browning Complex.
- Edwards Garage of Rocky celebrated their 80th anniversary in business.
- Almost 30 different Search and Rescue groups participated in a large mock disaster in Clearwater County.
- The Canadian Owners and Pilots Association held a Kids Day for students of Rocky Christian and Leslieville schools.
- West Central High School and Pioneer School students took part in Challenge Day, a program designed to help stop bullying, intolerance and racism in schools.
- Died: Deana Cassidy, 43; Thomas Ironside, 70; Isabelle Shirley, 95; Bill von Hollen, 93; Harold Hicks, 74; Andrew Qually, 81; Bill Paradis, 86; Deborah Williams, 54; Hazel Grosso, 99; Betty Fisher, 62; Mary Brandson, 86; Clara MacInnis, 85; Phyllis Willauer, 59.
- H1N1 vaccination clinics in all of Alberta were suspended temporarily due to high demand.
- Local pharmacists were concerned about provincial government plans to increase the number of services pharmacists will be able to provide without compensating the pharmacists.
- The Alberta Sweet 16 tourism initiative, which included Rocky, received the 2009 provincial Alta Award for Marketing Partnership.
- Ron McLean of Hockey Night in Canada was in Caroline to shoot a segment of “Battle of the Blades.”
- The Alive and Kicking wellness conference was held for the 19th year with over 80 participants.
- The Rocky Mountain House Health Care Auxiliary presented a $2000 health care scholarship to Jenna Busby.
- The Rocky Museum unveiled the Memorial Mural on the outside wall of the museum and Visitor Centre building.
- A large crowd gathered at the Lou Soppit Community Centre for Remembrance Day Ceremonies.
- Skeleton racer Mellisa Hollingsworth qualified for the 2010 Winter Olympics in Vancouver.
- Ellen Bonde was notified that she will be inducted into the 4-H Hall of Fame.
- Harrison Berg received the Governor General’s Bronze Medal for Academics at Caroline School awards night.
- Died: Cameron Swainson; Harold Jahraus, 91; Edith Harris; Wanda McLean, 85; Aart Pasman. 76.
- Clearwater County Officer Terri Miller and SRD officer Don Livingston accepted the 2009 Minister’s Award for Municipal Excellence in the Safe Communities category. The award was for the May Long Weekend Task Force.
- Mary Brown, the new Red Deer College library manager at Confluence Campus, began duties.
- St. Dominic Catholic High School successfully hosted the 2A High School boys and girls volleyball provincials.
- A total of 869 Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes were sent from the area for children all over the world.
- Despite bitterly cold temperatures the annual Parade of Lights, sponsored by the Rocky Retailers, was again very successful.
- The volunteers of Next to New made a series of donations, bringing their 2009 total to a record $137,000.
- A sold-out crowd enjoyed “A Midwinter Blues” evening, a fundraiser for the school band program.
- Town staff proposed a zero per cent increase budget for 2010 to Town Council
- Thirteen teams competed in the Redcoats for Kids charity hockey tournament. RCMP members from all over Alberta made up the teams, with proceeds marked for Rocky Victim Services.
- The Rocky Fish and Game Association donated a copy of the Alberta Fish and Game Association history book “Pride and Passion, 100 Years of Conservation in Alberta” to the public library.
- An error in calculating 2009 taxes will result in a net decrease of five per cent for town taxpayers in 2010.
- Goldeye Centre celebrated 50 years of operation.
- Northern Crossing’s annual Christmas concert included numbers from past musicals to mark the group’s 25th anniversary.
- Died: Delphine Morrish, 81; Albert Bailey, 86; Alan Waddell, 88; Chad Bugbee, 30; Sharon Dawn, 41; Ralph Baker, 88; Pearl Metcalfe, 93; Bill Benz, 89; Raymond Burroughs, 74; Jack Crawler, 63.
- Good Neighbour: Philip Hermary.