A gun threat shut down St. Dominic and West Central High Schools on December 21.
Local building inspector Dave Dransfield retired and town council awarded Jim Kimmel of IJD Inspections a one-year contract for the position.
Elijah Beaver-Hawman, son of Catherine and Shawn, was Rocky’s New Year’s baby. He was born January 5.
Four Rocky rugby players, Karina Stevenson, Sonja Simmelink, Jaidyn Tubbs and Jackie McBride, headed to Las Vegas as part of Alberta’s Wild Rose rugby team to take part in an international tournament.
Wes Eror retired after 45 years in the provincial forestry department.
Sunchild First Nation was being audited by the Department of Aboriginal Affairs.
Minister of Alberta Municipal Affairs Doug Griffiths met with local government leaders to discuss area issues, particularly infrastructure needs.
Federal MP Blaine Calkins presented Queen’s Diamond Jubilee medals to Sylvia Pedrazzini, Sister Margie MacDonnell and Archie Richardson for their contributions to the community.
Good Neighbours: Ray Christiansen, Claudia Martinez; Christie and Carson Titford; Dave and Martha Hawkings; Ken Johnson.
Died: Cela Demas, 92; Mac (John Macdonald) Morgan, 67; Alice Torgerson, 74; John Gates, 46; Kristyne Carlson; Gordon Genz, 88; Douglas Lowry, 66; Agnes Oliver, 99; Edward Gallant, 85; Lorraine Sambrooke; Elvin Robinson, 83; Shirley Rossing, 84; Dorothy Adams, 85; Jane Feddes, 90; Wayne Law, 72; Carol Sterling, 59; Laura Lee Miller, 52.
February 2013
The Town of Rocky announced that it would be closing the volunteer centre.
Mountaineer editor Stu Salkeld’s photo of RCMP arresting a quad theft suspect won first place at the Alberta Weekly Newspapers Association convention.
Lieutenant Barry Pinnell, Commanding Officer of 198 Yukon Sea Cadets, was awarded a Queen’s Jubilee Medal.
The Royal Canadian Mint stopped issuing pennies.
Mountaineer publisher Glen Mazza announced that editor Stu Salkeld would be leaving the paper to take a position in St. Albert.
Lone Pine Forest Products celebrated 25 years in business.
Charges were laid after a man was run over by a snowmobiler near Alhambra.
Severe water damage at the new Westview Lodge facility caused the displacement of six residents while repairs were being made.
Harry Berger, who passed away in 2012, left a $5,000 bequest to the Rocky Hospital.
West Central High School student Brayden Friesen was chosen to be part of the 2013 National Youth Band of Canada.
The Mountain Rose Women’s Shelter Romance ’N Roses fundraiser evening raised over $40,000 for the shelter.
Sgt. Terri Miller of Clearwater County’s highway patrol received the Award of Excellence from the Alberta Association of Community Peace Officers. Part of the award was $1,000 to be donated, which Miller gave to the Mountain Rose Women’s Shelter.
Good Neighbours: Garth McLean; Rick and Bobbi Moore
Provincial education minister Jeff Johnson was in the area.
Several hundred figure skaters were in town to take part in the Star Skate Championships, hosted by the Rocky Figure Skating Club.
Lee Chambers, director of Parks, Recreation and Culture for the town, said that further development at North Saskatchewan River Park is at a standstill until Alberta Transportation approves road access to the park.
The Rocky Rodeo tarp aucvtion for the Alberta Professional Pony Chuckwagon and Chariot Association raised $108,000. The highest grossing tarp was Marvin Hubl’s at $4,300.
The Gr. 8 Pioneer Middle School and Gr. 9 West Central High School bands received gold awards at the Alberta International Band Festival in Calgary.
At the annual Chamber of Commerce banquet, community awards were presented to Lazy M Lodge, hospitality award; Jeaninne Stuart of On the Mend, customer service award; Dick’s Fleet Maintenance, small business of the year (under 25 employees); Modern Electric, small business of the year (over 25 employees); Ken and Wendy Fowler, Lou Soppit community builder award; Sever family, farm family of the year; Entire Care Electrolysis, home-based business award; Angela Moesker and Lynda Rowann Huseby, Martha Kostuch Memorial Award. Mayor’s awards went to Art Rodway and Ken Fowler for voluntary service; Randy Ponich, athletics; Donna Reid, special recognition award; Phyllis McNutt, citizenship, distinguished volunteer service; Pat McDonald, mayor’s award. The family of the late Mac Morgan accepted the Clear Water Landcare Environmental Stewardship Award. Queen’s
Diamond Jubilee medals were presented to Reeve Pat Alexander, Mayor Fred Nash, Clearwater Regional Fire Rescue Chief Cammie Laird; Grace Qually and Paul Prevost.
The Wild Elk Federation together with Environment and Sustainable Resource Development released 55 head of elk from Elk Island National Park into an area west of Rocky.
The late Ernie Shaw was named Member of the Year at the annual Rocky Fish and Game Association banquet.
Jordan Rohatynski, a Gr. 12 student at St. Dominic High School, travelled to Ottawa to take part in the Forum for Young Canadians.
University of Alberta medical student Jovita Byzitter, formerly of Rocky, received a bursary from the Alberta Rural Physician Action Plan, given to medical students who plan to spend their careers in rural medicine.
Irene Medin received a Queen’s Diamond Jubilee medal.
Rocky town council approved the upgrading of Curtis Field at Confluence Campus.
Good Neighbours: Heather Soderburg; Stewart Stephanson; Sylvia and Don Duhamel.
Died: William Schenk, 91; Bernard Kokesch, 84; Arvid Johansson, 81; Larry Chevallier, 62; Carol Chartrand, 62; Robert LeSauvage, 63; Robert Currie, 66; Joylene Mack, 64; Jean Myers, 91; George Whitford, 48; Robert Pengelly, 74; Vern Woitas, 74; Ross Walker, 82; Edythe Peterson, 95.
April 2013
Former Alberta Premier Ralph Klein passed away. Klein had lived in Rocky as a child.
Lana Vrbanic arrived at The Mountaineer to take over the position of editor.
Rocky Town Council approved a slight mill rate increase for 2013 property taxes.
Butch Shenfield, Forestry Area Manager for Environmental and Sustainable Resource Development, retired after 36 years of service.
Local pharmacist Grant Anderson took part in a protest in Red Deer against government budget cuts regarding generic drugs.
Cal Dallas, Alberta Minister of International and Governmental Relations, was in Rocky to promote government services that support companies in exporting abroad.
Almost $2 million was raised at the World Professional Chuckwagon Association chuckwagon canvas auction. The auction included Rocky’s Battle of the Rockies, which raised $267,000.
After only one month in the Rural Alberta Business Centre Opportunities Centre for new businesses, three businesses moved to new larger locations.
Devon Canada held an open house to inform area residents about their new Ferrier Central Processing Facility being built in the Rocky area.
A house belonging to Corrine Fletcher and her family was completely destroyed by fire. A series of fundraisers to help the family were planned.
Team Alberta, representing Canada at the World Senior Curling Championships in Fredericton, N.B., won the tournament. Randy Ponich of Rocky was a member of the team.
Loyal Ma of Rocky was awarded the Officiating Recognition Award for the sport of cycling at the Alberta Sports Awards event in Banff.
The Rocky Ag. Society marked 100 years at a celebration held at Leslieville Hall.
A spring aerobatic training camp was held at the Rocky airport.
Three Boxall family members, Dylan, Jon and Kaid, qualified for karate nationals in Ottawa.
Clearwater County council held the county municipal tax rate to 2012 levels. Farmland, non-residential and machinery and equipment rates went up two per cent.
A boil water advisory was called for Nordegg pending repairs to a leak in the water reservoir.
Good Neighbours: Helen Fink; Sheri-Lynn Black; Raina and Kris Johnson.
Died: Patrick Hendrigan, 75; Mary Helen Rachar, 82; Wayne McDougall, 66; Jim Taylor, 97; Ed Grzech, 74; John Marston, 77; Heather Misner, 64.
May 2013
The Town decided to delay the start of planned renovations to the arena complex in order to prepare a master plan for the site.
Over 2000 visitors took in the annual Chamber of Commerce trade show.
Badminton players from West Central High School brought back silver medals from the provincial competition in Calgary.
Residents of Nordegg were evacuated due to an out-of-control wildfire in the area.
Volunteers worked to erect a playground for the Mountain Rose Women’s Shelter.
Rocky Town Council awarded the contract for the main street makeover engineering design to Associated Engineering.
Cuts were being made to interpretive services at the Rocky Mountain House National Historic Site.
A group of home-schooled students and some children from Caroline took to the air with the Canadian Owners and Pilots Association (COPS) who took the kids for airplane rides at the Rocky airport.
Over 300 students from Pioneer Middle School and West Central High School took part in 50 different classes at the Red Deer Festival of the Performing Arts, with students placing in almost every class, and many awarded scholarships.
The Next to New gave $70,000 to local non-profit organizations. It was noted that the shop is in danger of closing due to a lack of volunteers.
Remains discovered near Breton on May 7 were identified as Everett Goodrunning of Rocky, who had been missing since 2008.
A group of six paddlers, five from Ontario and one from the United States, began a canoe trip to Quebec from the Rocky Mountain House National Historic Site.
A life-sized bronze statue of Charlotte Small by artist Don Lynch, commissioned by the Confluence Heritage Society and the David Thompson Bicentennial Brigade, was placed at the Rocky Mountain House National Historic Site.
A spokesperson for Alberta Health Services said that they have recognized a need for a new hospital in Rocky but it is not on the government’s infrastructure priority list.
Lynette Birg was named as the Special Events Coordinator for the Town of Rocky.
Sarah Titford’s steer was awarded Interclub Overall Grand Champion and South Champion at the 4-H Show and Sale event held at the arena. Teagan Fandrick’s steer was Reserve Grand Champion and North Champion.
Sunchild First Nation members marked Treaty Day, commemorating the day in 1944 the First Nation was formed.
The Relay for Life to raise money for the Canadian Cancer Society raised more than $80,000 despite rain during the event.
Good Neighbours: Dianne Pederson; Val Murray and Phyllis Ironside; Bill McEnulty.
Died: Morley Bloxham; Elizabeth Cumberland, 83; Raymond Lanoie, 72; Dorothy (Bunty) Dyer, 88; Arthur Loude, 60; Curtis Rangen, 43; Ronald Hainsworth, 72; Harvey Leinweber, 71; Charlotte Smith, 82; Marie Kunkl, 90; Raymond Shmyr, 67; Martha Slaymaker, 89.
June 2013
Brian Celli, superintendent of Wild Rose Public Schools, said that 23 teaching positions would be cut for the next school year due to provincial government cutbacks.
RCMP and County Highway Patrol reported that May long weekend visitor numbers to the area were down from previous years.
Laurel Ponich, executive director of COPE, expressed concern that provincial government cuts to programs for people with developmental disabilities would adversely affect COPE clients and their families.
The World Cup Soccer Day tournament at Pioneer field drew over 200 kids, double the number at last year’s event.
The Boxall karate trio of family members Jon, Dylan and Kaid all secured spots on the Canadian national team and will represent Canada at the World Karate and Kickboxing Council World Championships in Italy.
ATB Financial won the award for best dressed and second for best decorated for rodeo week sponsored by The Mountaineer and
Henry’s Western Wear. CIBC won best decorated large office and second for best dressed and the Town of Rocky Recreation Parks and Community Services won for best dressed and best decorated small office. The Legion took second place for best decorated small office.
Red Deer Catholic Regional Schools were proposing to staff and provide instruction in Nordegg, possibly in the County’s new public services building.
Girl Guides in Rocky celebrated 100 years of Guiding in Alberta.
George VanderBurg, Alberta Associate Minister of Seniors, announced that Rocky Mountain House will be receiving a portion of $683 million in grants to build new supportive living spaces.
A fatal motor vehicle collision occurred on Hwy. 22.
Ground was broken for The Rock youth drop-in centre at Living Branches Church.
The town awarded the contract for renovation of Curtis Field to Sid Puddacomes Associates Ltd.
New Chamber of Commerce board members: Patrick Danis, president; Anil Walji, president-elect; Jerry Pratt, Marion Kostynuk, Colleen Dwyer, Debee Graham, Shane Buss, Co Stiganduhr, Danielle Feddema, Brian Williamson, Shirley Sellers.
The Rocky Organizaton for Animal Rescue (ROAR) held Pet Fest 2013 at the West Central High School parking lot.
The Rocky Ag Society hosted a Farmers’ Day picnic to celebrate the group’s 100th anniversary.
The area was swamped by torrential rains, which washed out several roads and caused flooding in many locations.
West Country Family Service Association board members: Betty Osborne, Deb Wynn, Richard Lemmon, Joan Hoisington, Lori Gray, Jana Thompson, Rachel Hirsch, Lena Feddes and Deb Johnston. Michelle Narang is the executive director.
Veterans of the 1st Canadian Parachute Battalion gathered at the Siffleur Falls staging area to commemorate the 69th anniversary of D-Day.
Randolph Westphal, a cancer survivor who has travelled around the world on his bike for 25 years, made a stop in Rocky.
Elementary students in Rocky celebrated National Aboriginal Day.
Good Neighbours: Harvey and Ruth Barrer.
Died: Rae Erickson, 92; Edward Shaurette, 69; Fran Teshier, 82; Hulda Atwater, 86; Leonard Bachelder; Stephen Watson, 65; David Milburn, 56; Ernst Haudeck, 86; Maria Hall, 69; Jessie Merklin, 21; Wayne Rinas, 52; Myrtle Weber, 83.
July 2013
In the aftermath of severe flooding from heavy rain in June, Clearwater County estimated that road repairs would cost $2 million.
Noah Arychuk was valedictorian at West Central High School graduation ceremonies.
Merton Wolf of Rocky, along with his twin brother Marvin, was awarded third place at the 2013 Chartwells Senior Star Competition in Edmonton.
Brandon Menzies gave the valedictory address at David Thompson High School graduation ceremonies.
David Carter, assistant director of the Lord’s Food Bank, said that summer is the slowest season for donations.
The Rocky Knights U16 girls soccer team finished their season with a silver medal at the Alberta Soccer League championships.
Many community members contributed to a fundraising drive for Brett Simmelink`s battle against non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma.
The third annual Calling All Drums Multicultural Powwow drew crowds to the Rocky Mountain House National Historic Site.
The Mountaineer published “History from the Headlines,” a keepsake magazine produced to mark Rocky’s 100th anniversary and
The Mountaineer’s 90th.
The Gran Fondo Highwood Pass cycling event passed through Rocky. The race was diverted from its original route due to the extensive flooding in southern Alberta in June.
Clearwater County passed a bylaw creating two new land use districts in Nordegg with strict requirements regarding wildlife attractants such as garbage.
Alberta Parks and the Push to Open Society hosted a Foothills Adaptive Challenge at Crimson Lake and Twin Lakes provincial parks, providing those with disabilities or other mobility issues to get out and enjoy the outdoors.
Residents of Rocky and area celebrated the town`s 100th birthday by taking part in various activities at the arena complex and downtown.
Local author Colin Manuel launched his first book “Footloose in the Front Forty” through an auction, with all funds going to the Palliative Care Unit at the hospital in honour of the late Mac Morgan.
Local saddle bronc competitor Jim Berry brought home the Guy Weadick award from the Calgary Stampede, awarded to the performer who most embodies the spirit of the Stampede with their ability, appearance, showmanship and character.
JD Hays and Dustin Beaverbones also competed at the Calgary Stampede.
Three local rugby players, Sonja Simmelink, Karina Stevenson and Cassidy Hollingsworth, were chosen for the team representing Alberta at the national rugby tournament held in Vancouver.
Fortis Alberta named Rocky as one of the top ten lightning hot spots in the province.
A group of Junior Forest Rangers spent a day building a trail to the new dock at Crimson Lake Provincial Park.
The biannual Rocky Airshow attracted over 10,000 spectators, a record for the event.
A fire at Columbus Place seniors’ residence forced all residents to evacuate and left one man dead.
Stephanie Beaverbones, who had been reported missing July 13, was located by RCMP and spent time recovering in hospital.
Rocky Chamber of Commerce executive director Cindy Taschuk said that the chamber was encouraging big box stores to locate in Rocky.
A group of students from Kamikawa, Japan, Rocky’s twin town, spent time in the area as part of an exchange celebrating Rocky’s 100th birthday.
Good Neighbour: Martha Lee
Died: Lila Johnston, 60; Gordon Ross, 91; Helen Ginter, 64; Lola Morrison, 91; John Judd, 85; Cody Webster, 39; Ken Cozicar; Raymond McColl, 89; Arie Hoeksema, 93; Lois Turner, 75; Kathleen Bendle, 64; Isabel Davis (Glover), 95; Harry McKenzie, 75; Arthur “Dennis” Soderburg, 66.
August 2013
Charges were laid in connection with the disappearance of Stephanie Beaverbones, who went missing July 14 and was not found until 12 days later.
The Town launched a new website, developed by a U.S.-based firm.
The Town of Rocky was preparing a redevelopment plan for Old Town.
The 22nd annual Fat Tire Festival at Frontier Lodge attracted a record number of cyclists.
Rugby players Wayde Hogden and Trevor Lublinkhoff were named to the Alberta U18 Rugby Team and headed to the national tournament in Vancouver.
Local cyclist David Johnston won a gold medal at the Alberta 55 Plus Games, held in Westlock and Barrhead.
Classes of 1964, 1965 and 1966 from Rocky Mountain House Junior Senior High School held a reunion.
The Town held an open house to present the concept plans for the Main Street renovation planned for 2014.
Clearwater County Rural Beautification Awards: Michele and Bill Hepburn, first, farm category, Grant and Cathy McQuiston, runners-up; Wendy and John Armet, first, acreage under 15 years, Trevor and Billie Kalyn, runners-up; Larry and Janet Hanson, first, acreage over 15 years, Casey and Arlene Jones, runners-up.
Rick Fraser won the world championship at the World Professional Chuckwagon races held at North Saskatchewan River Park.
Rocky’s first annual skateboard competition, The Prince of the Park Challenge, attracted 26 competitors vying for $2,000 in prizes. The event was held in memory of the late Dylan Redcalf.
Martin Jancus of Red Deer won the 10k Brian Mazza Memorial Trail Run, held at Crimson Lake Provincial Park. The races attracted 264 participants.
A group of volunteers donated time and resources to make some needed improvements at the Cow Lake day-use area.
The Town of Rocky amended a bylaw to clear the way for construction of an 86-unit adult-care housing facility in the Creekside neighbourhood.
A large crowd enjoyed the 32nd annual Lions Demolition Derby at North Saskatchewan River Park.
The annual Husky Energy Spring Fling Golf Classic raised $39,000 for local charities, a record for the event.
Good Neighbour: Colleen Bird.
Died: Betty Anne Erickson, 68; Irene Waite, 87; William McIlraith, 77; Mae Gervais, 78; Joseph Kramer, 68; Lloyd McMartin, 67; Lorna Phillips, 66; Carl Black, 89; Philip Landry, 82; Christian Lougheed, 7.
September 2013
Local emergency services responded to at least 15 incidents on the Labour Day long weekend.
RCMP recovered four stolen off-highway vehicles at the Sunchild Reserve.
Residents of Columbus House began to return to their homes in the building after repairs were completed as a result of a fire in July.
Rocky town council began proceedings to rezone property around Mud Lake to create industrial lots in the town.
Clearwater County and Red Deer Regional Catholic Schools were negotiating to develop a satellite school in the Nordegg Public Services building.
The Rocky Peewee Jr. Rebels played their first game ever.
Air Canada began regular flights to the Red Deer airport.
The Cow Lake campground celebrated its 25th anniversary.
RCMP laid charges against a 14-year-old in the shooting of nine cattle in the Stauffer area.
A charity golf tournament held by McCaw’s Drilling and Blasting raised $8,355 for local charities.
“Stronger Together,” a collaborative agreement between the three municipalities in the region, was signed by Reeve Pat Alexander of Clearwater County, Mayor Fred Nash of Rocky Mountain House and Mayor Laura Cudmore of the Village of Caroline.
Jerry Laslo was the new executive director of the Rocky Native Friendship Centre.
Nearly 100 volunteers helped dig potatoes at Nick and Donna Lublinkhoff’s farm. The spuds were to go to Calgary and Red Deer food banks.
The Victim Services Charity Golf Tournament raised over $15,000 for the organization.
Secure Energy’s Ray Baker Memorial Golf Tournament raised $35,000 for the Alberta Children’s Hospital.
Close to 100 runners took part in the Confluence Heritage Society’s Frightful Flee fun run at the RMH National Historic Site.
The Mountain Rose Women’s Shelter Walk a Mile in Her Shoes event, featuring male participants wearing high heels in a walk through town, raised $7,500 for the shelter.
Municipal election candidates filed nomination papers. Running for mayor of Rocky were Jim Bague, Sheila Mizera and incumbent
Fred Nash. Town council incumbents running again were Bill Symko and Donald Verhesen. They were joined by nominees Tammy Burke, Matthew Kramer, Rudy Lange, Randall Sugden and Manfred Ullman.
Three municipal election candidates for Clearwater County council were acclaimed: Jim Duncan, Curt Maki and Earl Graham. Other nominees were Pat Alexander, Bob Bryant, Richard Cuerrier, Kyle Greenwood, Theresa Laing, Dennis Oelhaupl, Chuck Shipley and John Vandermeer.
Nathan Moore began the year as the new principal of West Central High School.
The Cow Lake Transfer Station, operated by the Rocky Mountain House Regional Waste Authority, received a Collection Site of Excellence award from the Alberta Recycling Management Authority.
Good Neighbour: Gene Land
Died: Samuel Moore, 80; Gladys Vandenberg, 92; Bill Graham White, 69; David Angle, 52; Edith May, 73; Christian Heck, 39; Owen Oliver, 74; Ronald Adams, 84; Alvin Hecht, 82; Doreen Pittendriegh, 84; Charlie Groves, 84; Norman Cole, 72; Mildred Rodtka.
October 2013
The Town of Rocky Mountain House and Clearwater County agreed to collaborate in upgrading the town’s wastewater facility for use by town and county residents.
Two mining companies, Black Eagle Mining Corporation and Ram Coal Corporation, were conducting explorations in the Ram River coal field west of Rocky.
Trout Unlimited announced funding to remove an impediment to fish spawning in Prairie Creek.
The Make-A-Wish Foundation visited St. Matthew Catholic School to present student Colton Hope with plans to fulfill his wish.
An old school bell originally from Beaver Flats School was donated to the Rocky Museum by Aileen Leonard.
Six charges were laid by RCMP against a man who allegedly damaged fish habitat in Swan Creek with a quad, then posted videos of himself doing so on YouTube.
A group of Boy Scouts from Rocky planted 1,500 limber pine seedlings at Windy Point.
Dr. Vanessa Berjat began providing endoscopy services at the Rocky hospital using a new state-of-the art system purchased by the Rocky Mountain House Health Centre.
Local musicians Tim and Pat Frayn returned from a stint with Via Rail’s Artists on Board Program, travelling from Calgary to Halifax by rail and performing during the trip.
The Rocky Public Library celebrated 75 years of service to the community.
Westview Lodge held a ribbon-cutting ceremony to mark the opening of the rebuilt facility.
Curtis Field was re-opened after having undergone extensive refurbishment to make it more playable for football players.
A group of visitors from Montana were in the area following in the footsteps of David Thompson.
Environment and Sustainable Resource Development noted that mountain pine beetle numbers in the Rocky-Clearwater Forest are on the decline.
Students at St. Matthew Catholic School raised over $6,000 for cancer research in their annual Terry Fox Run.
Fred Nash was re-elected mayor of Rocky in municipal elections. Town council members elected were Tammy Burke, Rudy Lange, Randall Sugden, Bill Symko, Manfred Ullman and Donald Verhesen.
After recounts in two divisions, elected councillors for Clearwater County were Pat Alexander, Jim Duncan, Kyle Greenwood, Curt Maki, Earl Graham, Theresa Laing and John Vandermeer.
Fright Night at the Site, an event at the Rocky Mountain House National Historic Site, attracted participants from as far away as Calgary over two weekends.
A group of students from Kamikawa, Japan spent time in the area.
Merv Pidherney of Rocky was awarded the Ernst & Young Entrepreneurship Award for Energy Services for his success in building his business.
Pat Alexander was chosen as reeve of Clearwater County by the new council.
The Rocky Curling Club voted to rebuild their facility rather than carry out the extensive repairs and upgrades needed.
The Siffleur Falls pedestrian bridge reopened after rebuilding following severe flooding in June.
Good Neighbours: Bernie and Nancy Lublinkhoff; Allen Bowen; Brenden Enns; Ryan and Keri-Lynn Jillard.
Died: George Longworth, 92; Edward Howe, 90; Mavis Becker, 90; Carol Carl, 61; Edward Hopkins, 87; Gary Berger, 72; Ruben Odenbach, 89; Sandra Livingston; Roy Garnett, 72; Frances Renneberg, 75; Jesse Verhaeghe, 92; Ed Kuehn, 88.
November 2013
A 67-year-old man was killed in an occupational accident north of Rocky at Medicine Lake.
Parents of a group of children from the Nordegg area were devastated when the students were barred from attending classes at a
Red Deer Catholic School pilot project in the Nordegg Public Services Building, due to funding issues.
Rocky`s first electric car charging station was unveiled at the grand opening of the new Peavey Mart on Main St.
The body of a missing hunter from Springbank was recovered near Mt. Abraham.
Rudy Lange, elected as a Town councillor in the October elections, tendered his resignation, citing health reasons and council demands.
Western Alignment and Brake celebrated 25 years in business.
A 14-year-old female was killed after being hit by a pickup truck as she was walking down Hwy. 11.
Town council set January 15, 2014 as the date for a byelection to fill Rudy Lange`s seat.
Good Neighbours: Bonnie Kroetsch; Geoffrey and Shauna Brodie
Died: Paula Cox, 48; Donald Allen; William Nesbit, 99; Leon Lecerf, 84; Gordon Ward, 47; Georg VanderLeek, 85.
December 2013
The Lord’s Food Bank was in need of donations for Christmas hampers.
The Rotary Club’s third annual Festival of Trees raised $25,000.
Clearwater County was approved to receive close to $4 million from the province for post-flood reconstructive efforts.
Fred Sutherland of Rocky received a life membership from the 703 Wing Royal Canadian Air Force Association for his bravery and service during the Dambuster Raids in The Second World War.
RCMP charged a man and seized 171 pounds of marijuana after the drugs were found concealed in the box of a truck that had struck and killed a 14-year-old girl west of Rocky.
Next to New gave out their last set of donations for 2013, bringing their donation total to $180,000, a record for the group.
RCMP seized 285 marijuana plants with a street value of $320,000 from a rural property in Clearwater County.
Almost 900 shoeboxes were packed from the area for Operation Christmas Child, which sends the gifts to children in need around the world.
High school rugby player Wayde Hogden was named Rugby Alberta/Kukri Male Player of the Year. Hodgen was preparing to travel to New Zealand to play with a local club team there.
One-time Rocky Titans Boxing Club member Maria Hayball brought home a silver medal from the World Wushu Championships in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Clearwater County council decided to provide funding for a feasibility/study regarding the construction of an Ag Field House.
Good Neighbours: Patti Werstiuk; Judy Hacon; Kevin Stalker and Sheila Mizera
Died: Carl Haupt, 82; Robert Kostuik; Judy Kruse, 70; Gladys Dibblee, 80; John Hermann, 78; Harold Rowbottom, 93; Kathy Phillips, 80; John Hunley, 66; William Martin, 86; Terry Jameson; Lawrence Johnson; Donald Long; Dale Pidhirney.