

January 2014

  • Robert Taylor, son of Liz and Tim Taylor, was the New Year baby, born Jan. 3.
  • A dairy barn belonging to the Simmelink family collapsed under the weight of heavy snow, killing nine cows and six calves.
  • Rocky town council defeated a motion to extend a project to let town residents keep backyard chickens.
  • Canadian hiphop and rock artist Manafest appeared in Rocky at Living Branches Church for their Winterfest event.
  • Sheila Mizera was elected as town councillor in a byelection, defeating Matthew Kramer and Jim Kult.
  • Village of Caroline councillor Peter Leek resigned.
  • Dora Cote of the area was chosen as one of 50 finalists for the reality TV cooking program MasterChef Canada.
  • Good Neighbours: Randy and Cindy Saler; Case Korver; Jen MacKinnon and Carl Knight.
  • Died: Beatrice Challand, 88; Margaret Kelly, 66; Elsie Swanson, 81; Hamish Grant, 87; Shirley Baron, 72; Gertrude Schlebnig, 83; Mary Ann Gray, 87; Thomas Holloway, 87; Lucille Smith, 94; Leo Vanderaa, 73.

February 2014

  • RCMP laid 133 charges against six youth for spray painting property and for theft.
  • The Sunchild Horse Capture Program, a collaborative effort between RCMP and industry, began an attempt to round up feral and stray horses in the area.
  • Team Bauer’s, Dianne Bowen, Pam Schroderus, Noreen Smith and Chantal Brouwer, won the A event at the annual Rocky Farmerettes Bonspiel.
  • Team Sieppert, Miles Wright, Wayne Wyatt, John Sieppert and Jim Rose, were the A final winners at the Farmers Bonspiel.
  • Skaters did 5,138 laps at an event hosted by the Rocky Speed Skating Club to help the club in their effort to skate 74,464 laps to qualify for a national draw.
  • The Village of Caroline set March 20 as the date for a byelection to fill a vacant council seat after the resignation of Peter Leek.
  • Gwen Nielsen and Mark Van Slyke were candidates for the position.
  • Dianne Dobson was named Legionnaire of the Year for 2013 by the Caroline Legion.
  • A byelection was called for Clearwater County Division 4, after an Alberta Court of Queen’s Bench Justice declared the office vacant. The ruling settled a legal challenge to three ballots cast in the Oct. 21, 2013 municipal election. Chuck Shipley and John Vandermeer were named candidates.
  • Laura Button began duties as editor of The Mountaineer.
  • The Clearwater Boys and Girls Club received a grant of $30,000 from President’s Choice Children’s Charity for kitchen renovations and equipment.
  • Local weaver Jesslyn Miller wove scarves for three area people involved with the Sochi Olympics — Kurt Browning, Mellisa Hollingsworth and Chris Witwicki.
  • Clearwater Regional Fire Chief Cammie Laird said the cause of a fire at a house in town was under investigation and had been handed over to the RCMP.
  • ATB honoured three area agricultural families to celebrate the institution’s 75th anniversary. The Gordon and Laureen Fisher family, the Len and Sally Songer family and the Albert, Leona and Evan Stolte family all received commemorative belt buckles.
  • A TransCanada natural gas pipeline northwest of Rocky ruptured, leaving many in the area without gas service.
  • Rocky Town Council revisited the Backyard Chicken Pilot Project, and in a vote decided to reverse their previous decision and draft a bylaw to allow the practice.
  • Local dogsledders Jillian Lawton and Steve Taylor placed second and third at the Canadian Challenge dogsled competition in northern Saskatchewan.
  • Eckville’s Mellisa Hollingsworth finished 11th in skeleton racing at the Sochi Olympics.
  • Former Rocky resident Chris Witwicki was the coach of the Canadian Olympic Snowboard Slopestyle team at the Winter Olympics in Sochi, Russia.
  • Can Praxis, an area program that uses horses to treat post traumatic stress disorder, received $150,000 from Wounded Warriors, an Ontario-based charity that focuses on veterans’ mental health.
  • Good Neighbours: Chase Westlund; Larry Titford; Vic Gale and Ron Hoiland; Calvin Kostynuk
  • Died: Kenneth Leer, 74; Carole Martin, 75; Margaret Hutton, 86; Jerry King, 65; Albert Lachance, 85; Don McFadyen, 80; George Louis Mazza, 80; Andrew (Bret) Trento, 45; Nicolaos Ahtanasopoulis, 80; Robin McDonald, 63; Vera Maxwell, 97; Charles Cole, 68; Bette Ringness

March 2014

  • The Town of Rocky and Clearwater County councils approved a proposal regarding the need for a new hospital for the area.
  • Romance N’ Roses, the Mountain Rose Women’s Shelter’s annual gala, raised over $40,000.
  • Dora Cote, finalist in the CTV reality show MasterChef Canada, hosted a meet and greet event to give fans a chance to taste some of her signature dishes.
  • A 16-year lawsuit against the Town of Rocky Mountain House by RVB Management was dismissed by an Alberta Court of Queen’s Bench judge.
  • John Vandermeer was elected in a Clearwater County division four byelection that was called as a result of a decision by an Alberta Court of Queen’s Bench judge in February.
  • Twyla Thebeau of Rocky was preparing to take part in the Miss Canada Globe project in Toronto.
  • Fish and Wildlife officials were investigating the discovery of 36 hides, a mixture of mule deer, whitetail deer and elk, that were found dumped near the Oras Road.
  • Lochearn Elementary School was shut down for a day due to concerns about mould in the building.
  • The Rocky Mountain House Chamber of Commerce held its 70th banquet and awards night. Recipients were Judy and Danny Gibson of the Western Star, the Lou Soppit Community Builder award; the Pidherney family, Business of the Year (over 25 employees) award and the Long Time Business Achievement award; Gerald Knopp, Environmental Stewardship award from Clear Water Landcare; TNT HydroVac and Line Locating Ltd. Business of the Year (under 25 employees); Emily Rowe, Martha Kostuch Environmental Stewardship Award; Dolly Brown, Mayor’s Award for Fine and Performing Arts; Terri and Larry Cameron of the Prairie Creek Inn, Hospitality award; Walter Atchison, Mayor’s Award for Distinguished Volunteer Service; Aldia Cadrain-Mitchell, Mayor’s Award for Citizenship.
  • Devon Canada sold its conventional oil and gas assets, including those in the Rocky area, to Canadian Natural Resources Ltd.
  • MPs Blaine Calkins and Rob Merrifield were in the area and spent part of their time at the Rocky Rod and Gun Club shooting range.
  • Sulvaris began construction of a new Vitasul production facility at the Keyera Strachan gas plant. Vitasul is a sulphur plant fertilizer.
  • The Rocky Mountain House Primary Care Network moved from the medical clinic to a new larger location in the Lochearn Railway Plaza.
  • Main Street property owners started a petition to block a decision by Rocky town council to levy an improvement tax on them to help finance the Main Street reconstruction project.
  • Mark Van Slyke was elected in Caroline in a byelection to fill a vacant councillor position.
  • The town`s Main Street reconstruction project contract was awarded to Pidherney’s Inc. by town council.
  • Two reporters, Sarah Ann Collins and Nick O`Dea, joined The Mountaineer staff.
  • The Rocky Agriculture and Stampede Association raised over $120,000 at their annual tarp auction.
  • Ron Leaf, Chief Administrative Officer of Clearwater County, was named interim CAO of the Village of Caroline after the departure of Geoff Stephenson.
  • The Rocky Kinsmen donated over $20,000 to the Flipz Gymnastics Club towards the purchase of a new spring floor for their facility.
  • Good Neighbours: James Wade; Philip Penney; Don Cameron and Brent Thompson.
  • Died: Kevin Doyle, 51; Tylene Buchberger, 42; Lila Kohn, 78; Frances Stewart, 73; Carol Peddie, 59; Lawrence Bilitsky, 75; Jessie Gates, 83; Glen Valentine.

April 2014

  • Jessica Seitz was introduced to town council as the Community Volunteer Coordinator with the West Country Family Service Association.
  • The Mountaineer was named Best All-Around Newspaper in its class for 2013 by Newspapers Canada.
  • Jeremy Luoma and Donald Bertagnolli received football scholarships to Dordt College in Iowa. Another football player, Tristan Melanson, was chosen to play for the Edmonton Huskies football team for the next season.
  • Neway Oilfield’s team, Rick Dare, Phil Harstad, Darwin Fuller and Rob Armitage were the A event winners at the 49th annual Oilmen’s Bonspiel.
  • Environment and Sustainable Resource Development biologist Dave Christiansen retired after over 35 years of service.
  • Friends of Anina Hundsdoerfer, an Alberta government biologist who went missing from Edmonton March 23, set up billboards at locations close to where her vehicle was found.
  • Rocky residents Susanna Heystek, concert master, and Averyanna vanTol, first violinist, were part of two orchestras from Red Deer that gave a concert of classical music in Rocky.
  • Staged Right Productions performed Stage Struck as their spring production at Everdell Hall.
  • A canvas auction held to raise funds for the Battle of the Rockies chuckwagon event raised $235,300.
  • A town bylaw to tax Main St. property owners to pay for landscaping costs of the Main St. renovation was overturned after a petition protesting the tax was presented to town council by property owners.
  • Dovercourt Hall hosted an Easter egg hunt.
  • Authorities were investigating after a number of dead calves were found dumped in a ditch close to Hwy. 22.
  • Timcon Construction of Red Deer was awarded the contract for the renovation of the arena complex.
  • Rocky native Jason Cermak was awarded Best Performance by an Alberta actor at the Alberta Film and Television Awards for his work in the feature film Common Chord.
  • Alan Richards of the Caroline area received a liver transplant from his nephew Brayden Dezall.
  • Signs featuring the image of a Sasquatch and the message “Welcome to our backyard! Please enjoy it with respect” were placed in various locations in Clearwater County to encourage visitors to take care when in the west country. The project was an initiative of the West Central Stakeholders group.
  • Millie Liska celebrated her 100th birthday.
  • Northern Crossing’s spring production was “Ovation! A Broadway Revue” which featured songs and dance numbers from many Broadway musicals.
  • Good Neighbours: Colleen Salmon; Adelle Lorentzen; Brian and Fran Zimmer; Jim Martin and Kyle Longmire; Jackie Freigang
  • Died: Cornelia Bruinsma, 92; Max Kirstein, 91; Donald Rilling; Joan Lichak, 92; Elmer “Bud” McLean, 82; Bruce Snyder, 67; Percy Raymont, 82; Jean Stewart, 82; Doreen Tekelenburg, 90; Barrie Michalsky, 41; Patrick Zaviska, 75; Ronald McLean, 94; William Chernak, 75; Alex Cyr, 83; Flora Hall, 95; Daisy Miller, 76; Stephen Dick, 67.

May 2014

  • The West Country Outdoor Show, hosted by the Rocky Chamber of Commerce, attracted about 2,000 visitors.
    Ivy and Russell Patterson were grand prize winners at the third annual Caroline’s Got Talent event.
  • Brittany Fong began work as The Mountaineer’s summer reporter.
  • Next to New donated $70,000 to various community groups.
  • A team of 10 Rocky residents travelled to Haiti to assist with the rebuilding that continues there after the 2010 earthquake.
  • The Rotary Club raised over $30,000 at their 18th annual Lobsterfest.
  • Anina Hunsdoerfer, missing from Edmonton since March, was found deceased near the Forestry Trunk Road.
  • The Community Historical Society of Caroline took over the management of the Caroline RV campground.
  • West Central High School student Conner Frizzley was selected to participate in the MLA For a Day event in Edmonton.
    Mike Ranta, on a cross-Canada canoe trip, stopped briefly in Rocky. He was hoping to set a Guinness World Record for the longest solo paddle.
  • Local business owners said the federal government’s moratorium of the Temporary Foreign Worker program was negatively affecting them.
  • A groundbreaking ceremony for a new seniors’ housing complex in the Creekside subdivision was held.
  • Mark Friesen, band director at West Central High School, was awarded the Alberta Music Education Foundation Recognition Award of Excellence.
  • High school students Breanna Choma, Mary-Lou Parks and Brandon Charlton created a website called Stop the Madness to help students dealing with bullying.
  • Caroline football players Tyler Styner and Brodey Grumetza were selected to play on Team Canada in the Can Am Bowl.
  • Katelyn Willsie had the Interclub Overall Grand Champion Steer and South Champion Steer at the annual 4-H Show and Sale held this year in Caroline. Sarah Titford showed the Interclub Reserve Champion. Alayna deBruyn showed the North Club champion.
  • Pine Hills Golf Club celebrated its 50th anniversary.
  • Good Neighbours: Marcel Bodiguel; Garth McLean; Derek Leavitt; Hal Jessop
  • Died: Patricia Kronen, 75; Arnold Greenwood, 79; Mark Ririe, 77; Robert Stokes, 63; Patricia Rose, 82; Christina Hill, 61; David Lee, 71; Mikey (Anna) Baker, 62; Carl Skorstengaard, 88; Marvin Wolf, 80; David Welygan, 74.

June 2014

  • Shirley Easheppie received the 2014 National Aboriginal Women’s Award at the Esquao Awards in Calgary.
  • Clearwater County approved rezoning of a property to enable the building of a frac sand trans-loading facility by Di-Corp.
  • The Rocky Knights Soccer Club hosted its second annual World Cup Soccer Day, a marathon soccer tournament.
  • The West Central High School Farm Boys rugby team finished the regular season undefeated.
  • Professional UFC fighter Roy Nelson held a martial arts seminar at the Ironfist MMA club.
  • Walter Atchison was chosen as a finalist for Direct Energy’s Volunteer Citizen of the Year award. He chose to give the Rocky Museum the $1,000 prize donation.
  • Abby Petersen, a Gr. 7 Pioneer School student and winner of both school and regional Heritage Fairs, entered the National
  • Heritage Fair with her project on Canada’s relationship to the Titanic.
  • Rocky businesses dressed and decorated for rodeo week. Prizes were awarded to CIBC, best dressed large office; Rocky Credit Union, best décor large office; Pebble Ridge Coffee House, best dressed small office.
  • Jenna Godwin and Amy Liang were valedictorians at Caroline School graduation ceremonies.
  • West Central High School drama students presented a performance of Alice in Wonderland.
  • Rocky Credit Union celebrated 70 years with the grand opening of their renovated building.
  • Yoshikazu Watanabe of Hokkaido, Japan was made an honourary citizen of Rocky, a culmination of a 30-year relationship between the two communities.
  • A delegation from Japan was in Rocky to attend the Alberta/Japan Twinned Municipalities Conference.
  • Anil Walji was selected as the Rocky Chamber of Commerce president for the coming year. Other officers: Brian Williamson, president-elect; Colleen Dwyer, vice president; Danielle Feddema, treasurer; Jerry Pratt, past president; The remainder of the board positions were filled by Marion Kostynuk, Shirley Sellers, Debee Graham, Shane Buss, Susan Roper, Michelle Narang and Jim Kult.
  • The West Central High School Farm Boys rugby team took home a bronze medal from the rugby provincials.
  • Rocky Credit Union and Rocky Co-op jointly donated $100,000 in exchange for the rights to name the practice football field the “Co-op and Credit Union Field.”
  • Madeline Mottus was honoured at the Rocky Native Friendship Centre as part of Aboriginal Days celebrations for her career as a social worker and counsellor for aboriginal children.
  • The Richards’ Renegades team of the Caroline area raised over $11,000 in the Stroll for Liver fundraiser in Red Deer, the highest amount raised by any team in Canada.
  • A large group of volunteers completed $1.5 million worth of renovations at Camp Alexo west of Rocky.
  • The Mountaineer earned six awards from the Alberta Weekly Newspaper Association.
  • Good Neighbours: Lawrence McDonell, Bev and Fred Kraychy.
  • Died: Terrance Armstrong, 63; William Mullins, 60; Frank Larsgard, 83; Robert Anger; Norma Reid, 86; Louise Veillard; Thomas Graham, 87; Emma Reynolds, 94; Elizabeth Fisher, 89; Elizabeth Stroh, 56; Orville Knight, 90; Thelma Montgomery, 88.

July 2014

  • Thomas Soodsma was valedictorian at West Central High School graduation ceremonies.
  • Abbey Peterson gave the valedictory address at St. Dominic High School Grade 12 graduation ceremonies.
  • Sandra Duncan was valedictorian at David Thompson High School graduation.
  • Nancy McClure was chosen by the board as chair of the Wild Rose School Division.
  • The Rocky Knights U-14 girls soccer team took home the silver medal from the league finals.
  • King’s Ransom, a chapter of the Christian Motorcyclists Association of Canada, was formed in Rocky.
  • A Kiss in my Pocket, the first children’s book by local author Karen Paquette, was published.
  • The Mountaineer produced a publication marking the 50th anniversary of Pidherney’s Inc.
  • Part of Hwy. 11 west of Rocky was closed due to a large and complex wildfire burning in the area.
  • Jason Nixon of the Wildrose Party won the nomination to represent the party in the next provincial election, defeating incumbent MLA Joe Anglin.
  • Charlotte Small, wife of explorer David Thompson, was commemorated at the Rocky Mountain House National Historic Site by the
  • Government of Canada at the Canada Day celebrations held there.
  • The O’Chiese First Nation held a powwow, their first in more than 10 years.
  • Wilderness Village, a member-owned campground west of Rocky, celebrated its 25th anniversary.
  • The FireSmart Trail, a new wilderness trail located at Fish Lake west of Rocky, was opened to the public.
  • Several Clearwater County residents, opposed to the proposed Di-Corp frac sand trans-loading facility, launched an appeal to the county.
  • Rocky Town Council passed the Livestock Bylaw, which allows residents to keep up to four hens per household.
  • The Rocky Mountain House Health Centre announced the installation of new endoscopy equipment.
  • Renovations of the kitchen, backyard and climbing equipment were completed at the Boys and Girls Club.
  • Over 160 competitors took part in the annual Thompson Country Horse Trials.
  • Joseph Pelletier of Rocky was chosen to play on the Zone 4 Central Alberta Bantam football team.
  • The fourth annual Calling All Drums to Where Adventure Begins Powwow was a big success at the Rocky Mountain House
  • National Historic Site, with 12 drum groups registered, over 160 dancers and a record number of spectators.
  • Members of Memorial Presbyterian Church said goodbye to Rev. Marc Fraser as he was leaving after five years of service in Rocky.
  • The search for a missing man at the Brazeau Dam ended when his body was recovered.
  • A community proposal development committee was formed to investigate the possibility of building a spray park in town.
  • Demolition of the arena lobby and youth hall in preparation for the arena expansion project began.
  • Rugby players Donald Bertagnolli and Garrett Day were chosen to play on the Team Alberta Provincial Rugby Squad at nationals in August.
  • Mountaineer columnist Pat McDonald, who wrote the popular Our Precious Heritage column for several years, submitted his last column.
  • Over 100 people took part in the annual Rocky Studio Tour of local artists’ studios and shops.
  • The Sunchild First Nation Health Centre unveiled their Healing Project and reintroduction of mental health and wellness services.
  • RCMP S/Sgt. Bill Laidlaw told Rocky Town Council that drinking and driving continues to be a major problem in the area.
  • Dr. Ava Baker joined the Rocky Medical Clinic for a one-year locum.
  • A team of Junior Forest Rangers worked on building a new 450-metre trail at Crimson Lake Provincial Park.
  • Several hundred people took in the Hooves and Horns Bullarama event at the rodeo grounds, with some proceeds going to local non-profit groups.
  • Students from Living Faith Bible College organized a flash mob of singing and dancing at the Rocky Co-op and Peavey Mart stores.
  • The 19th annual Miniatures in Motion Horse Show was held at the Thompson Country Pony Club grounds.
  • A major hail storm damaged property and decimated the Old Miners Camp near Nordegg.
  • Clearwater County Subdivision Appeal Board heard arguments against the Di-Corp Frac Sand Transloading facility.
  • Good Neighbours: Ron Bootsma; Gloria Gillis
  • Died: Constance Buick 90; Helen Wakey; Ivan Dopf; Lionel Lanz, 79; Walter Sorvisto, 75; Catherine Bystrom, 91; Jeffrey Finch; Caroline Hart, 77; Lawrence Levinsky, 54.

August 2014

  • Finishing features start to show on Main Street.
  • Alberta Health Central Zone raises the alarm about an increase in Whooping Cough.
  • The federal government puts First Nations Transparency Act into effect.
  • Frontier Lodge hosts family-friendly mountain bike festival.
  • Battle of the Rockies and World Professional Chuckwagon Finals took over North Saskatchewan River Park. Kirk Sutherland took both titles.
  • Leslieville Antique Days was blessed with fine weather and strong attendance.
  • Peter G. MacLaurin was sentenced to two years and nine months in jail for criminal negligence causing death in connection to the motor vehicle accident that killed Wayne Rinus.
  • The FireSmart Bike Trail west of Nordegg officially opened.
  • Clearwater County’s Subdivision Appeal Board approved the Di-Corp frac sand transloading facility.
  • A 4.1 magnitude earthquake was recorded southwest of Rocky Mountain House. The tremor caused power outages for area residents, but no damage was reported.
  • MLA Joe Anglin moved his constituency office to Rocky.
  • Spreading Creek Wildfire continues growing, smoke remains a big concern for area residents.
  • A hail storm caused major damage to crops and property east of Rocky.
  • The first Barrie Michalsky Memorial Tournament was held in Caroline.
  • The Simmelink family held an open house at their new dairy barn that replaced the one that collapsed due to heavy snowfall in January.
  • August Long Weekend Task Force kept law enforcement officials busy.
  • Western Wheels Classic Auto Club held their 27th annual show.
  • Aboriginal artist Gina Ward showcased her work at the Rocky Native Friendship Centre.
  • Rocky Gymkhana Club’s Equine Experience Jump Show included Jeopardy Trail, Open Gymkhana, Jumping and an All Breed Horse Show.
  • Grizzly bear biologists sought the public’s assistance in tracking animals in the west country.
  • The Dylan Redcalf Memorial Skateboard Tournament went ahead for the second year.
  • ROAR struggles to foster a higher than usual number of animals in their care.
  • Children were thrilled to meet Otis the Owl from the Medicine River Wildlife Centre when he visited the Rocky Public Library.
  • Bastions and Bones draws a crowd to the Rocky Mountain House National Historic Site.
  • 100-foot races mark eight years in Rocky.
  • The Brian Mazza Trail Run saw 273 participants.
  • The forest reopens at Siffleur Falls and Kootenay Plains as the Spreading Creek Wildfire is contained.
  • A microburst takes down trees and power lines at Medicine River Wildlife Centre.
  • Lions Demo Derby took over North Saskatchewan River Park.
  • Triple Crown ATV races wrap up at Table Top Raceways.
  • The Meagan Kirstein Memorial Ranch Rodeo showcases ranch skills.
  • Abby Peterson wins National Heritage Fair.
  • Wild Rose School Division announces Lochearn will get a new roof.
  • Caroline Station #30 has a successful recruitment drive.
  • Good neighbours: Keanna Parenteau; Brandon Strawberry; Amy Rodtka
  • Died: Stanley Fenc, 75; Jack Adams, 83; Brian Dobson, 62; Gilbert Hollingsworth; Marsha Emmens-Hewitt, 33; Frank Layden, 65; Charles Altvater, 81; Eugene Dunnwebber, 84; Eleanor Hubl, 91; Henry Sundahl, 89; Carrie McDonald.

September 2014

  • The Lord’s Food Bank struggles with fewer donations.
  • Preacher’s Point is closed temporarily to allow the area to recover from heavy use. It was a staging area for firefighters during the
  • Spreading Creek Wildfire in July and August.
  • Skateboarders defend their sport against allegations of vandalism.
  • Alberta Transportation announces $10 million in improvements to Hwy. 11. between Rocky and Sylvan Lake.
  • Canadian Miniature Bull Riding finals are held at the Big Horn Stampede grounds.
  • Rocky Hockey and Slo-Pitch tournament draws full roster of teams.
  • Walk a Mile raises $6,000 for the Mountain Rose Women’s Shelter.
  • Marketplace on Main wraps up for 2014.
  • Wild Rose School Division holds their annual back-to-school pep rally for faculty and staff.
  • A severed fibre-optic cable disrupts telecommunications in Rocky.
  • Labour Day long weekend kept law enforcement and emergency medical service personnel busy.
  • Town mileage reimbursement is upped to be on par with national rate.
  • Schools re-open for the 2014-2015 school year.
  • Jim Prentice is elected as Provincial Leader of the Progressive Conservatives.
  • Northern Lights vaulting team represents Canada at the World Equestrian Games in Normandy, France.
  • Rocky Museum launches a new mentorship program.
  • Rocky Rebels football teams play strong games.
  • Clearwater County denies the closure of a road allowance between RR 7-3A and the North Saskatchewan River.
  • Caroline School students work their annual Fall Frenzy fundraiser.
  • A new revenue-sharing agreement between Clearwater County and Caroline will put $17,000 extra in Caroline’s coffers.
  • Di-Corp breaks ground at their new frac sand transloading facility site.
  • An early snowfall flattened crops.
  • Victim Services raises over $10,000 through charity golf tournament.
  • The Frightful Flee is postponed due to weather.
  • Kailey Duffin receives the Central Alberta FASD Network Starfish Award.
  • West Central High School hosts a girls’ volleyball tournament. The home team and the David Thompson Huskies both placed at the event.
  • West Central Rebels posted a 33-0 loss in their first game of the season.
  • Alfred and Cheryl von Hollen announce this will be the final year for their famous Christmas light display.
  • Caroline’s Pioneer Days honoured 100-year families.
  • Rocky Legion donates $23,000 to the community.
  • Oil spill recovery training is well-attended at Tay River.
  • A 22-year old man is killed in a fatal crash at Abraham Lake.
  • The Primary Care Network marks official re-opening in their new home.
  • Junior high and high school students compete at rodeo.
  • Caroline School Enhancement Committee’s Road Trip for Redevelopment nets $12,950 for their cause.
  • Rob Merrifield resigns as MP of Yellowhead.
  • A military helicopter rescued a hiker from the back country near Cline River.
  • Students participate in annual Terry Fox runs.
  • Town council plants trees to honour former councillors.
  • Community Connections Child Care Centre holds a fundraising climbathon.
  • The first session of Rocky Traffic Court has 324 charges on the docket.
  • Fred Sutherland sits for a portrait with the royal portrait artist Richard Stone in Banff. His portrait is one of three of the last remaining Dambusters of the Second World War.
  • The Sunchild/O’Chiese Cadet Corps host a provincial jamboree
  • Good neighbours: Melissa Gray-Barry; Frank Spruyt; Jerry Marx;
  • Died: Cameron Allen; Lula Brandson; Judy McNeil; Audrey Joudrey, 75; Dewey Miller; Richard Bugbee, 66; Ivalene Haney, 70; Ralph Lund, 72; Pearl Rodermond; Kevin Rear; Leone (Norma) McColl, 73; Violet Noirot; Norman Hoffarth; Jennie Averill, 96; Buzz Kanten; Ronald (Chuck) Greer, 76

October 2014

  • Town wraps up the Pine Grove Cemetery cleanup.
  • Winter sports organizations get used to new rink schedule due to arena reconstruction.
  • Brazeau Colliers National Historic Site gets a fence to keep trespassers out.
  • A new Henry Stelfox exhibit is unveiled at the Rocky Museum.
  • The Caroline Community HUB is officially opened.
  • The Mountaineer marks Fire Prevention Week with a special section honouring our volunteer firefighters.
  • A second-degree murder charge is laid against Neil Cooling in the Oct. 1 death of Harley Smith.
  • Margaret and Lyle Finlan’s ten-month fight to stay together is over as Alberta Health Services grant them a special extraordinary cost agreement.
  • Old Town redevelopment plans are unveiled at an open house.
  • Julie Vasselin is named Amateur World Wakesurfing champion.
  • Town councillors hold their regular meeting at West Central High School.
  • The STARS Memorial dart Shoot Out tournament is in its 15th year.
  • Yellowhead byelection has five declared candidates.
  • Caroline, David Thompson, St. Dominic and West Central high school students are honoured at annual awards nights.
  • Fright Night at the Site is a success for the second year in a row.
  • Sidney York plays a show to collect keyboards and strings for kids.
  • The Doll Sisters release a studio album.
  • Mike Ranta concludes his cross-Canada solo canoe trip in Nova Scotia.
  • Five youth members join West Central Stakeholders synergy group.
  • Lance Peters is arrested and charged with 43 criminal code offences for a string of alleged crimes in Rocky, Sylvan Lake and Innisfail.
  • A small wildfire near David Thompson Resort is blamed on irresponsible recreationalists.
  • Clearwater County reimburses Chuck Shipley and John Vandermeer for election challenge legal costs.
  • Long-term foster families are honoured in a special ceremony.
  • Rocky Rams have rough start to season.
  • Alive and Kicking draws a crowd to 23rd conference.
  • Clearwater Trail Initiative starts two pilot projects in Rig Street and Meadows areas.
  • Twenty people held a pro-life rally on Hwy. 11.
  • A shooting in Ottawa kills one reservist on honour guard at the National War Memorial.
  • David Chilton is the keynote speaker at the Central Alberta Business Innovation Conference.
  • Wildrose Constituency Association is divided following disrupted AGM.
  • Three men are charged following a home invasion on the Sunchild Reserve.
  • Next to New donates their $2 millionth dollar.
  • Mountain Rose Women’s Shelter kicks off five-year capital fundraising campaign for a new shelter.
  • Len Crow rides through Rocky on his 11,000 kilometre journey to raise funds for overseas orphanages.
  • Good neighbours: Dorothy Kadatz.
  • Died: Amelia Liska, 100; Ed Moberg; Dennis Nicolls; Robert LaRose, 80; Julian Sarnecki, 60; Donald Bird, 74; Hillie Jansen; Marjorie Carter, 90; Lorraine McNutt; Joseph Small; Thomas A. Thompson, 72; Donna Hallock, 86; Hughie McLeod, 65; Hilda Jameson, 89; Sarah Baker, 3.

November 2014

  • Jim Eglinski wins the Yellowhead byelection and is sworn in as MP.
  • West Country Family Services hold rocking Duelling Pianos fundraiser.
  • Arts and Crafts Guild marks 20th craft fair.
  • Crime prevention and speeding are discussed at a Town Hall meeting.
  • Clearwater Regional Fire Rescue Services toasted their achievements at the second annual Brotherhood Ball. Condor Battalion
  • Chief Ray Moller was recognized for 30 years of service.
  • The all-female West Central Wildcats team make their debut.
  • Caroline School hosts 1A Provincial volleyball tournament.
  • High flyers – driving up to 137 km/h over the limit – keep Clearwater County Highway Patrol busy.
  • Local Relay for Life committee seeks volunteers.
  • The Caroline Cougars and Sunchild Bisons collide in football semi-finals.
  • The arena reconstruction project continues on budget.
  • Town preps for snow removal and sanding season.
  • Caroline and Rocky mark Remembrance Day.
  • Co-op Home Centre named best store in Canada.
  • Rocky Peewee Rebels win the Central Peewee L2 football championship.
  • The Lord’s Food Bank launches their $50,000 turkey drive.
  • JD Hays and Jim Berry compete at Canadian Finals Rodeo.
  • Clearwater County Ag Services and Landcare host the 11th annual Cattlemen’s Day.
  • Loyal Ma earned International Commissaire of the Year award from Cycling Canada.
  • West Central Stakeholders host their fall Public Information Night.
  • MLA Joe Anglin leaves the Wildrose caucus to sit as an independent.
  • Local heritage breed poultry breeders attend the Canadian Nationals competition.
  • A Hwy. 12 collision kills three.
  • Rocky Minor Hockey holds skills day for young players.
  • Mountain Rose Women’s Shelter begins five-year housing consultation.
  • Fall into Funk raises funds for the Rocky Band Parents Association.
  • The Diversity Tree is erected at the top of Main Street.
  • Building permits in Rocky reach record levels.
  • A head-on collision on Hwy.766 kills two, including Wild Rose School Division teacher Chloe Kaniusis.
  • A father wins a two-year custody battle to be reunited with his son.
  • Shane Strongman joins Friendship Centre as community coordinator.
  • David Thompson High School junior girls volleyball teams took both League A and B titles at final league tournament.
  • David Thompson High School wins the Central West Alberta Junior High Athletics Association championship.
  • Rocky Rotary’s Festival of Trees returns for another successful year.
  • Christmas season in Rocky kicks off with multiple events: Santa’s Workshop, the Parade of Lights and the von Hollen light display.
  • Cold and snow interfere with the inaugural high school basketball tournament.
  • Bantam Rebels earn seven all-star awards. Bantam Rebels Assistant Coach Scott Beach earns Assistant Coach of the Year award.
  • The bridge over the Baptiste River is damaged, limiting access to the O’Chiese Reserve.
  • RCMP officially confirm the addition of three new members to the Rocky Mountain House Detachment.
  • Caroline Cougars finish in second place at Tier 2 football finals.
  • Good Neighbours: Gayle Mason; Gina Fitzgerald
  • Died: Fern Brown, 88; Terry Whitford; Sylvia Machum; Lee Ann Stenberg; Belle Hankinson; Chloe Kaniusis, 30; William (Bill) Leavitt; Mary Smith; Esme Duncan; Stephen Blair, 45; Maryann Mitchell; Lois Baird, 55; Gary Berquist; Hazel Beagle, 93; Vivian Chevallier.

December 2014

  • Town lifts downtown parking restrictions for December.
  • Rural Alberta Business Centre funding is cut, but the province launches new program to meet need.
  • Breast cancer screening comes to Rocky.
  • Caroline Light up and A Night in Bethlehem start the Christmas season in Caroline.
  • Northern Crossing produces 29th annual Christmas performance. Five original cast members return for the show.
  • The annual Christmas Bird Count returns.
  • The Alberta Outlaw rides through Rocky, raising awareness for mental illness.
  • Doctor Harold Roth and Doctor Gordon Brown retire after 41 and 39 years of practice in Rocky Mountain House.
  • Wild Rose School Division and Red Deer Regional Catholic Schools are recognized with provincial awards.
  • Old Town redevelopment plan is adopted by town council.
  • FireSmart initiatives are underway at Burnstick Lake.
  • A collision on Hwy. 11 kills three temporary foreign workers. The community rallies around their friends and families to send them home to the Philippines.
  • The town snowblower is down for repairs, causing snow and ice to build up on residential streets.
  • Rocky’s outdoor rinks are prepped and ready for winter fun.
  • Rocky Rams hope for a better track record in 2015.
  • A whooping cough outbreak spurs the province to push immunization.
  • The town approves a 4.2 per cent increase for the 2015 budget.
  • The 33rd annual Pageant of Christ’s Birth is unveiled at the Immanuel Evangelical Lutheran Church.
  • Alberta Health Services announces a full-time ambulance to be based in Nordegg in 2015.
  • Rocky Figure Skating Club hosts a Gala event with special guest Kurt Browning.
  • Alfred von Hollen pulls the plug on his impressive Christmas light display for the last time
  • Good neighbours: Herb Glenn; Pete and Barbara Prystay.
  • Died: Ronald Deutsch; Brenda Stewart, 52; Myrtle Fitzgerald, 75; Lawrence James, 73; Raymond Grosso; Stanley Nick Kuzio; Frank Saville, 81; Josephine Wuth, 79,




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