Year in Review - 2010


  • The Snowbirds aerial team confirmed that they would take part in the airshow in August.
  • The Barnstormers Radio Control Club hosted their 24th annual New Year’s Day flying event.
  • The Rocky Nordic Ski Club was dismayed at the damage done to the cross-country ski trails at Pine Hills Golf Course by dog walkers.
  • Nathan, son of Carla and Shawn Lecky, was born on January 6 to become Rocky’s New Year baby.
  • Rocky resident Mary Bea Quinn donated $1 million to the Red Deer Ronald McDonald House Capital Campaign.
  • Members of the local RCMP detachment were in the process of organizing a cadet corps for the Sunchild and O’Chiese reserves.
  • Singer-songwriter Brandi Sidoryk, stage name Sydney York, was to perform at Alberta House at the Vancouver Olympics.
  • A devastating earthquake hit Haiti, killing thousands of people. Among the victims was a former Rocky RCMP officer, Supt. Doug Coates.
  • The Rocky Chamber of Commerce hosted a presentation on “Thirteen Ways to Kill Your Community.”
  • Rocky and area residents who took part in the Olympic torch relay through Alberta included Karen Brown, Karen Woodley, Marc Saunders and Larry O’Brien.
  • The West Central Alberta Rams hockey club changed ownership and the team was moved permanently to Sylvan Lake.
  • Rebecka and Isaac May, parents of baby Isaiah, who was born in October 2009 with his umbilical cord around his neck, went to Court of Queen’s Bench to ask for time to gather medical opinions before the Stollery Children’s Hospital in Edmonton removed him from life support.
  • Mayor Jim Bague confirmed that Sgt. Brent Craig, Director of Protective Services, was no longer employed by the town.
  • Director of Planning and Development Elly Martin reported that although more building permits were issued in 2009 than 2008, the number of units built was lower.
  • Mellisa Hollingsworth was the first ranked skeleton racer in the world in the lead-up to the Vancouver Winter Olympics.
  • Local bowlers Crystal Lowry, Loretta Leer, Leah Krabben and Bev Weaver took first place at provincials.
  • Major Christian recording artist Andy Park performed at the Lou Soppit Community Centre in a fundraiser for Rocky Victim Services. The concert was sponsored by the Rocky Ministerial Association.
  • Died: Bonnaie Bauer, 40; Waldo Bertagnolli, 87; Terry Courchene, 43; Eugene Kuprowski, 70; Dale Marek, 60; Wayne Paul, 72; Dean Fowler, 84; Barrie Edgerton, 66; Anna Oper, 94.


  • The Mountaineer marked the 100th anniversary of Rocky’s first newspaper, The Echo, published February 4, 1910.
  • The outgoing chair of the David Thompson Days Society said the event would not take place this summer if more volunteers did not step forward.
  • Students from many area schools were raising money for Haiti disaster relief.
  • Local boxer Kandi Wyatt won her sixth Canadian national championship, in Hyacinth, Quebec.
  • MP Blaine Calkins and MLA Ty Lund announced funding to upgrade Hwy. 22 north, between Hwy. 11 and Hwy. 53.
  • The Farmers’ Bonspiel held their 25th event. Winners were the B.W. Bouwman rink of Gord Dyrland, John Salisaned, Mel Brown and Barrie Bouwman.
  • The Jan’s Kitchen rink won the Farmerette’s Bonspiel: Judy Rodermond, Barb Johnston, Cindy Letwin and Rosemary Fetaz.
  • A group of Join Together participants protested recent provincial government cuts outside MLA Ty Lund’s office.
  • The provincial Wild-rose Alliance Party formed a provincial constituency association.
  • The Chamber of Commerce proposed a new tourism initiative called “Blazing Saddle.”
  • The local RCMP detachment stepped up its presence in Caroline after concerns were raised by residents there.
  • According to Environment Canada, snowfall this winter in Rocky was at a seven-year low.
  • The Cow Lake Fishing Derby attracted 448 participants. Rick Olsen caught the biggest fish, a 7.1 oz. perch.
  • Neighbours and friends of Linda and Kendall Justinen were enjoying the luge track built on the Justinens’ 60 St. yard.
  • A fire broke out at the Rocky Waste Transfer Site, damaging the transfer station building and a nearby trailer. The cause of the fire was not immediately apparent.
  • The Columbus Place seniors apartment building had been weeks without elevator service due to difficulty in obtaining repair parts.
  • The Mountain Rose Women’s Shelter annual Romance N Roses fundraiser was successful once again.
  • Mike Adolph of the Centre for Outdoor Education near Nordegg completed the Canadian Mountain Guide Program to become certified to guide in 25 countries.
  • Good Neighbours: Ben Iyer; Linda and Kendall Justinen.
  • Died: Robert Taylor, 61; Steven Shamber; Reginald Ruttan, 75; Leona Jans, 87; Ernest Wickens, 76; Dave McNeil, 56; Helen Baily, 73; Wendy Bryant, 57; Muriel Tessmer, 91; Alma Johns, 97; Frank LeBihan, 83; James Hogberg, 83.


  • Round Two of the CMA National Motorcycle Oval Ice Race, hosted by the Second Gear Club, was held at Cow Lake, with many Rocky racers doing well.
  • West Central High School student Rachel Kozak went to the 2010 Olympic Winter Games in Vancouver after winning an essay contest sponsored by ATCO Gas.
  • Patricia Rauch-Ericksen began duties as the new Volunteer Coordinator for the Town.
  • The Town of Rocky and Clearwater County announced that they would be purchasing the Rocky Medical Clinic from a consortium of local doctors.
  • The Rocky Riparian Group changed its name to Clear Water Landcare, to broaden the public’s perception of the group’s emphasis on water and landcare.
  • Thirty-six people took part in the Tri-Ice-A-Thon ice climbing event held near Nordegg.
  • A group of dignitaries and guests gathered for the official groundbreaking for the construction of the new Westview Lodge.
  • Vance and Shelley Curtis were inducted into the Alberta Sports Hall of Fame in Red Deer for their 35 years of involvement with the Rocky Rebels high school football team.
  • At the annual Rocky Chamber of Commerce banquet, the Hospitality Award was presented to Riverview Campground, owned by Danielle and Johan Feddema.
  • The Mayor’s recognition Award for Distinguished Voluntary Service at the Chamber banquet was accepted by Ruth Peterson on behalf of her husband Marvin.
  • The Chamber Small Business of the Year Award (one to five employees) went to Jill Crowley, owner of The Angel Tree.
  • The Chamber Small Business of the Year Award (six to 20 employees) went to Hulco Control Specialists.
  • The Mayor’s Special Award for Fine and Performing Arts was awarded at the Chamber banquet to Ed Medeiros for his work with Northern Crossing.
  • The Chamber’s Service Excellence Award was presented to Rick Streatch.
  • Brenda Thompson of Country Garden Greenhouses received the Home Based Business of the Year Award from the Chamber of Commerce.
  • The Mayor’s Special Award was presented at the Chamber banquet to Drs. Harold Roth, Gordon Brown and Stan Bristow for building the Rocky Medical Clinic.
  • The Lou Soppit Community Builder Award was given posthumously to Brian Mazza, late editor of The Mountaineer. The award was accepted by his sister Gail Krabben and mother Mildred Mazza.
  • Wyatt Earp, the Canadian champion saddlebronc horse owned by Harvey Northcott of the Caroline area, was inducted into the Canadian Professional Rodeo Hall of Fame.
  • A home in the Brouwer subdivision west of Rocky was significantly damaged in a fire.
  • A new community group, the Clearwater Community Policing Advisory Committee, replaced the former Community Action Committee. The group is chaired by Todd Hicking and will be working with the RCMP on community policing issues.
  • The Sanctum Foundation was proposing an adult living community close to the Sanctum Retreat west of Caroline.
  • The Neway Oilfield Services team of Steve Fowler, Phil Harstaad, Darwin Fuller and Rob Armitage took the A event at the annual Oilmen’s Bonspiel.
  • Kerri (Wallace) Muir, formerly of Rocky, won the Red Bull Crashed Ice event for the second year. The competition was held in Quebec City.
  • Andrew Marchbank, from Delta Controls in Rocky, was awarded as top instrumentation apprentice in Alberta.
  • Good Neighbours: Bill Coghill; Mariah and Janelle Laing; the Stan Taylor family and friend.
  • Died: Tony Diedrich, 79; Elma Shaw, 93; Daniel Brockman, 94; Mary Johnston, 94; Iona Clark, 77; Dena Chevallier, 33; Andrew Mason, 79; Isaiah May, infant; George Ironside, 69; James Sanford, 66; Gladys Odenbach, 73; Henry Klywak; Robert Wilson, 47.


  • Rocky was third among the communities in Alberta that used the least power during Earth Hour.
  • Collin Stolte was named top insulating apprentice by the Alberta Apprenticeship and Industry Training Board.
  • The Rocky Native Friendship Centre’s fourth annual round dance attracted a large turnout.
  • Town council decided that money formerly earmarked to build affordable housing units would go to the rent supplement program instead.
  • A tarp auction in aid of the World Pro Chuckwagon Association netted $150,000.
  • Small Town Smackdown, a World Professional Bullriding event, was hosted by the Caroline Wranglers hockey team.
  • Staged Right Productions presented the play “You Can’t Beat the House!” to large audiences at Everdell Hall.
    A facilitator from the United Way, Rebekeh Siedel, was in Rocky to begin public consultations to increase its presence in the community.
  • Local trapper Brian Anger found a lynx in a neck snare that had travelled from Silverton, Colorado to Nordegg. The animal had been wearing a radio-collar.
  • Alberta Tourism, Parks and Recreation, Suncor Energy and EnCana teamed up to develop and fund enhanced visitor services at Crimson Lake Provincial Park.
  • The Rocky/Clearwater Physician Recruitment and Retention Committee earned an award based on their strategy to attract new rural physicians. The award was co-sponsored by the Alberta Rural Physician Action Plan and the Alberta Chamber of Commerce.
  • The Sunchild/O’Chiese Community Cadet Corps was formed with the support of the band councils and the RCMP. RCMP Cst. Todd DePagie was the 2nd  Lieutenant of the new corps.
  • The Rocky Fire Department’s new fire safe house was unveiled at Lochearn School.
  • Northern Crossing presented “Seven Brides for Seven Brothers” as their annual spring musical.
  • The world-renowned African Children’s Choir was in town to give a concert at Rocky Alliance Church.
  • Lacombe country singer Gord Bamford performed to a sold-out crowd in Caroline, hosted by Rocky Flipz and Gymnastics.
  • Died: JoAnn Hays, 75; Helen Bailey; Peg Hoffman, 79; Ken Wynn, 75; Ada Holmes, 98; Doug Kroeker, 52; Arnold Lee, 74; Colin Moir, 48; Beverly Howard, 59; Stephen Cardinal, 28; Bill Snihor, 80.


  • Reporter Jessica Jones joined The Mountaineer staff.
  • The Chamber of Commerce’s 30th annual trade show attracted a large crowd of about 3000 people.
  • The Ukrainian Shumka Dancers brought their school show to Rocky and performed for 1400 school children at the arena complex.
  • A group of provincial cabinet ministers and MLA Ty Lund were in the area to tour facilities and meet with local elected officials.
  • Lt(N) Barry Pinnell of 198 Royal Canadian Sea Cadet Corps Yukon was chosen to represent Alberta cadets in Ottawa at the celebration of the Cadet Instruction Cadre 100th anniversary.
  • St. Dominic High School students Teanna Matchett and Nolan West received sports scholarships to colleges in Texas.
  • The annual Ag. Theme Park for the area’s Gr. 4 and 5 students was a successful event, with 20 booths and 70-80 volunteers taking part.
  • Gr. 5 and 6 students from Condor and Caroline schools took airplane flights courtesy of the Rocky Mountain House Flying Club.
  • Next to New handed out $56,000 in donations to local community organizations.
  • The Quinn family of Rocky was shocked to see a cougar on the porch of their house, staring into the window.
  • A woman drowned on the North Saskatchewan River in a canoe accident.
  • Cookie Jar Preschool teacher Sandra Simmelink received a 2010 Alberta “Child Care Professional Award of Excellence” for rural schools.
  • A fundraising magic show raised about $7000 for a new barrier-free playground at École Rocky Elementary.
  • Former Rocky resident Alex Watson returned to Canada for good after his third tour of duty in Afghanistan.
  • The Rotary Club’s popular annual Lobsterfest attracted 200 guests and raised funds for humanitarian and local projects.
  • Family-owned Quinn Contracting celebrated 40 years in business.
  • Rain and cold weather on the May long weekend somewhat dampened the high-jinks out in the west country, but 200 tickets for various infractions were still handed out.
  • Foster parents Bob and June Ekelund retired after 43 years of service and 477 children in their home over the years.
  • Cool rainy weather for Caroline’s Big Horn Rodeo.
  • At the annual 4-H Show and Sale the Grand Champion steer was shown by Kaitlan Titford. Alayna Debruyn showed the Reserve Grand Champion.
  • The Rocky REA and Rocky Gas Co-op were working together to bring broadband internet service to rural Clearwater County.
  • At the 198 Yukon Sea Cadets wrap-up ceremony, the all-around cadet award was presented to PO2 Johnston. Many other awards were handed out that evening.
  • Good Neighbours:  Marjorie Peters; Betty Osborne.
  • Died: Jim Braun, 51; Harry Wilker, 75; Helene Pelletier, 83; Tammy Thompson, 35.


  • Sixty teams taking part in the third annual Relay for Life raised almost $200,000 for cancer research and programs.
  • The St. Dominic Gr. 12 graduating class held a Jail n Bail event and raised $3700 toward a new spinE board for the Rocky Ambulance service.
  • Kailey Fauvelle and Allan Liang were valedictorians for Caroline School’s graduating class of 29 students.
  • The fifth annual Safety Day, co-sponsored by Sustainable Resource Development, TransCanada, ConocoPhillips and Encana attracted 1300 people, many of them elementary-aged schoolchildren.
  • Edmond Okolie, originally from Nigeria, began duties as outreach worker with people new to Rocky.
  • The Mountaineer received four major awards in the Alberta’s Better Newspapers Competition: Best All-around Newspaper, Best Front Page, Best Sports Page, Best Editorial Page.
  • Condor School was closed down by Wild Rose Public Schools after E. coli bacteria was found in the water supply.
  • Grizzly bears attacked and killed alpacas, a llama and other livestock near Crimson Lake. The trail at the lake was closed.
  • Amanda Lindhout, a journalist who had been held ransom in Somalia for 15 months, was in Rocky to raise money and awareness for a fund she started to enable education for Somali women.
  • Olympic silver medallist Mellisa Hollingsworth was the honourary marshall for the Rocky Stampede parade.
  • Western Wheels Car Club held a successful 100 Foot Shootout event at the arena complex.
  • A couple from Wyoming, Mike and Sheila Haveman, passed through the area in the horse-drawn wagon they were travelling in on their way to Alaska.
  • The Rocky Rotary Club was honoured by Canadian Blood Services for 15 years of volunteering at local blood donor clinics.
  • Shelby Siemens was valedictorian at West Central High School graduation ceremonies.
  • Grace Qually received the 2010 Minister’s Seniors Service Award for her seven years of volunteer service at the Clearwater Centre.
  • Alex Phillips and Britney Bryks gave the valedictory address for David Thompson High School graduation ceremonies.
  • Pastor Ton King of Clearwater Cowboy Church returned from India where he had gone for treatment for multiple sclerosis.
  • Good Neighbours: Jerry Caughlin; Gary Beagle; Ethel Buzekevich.
  • Died: Robert Reid, 96; Raymond Baker, 49; Connie Meyers, 80; Gerald Clay, 80; Mary Kerik, 91; Valva Carpentier, 79; Joseph Balog, 81; Gordon Pike, 79; Arie deBruyn, 90; Stanley Martin, 59; Alexander Plathan, 85; Dirk Prins, 74; Elmer Erickson, 82; Marvin Hertzberg, 68; Josie Shippelt, 80; Curtis Hayes, 50.


  • Citizens honoured at Canada Day festivities at the National Historic Site were Heidi Northcott, Youth of the Day; Angie Bednarz, Pioneer of the Day; Madeline Mottus, Elder of the Day; and Enid O’Connor, Citizen of the Day.
  • The Rocky-based company Team Snubbing turned heads around town with its brightly-painted pink truck. The company was donating 2.5 per cent of its daily work tickets to the Canadian Breast Cancer Society and was encouraging other businesses to match them.
  • Third-generation saddle bronc rider Kale McKenzie came in first at the National High School Rodeo Association’s provincial finals to become provincial champion.
  • Caroline hockey player Jim Vandermeer was picked to play with the Edmonton Oilers.
  • Tom Boston gave the valedictory address at St. Dominic High School graduation ceremonies.
  • Clearwater County division 3 councillor Larry Kowach left council because he had moved and no longer lived in the division.
  • Wild Rose Public Schools announced that Carolynne Muncer from Invermere, BC was hired as West Central High School’s new principal.
  • Organizers were pleased with the Loggers Sport Competition that attracted 32 competitors and over 300 spectators to the Rocky arena.
  • Several local RCMP officers worked at the G8/G20 summits in Huntsville, Ontario.
  • One hundred and sixty-six riders took part in the annual Thompson Country Horse Trials, held at their site near Crimson Lake.
  • A river safety awareness course was held at the National Historic Site.
  • Four delegates from Japan, including Kamikawa mayor Yosiji Sato, arrived in Rocky to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the twinning of Rocky and Kamikawa, Japan.
  • A group of 20 quadders had to be rescued at the Ram River by a combined task force of many different local agencies.
  • MP Blake Richards was in Nordegg to announce grants of up to $125,000 for the Nordegg National Historic Site.
  • It was announced that beginning in September a doctor from the Rocky medical office would have office hours one day a week in Caroline.
  • The 125th birthday of the beginning of the national parks system was celebrated at the National Historic Site, together with the annual Legends and Legacies weekend.
  • Maximum Echo, a horse owned by Caroline horse breeder Flo Houlton, was the Calgary Stampede open bridle working cow horse champion.
  • Local boxer and Canadian champion Kandi Wyatt was heading to Brasilia, Brazil for the VII Women’s Continental Boxing Championship.
  • Cathie MacDonald was chosen as the Rocky Library’s new manager, after Karen Paquette left the position.
  • A black bear was destroyed in town.
  • Died: Mike Means, 62; Margaret Sadek, 79; Douglas Lumsden, 16; Willi Siegrist, 71; Roy Knight, 87; Vera Pasechnik, 82; Kathleen Elliott, 97; Maice Heimbeckner, 56; Ernest Kruger, 68; Doris Pergotski, 81; Violette Rewega, 69.


  • Clearwater County council confirmed the purchase of the former Peak Energy building for over $2 million.
  • Environment Canada confirmed that a tornado touched down in the area between Stauffer and Caroline.
  • The Rocky Hospital operating room was reopened after repairs from a water leak were completed.
  • Gerald and Ann Mofford and Lyle and Leanne Smith were given rural beautification awards by Clearwater County. Lazy M Lodge received a special mention.
  • A pow wow was held at the Sunchild Reserve.
  • Between 4500 and 5000 people attended the Rocky Airshow, which included performances by the SkyHawks, Snowbirds, a vintage plane and more.
  • Local boxer Kandi Wyatt fought for a gold medal at the Women’s Continental Boxing Championships in Brasilia, Brazil.
  • Rocky RCMP, Rocky Search and Rescue, many residents and other groups took part in a search for a five-year-old girl who was apparently abducted from a home on the Sunchild Reserve.
  • A Regional Reuse Centre was opened at the Rocky Regional Waste Transfer Site with the help of a substantial investment by the Rocky Lions Club.
  • Leslieville athlete Jennifer Fetaz won two silver medals and shattered a national record at Legion Nationals in Ottawa.
  • Several fundraising events were held in Caroline to help the Brian Michalsky family.
  • Rocky Physio, Acupuncture and Fitness Centre celebrated their 25th anniversary in Rocky.
  • The World Professional Chuckwagon Association’s Battle of the Rockies performed to sold-out crowds at the North Saskatchewan River Park.
  • Olive and David Johnson gave a small island in the Clearwater River to the county.
  • Members of the Piikani First Nation were at the National Historic Site to take part in the Bastions and Bones event there.
  • Local rugby player Liam Willis played on the Team Alberta rugby squad at nationals.
  • One hundred and fifty-three runners took part in the Brian Mazza Memorial Trail Run held at Crimson Lake.
  • Lochearn School principal Alexis Holstead took a new position at the Wild Rose Public Schools central office.
  • The Rocky Rams men’s AA hockey team was back in town after a group of Rocky residents worked to form the team.
  • Rocky saddle bronc rider Kale McKenzie competed at the Canadian High School Rodeo Finals to come in as reserve champion.
  • A crew from the Discovery Channel’s program Daily Planet was at the Rocky airport for a shoot on local pilot Jerzy Strzyz and his Russian coach Sergei Boriak.
  • Six-year-old Taylor Peats had her long hair cut and donated it for children who are undergoing cancer treatments.
  • A rock concert at the arena complex to raise funds for the Rocky Pow Wow raised $1800.
  • Parks Canada archaeologists were digging test sites at the National Historic Site in an effort to learn more about the daily activities of inhabitants of the third fort.
  • Died: Gertie Forster, 86; Richard Streatch, 64; Linda May, 53; Ronald Shoemaker, 52; Ruben Stromquist, 88; Greg Podolski, 50; Hazel Chambers, 93; Pauline Cipperley, 88; Terry Graham, 56; David Hainsworth, 88; Cecilia Jessop, 82; Jim Justinen, 85; Darcy Larson, 51; Robert Morgan, 76; Allan Thomson, 66; LaRee Groves, 70; Norman Northcott, 98; Paul Guenther, 37; Bryan Balance, 66.


  • Lochearn Elementary School celebrated 50 years with the ribbon cutting of a commemorative park.
  • 11-year-old Trey Felesky raised $600 for the Calgary Children’s Hospital at a bike rally he organized.
  • Clearwater County marked 25 years as a municipality.
  • Danielle Spencer at Lochearn School and Bobbi-Jo Douglas at Pioneer School began their duties as new principals.
  • One hundred and forty-four golfers took part in the Rocky Victim Services Golf Charity Classic.
  • The Caroline Medical Clinic celebrated its grand opening.
  • Rocky Christian School celebrated its 40th anniversary.
  • Many people attended the fifth annual Rocky Studio Tour, held for the first time in the fall.
  • The grand opening of the Landslide Lake Interpretive Fire Trail was held. The trail explores the outcome of plants and wildlife in the forest ecosystem after a fire.
  • Five people were arrested and faced charges of second-degree murder in connection with a homicide on the O’Chiese Reserve.
  • Rocky Town Council was declared elected by acclamation after nomination day was extended when only five people were nominated for the six council seats.
  • D.J. Price caught a skunk that had entered the 7-Eleven store.
  • A workforce symposium organized by Am Braighe Education and Training Services featured singer Susan Aglukark.
    Westview Lodge celebrated 50 years.
  • Good Neighbours: Earl and Marjorie Bradley; Patsy Haupt.
  • Died: Alfred Jones, 71; Sharon Osborne, 59; Robert Davies, 65; Thomas Jackson, 90; George Kraal, 60; Donna Mason, 68; Gladys Osborne, 88; Barney Valberg, 75; Alice Swainger, 85; Bill Wuth, 79; Madeline Holmes, 85; Barbara Petersen, 88; Harvey Northcott, 73; Raymond Shaurette, 87; Bob Long, 82; Bill Tomlinson.


  • A sixth person was arrested in relation to a homicide at the O’Chiese Reserve.
  • A number of Rocky students did well at the Alberta High School and Junior High School rodeo held at Rocky.
  • Local linesman Chad Huseby was officially hired as a linesman for the Western Hockey League.
  • Students from the O’Chiese and Sunchild schools experienced aviation firsthand when the Rocky Flying Club hosted them at the Rocky airport.
  • Leslieville musician Jeff Bradshaw was presented with the All-Star Band Award for Steel Guitar 2010.
  • Fifty newcomers to Canada, now living in Calgary, spent a day at the National Historic Site learning about Canadian history.
  • Many local schools took part in the annual Terry Fox Run.
  • St. Dominic High School began a breakfast program for students.
  • Fred Nash was elected as Rocky’s mayor in the municipal election, defeating incumbent Jim Bague.
  • In county elections, Jim Duncan, John Vandermeer, Bob Bryant, Earl Graham, Pat Alexander, Dick Wymenga and Case Korver were the new councillors.
  • In a plebiscite on the municipal election ballot, county voters decided against the proposal to vote for the reeve.
  • Assembly of First Nations Chief Shaun Atleo visited the Sunchild School.
  • A 300-pound black bear that had been reported at the Sunchild Reserve was caught by Fish and Wildlife officers and released in an unpopulated area.
  • The Honourable W. Helen Hunley, former mayor, MLA, provincial minister and Lt. Governor, passed away at the age of 90.
  • Rocky Town Council decided to close the sewage lagoon to out-of-town users.
  • Caroline Village Councillors, elected by acclamation, were Shirley Harvey, Edward Lengert, Laura Cudmore, Gwen Neilsen and Bob Pryor. Laura Cudmore was chosen as mayor by the council
  • Died: Dolores DeMonnin, 82; Trevor Howes, 44; Joan Brown, 87; Norman Jamieson, 60; James Robertson, 63; Angelika Lester, 58; Seth Lucas, 6; Elsa McKenzie, 95; Mary McNutt, 98; Lorne Gold, 54; Robert Gibbon, 61; William Strachan, 71; Tom Ross, 65.


  • Sheldon Willier of Rocky and his brother Kyle received a rescue award for saving a boater from drowning on Lesser Slave Lake.
  • Town council raised garbage rates.
  • Bob Goodwin of Rocky arrived home after helping with the successful rescue of Chilean miners as a rig manager for Precision Drilling.
  • The annual Rocky Mountain House Healthcare Centre Charity Gala raised $130,000 for the local hospital.
  • The West Central High School football Rebels captured the Lions Cup.
  • JinJa Kim, owner of the Wildrose Laundromat, collected donations of coats.
  • Wade Noble and Partners announced that they had acquired the accounting firm Meyers Norris Penny.
  • A former Nordegg resident, Chris Charmont, and his young son John were killed in an explosion at a resort in Mexico.
  • Water fountains were unsealed at Condor School after being closed down since June by E. coli contamination.
  • Sustainable Resource Development announced the closure of Wapiabi and Cadomin caves indefinitely to stop the spread of a disease that has been killing bats in the northeastern US, Ontario and Quebec.
  • Sustainable Resources Development reported that mountain pine beetle numbers were down over previous years.
  • Clearwater County planned to raise concerns about the bridge funding deficit with the Minister of Transportation.
  • The 2010 St. Dominic grad class donated money that they had raised to the Rocky ambulance for the purchase of spineboards.
  • The Rocky Native Friendship Centre organized a march downtown as part of National Addictions Awareness Week.
  • The David Thompson High School boys’ volleyball team took the silver medal at the zone playoffs.
  • The Rocky Curling Club marked 50 years.
  • Operation Christmas Child sent over 800 boxes from the area for children in less fortunate countries.
  • Connie VanderBaaren and her family were left homeless after their house was burned to the ground.
  • RCMP Cst. Ryan Moncrieff was awarded a medal of bravery from the Royal Canadian Humane Association for his actions during a head-on collision in May, 2009.
  • Dan Gonzales, director of the Lord’s Food Bank, said he expected to give out more hampers than usual in the upcoming Christmas season.
  • Dr. Stan Hein, a doctor in Rocky for 35 years, passed away in Lethbridge at the age of 91.
  • Good Neighbour: Haley Adams
  • Died: Margie Dollack, 88; Marie Quinlan, 76; Jack Jennings, 87; Howard Lilbourne, 70; Elizabeth Lucas; Annette Clark, 67; Bill Kult, 86; Lorna Myson, 90; Chris Charmont, 41; John Charmont, 9.


  • An arrest was made and charges laid against a 28-year-old man in relation to the abduction of a five-year-old girl from the Sunchild Reserve in August.
  • The total number of building permits issued in Rocky in 2010 was fewer than 2009 but worth more.
  • Next to New made donations to many local organizations to bring their 2010 donation total to $156,000.
  • The Goosens family, Rob, Tara, Amber and Breanna, had their heads shaved as a fundraiser for the Make-A-Wish Foundation. They raised over $10,000 for the charity.
  • Country singer Gord Bamford held a Christmas concert at West Central High School, with students from local schools also taking part.
  • An appeal by Sharon and Jochen Rubeling against a communications tower that was proposed to be built near them was turned down by the Subdivision and Development Appeal Board.
  • Local business Skyline Collision raised almost $10,000 in a fundraiser for the Juvenile Diabetes Foundation
  • A benefit concert for Connie VanderBaaren and her family, who lost their house and belongings in a fire in November, raised $29,000.
  • Good Neighbours: Chrissy Smart; Scott and Linda Collinson.
  • Died: Allan Train, 71; Gladys Miller, 85; William Taskila, 85; Sidney Visser, 69; Rick Cain, 50; Blaine Heward; Walter Jackson, 75; Howard Thompson, 91.