Holly Furniss and Kenneth Osborne welcomed their second child, a daughter, Paxtyn Corrina Marie Osborne, at 7:32 a.m. on Jan. 1. Baby Paxtyn was the Rocky Hospital’s first baby of 2015.
Drivers were pleased with the low gas prices at the pumps.
The West Central Wildcats Midget hockey team made it to the semifinals of their first tournament.
Becky McMurter’s mobile concession unit was vandalized twice in two days. She reopened at the Rocky Arena following community support for her business.
Rocky Mountain House Mayor Fred Nash and Clearwater County Reeve Pat Alexander spoke at the January Rocky and District Chamber of Commerce meeting.
The Rocky Relay for Life organizing committee issued a last call for volunteers lest the event fold. Cindi Chaisson stepped up to serve as chair of the committee for the 2015 event.
The town’s arena sponsorship bids yielded $817,059 from area businesses and groups.
Independent MLA Joe Anglin announced he would seek the provincial PC nomination in Rimbey-Rocky Mountain House -Sundre.
Caroline and District Volunteer Ambulance Association was the first in the province to become accredited with commendation under new provincial regulations.
Clearwater County councillors approved the 2015 capital and operating budgets at $8 million over 2014.
Rocky Mountain House pilot Ken Fowler made his small screen debut on Discovery’s new television series, Airshow.
Conservation officers raised concern over OHVs operating on park land within Crimson Lake Provincial Park where sport anglers were seeking perch.
Caroline Curling Club celebrated 60 years.
Clearwater Regional Fire Rescue Services completed an 18-month-long Service Level Review.
Clearwater County purchased 112 acres of land within the limits of the Village of Caroline at a cost of half a million dollars.
Firefighters responded to a structure fire that completely destroyed a home belonging to firefighter Alexander Radford.
Nancy McClure resigned from the Wild Rose School Division board. Dixie McLeod announced her intention to resign.
ESRD was monitoring a spruce beetle infestation in the West Country.
Neighbours attended an open house to learn about a new aggregate pit development by Clearwater and Lacombe counties.
RCMP investigated a hit and run on the Sunchild Reserve that sent one man to hospital.
Good neighbours: Judy Jacobs, Angie Schroderus, Arne and Louise Hagen and Linda Howes.
Died: Agnes Loewen, Roger Denis Draganuik, Evert (Ev) Vincent Johnson, Stien Tensen, Colin John McKinnon, Michael John Whitman White, Ryan Vaughn Christensen, Daniel “Dan” Dessureault, Andre Ronald Holtum, Bill Ricciuti, George Roberts, Donald (Donny) Scott, Victor “Vic” Beanblossom, Bessie Edith Edrupt, Madeline Mottus, Dorothy May Nelson, Marie Josephine Bucko, Raymond James Graham, Marlaine Klein, Beverly Jean McColl.
February 2015
The Volunteer Hub called for nominations for new volunteer appreciation awards.
Search and Rescue technicians in Banff National Park recovered the body of an ice climber who was swept away by an avalanche just north of the Saskatchewan River Crossing.
Marian McEwen celebrated her 95th birthday.
Dovercourt Hall donated $10,000, the proceeds of their bingo nights, to various community charities.
Medicine River Wildlife Centre’s Otis the Owl made his television debut on CBC’s The Great Human Odyssey.
Residents of the James River area raised alarm that the bridge over James River on RR 5-3 may be closed.
GTI/Pudgee’s Food & Gas was robbed at gunpoint. The female clerk grabbed a glove from the perpetrator before the suspect got away.
Rocky Rotary Club launched a discussion about how to bring Habitat for Humanity to Rocky Mountain House.
The Rocky Rams were shut out of their playoff run in the 2015 season, losing two of three games to Whitecourt.
The arena reconstruction project met bedrock, which forced engineers to rework the work plan.
Visions West Outreach School celebrated their grand reopening.
The Agricultural Society picked up a plaque commemorating their 100 years of existence.
A single case of BSE was found on a farm in northern Alberta.
Mild weather hampered the county’s winter gravelling program.
Rocky celebrated Family Day with outdoor activities at Crimson Lake.
Ice sculptor Tim Johnson unveiled a creation at Westview Lodge for residents to enjoy.
Joe Anglin was barred from running for the PC nomination in the provincial riding of Rimbey-Rocky Mountain House-Sundre. He vowed to run as an independent in the next election.
Elementary schools were on alert after three suspicious incidents. Police investigation revealed two were unfounded, but continued to caution parents to talk about safety with their children.
The Rocky Native Friendship Centre hosted an Entrepreneurship 101 conference with Aboriginal entrepreneur Kelton Stepanowich.
Roger Smolnicky came on board as Director of Rocky’s Recreation, Parks and Community Services department.
Rocky Mountain House town council looked at ways to decrease the response time of firefighters to calls in town as a means to encourage development.
Tammy Cote won the provincial PC nomination for Rimbey-Rocky Mountain House-Sundre.
Twelve-year-old Tyler Larson earned four speedskating medals at the Special Olympics Alberta Winter Games.
Sunchild Bison Cheerleading team won their third competition title to wrap up a perfect season.
Good neighbours: Trent and Tracy Vanderaa, Cheryl Flexhaug, Rachel Sever, Dale and May McKenelley.
Died: Elmer Adrian, Melvin Cowie, Peter Hapon, Gerald “Hoover” Hays, Glen Smith, Noelle Taylor, Doris Tugwell, Bernice Waunch, Roy Zuberbier, “Sandy” Harold Alexander McIvor, Helen Miller, Ernest Winter.
March 2015
Abbydean Smallboy received $5,000 for the Horatio Alger Association scholarship to go towards post-secondary education.
The Good Samaritan Clearwater Centre received a donation of $10,000 from the Rocky Mountain House Health Centre Auxiliary for necessary purchases.
Rocky held a Festival of Culture at the Lou Soppit Community Centre. People tried ethnic foods and learned about the countries’ books, crafts and culture from countries including Japan, the Netherlands, Italy and the United Kingdom.
The Evergreen Parent Link Centre celebrated 10 years of encouraging parents to be involved in the lives of their children as part of the Parent Link Initiative.
Banff National Park introduced a small herd of bison in the park adjacent to Clearwater County as part of the 2010 Banff National Management Plan.”
There was a FireSmart Community series conference held at the Lou Soppit Community Centre to raise awareness about the danger of wildfires and encourage people to make plans for safety in the case of a fire.
On March 5, Caroline’s Calgary Flames player Kris Russell set an NHL record. He blocked 15 shots in a game against the Boston Bruins, breaking the all-time record for single-game blocked shots.
County discussed some delays with construction of the arena. The town still aimed to reopen the arena in October. The Town of Rocky Mountain House made an agreement with Telus for a new 60-metre communications tower at the wastewater lagoon site.
Telus intends to install a tower near Twp. Rd. 39-1. Telus intends to take down a communications tower in town located just south of 45A St. and west of Hwy. 11.
Rocky’s Aboriginal Resource Centre elected five new councillors, two returning councillors and a new chief to its board.
Rocky grad Brayden Friesen was accepted into the National Youth Orchestra in the trombone section.
By March 10, police officers in Rocky had issued 54 tickets to people speeding by more than 50 km/h above the speed limit.
Associated Ambulance was opened in Nordegg, providing ambulance service for people in the community.
The John Humphrey Centre for Peace and Human Rights with the support of the Department of Canadian Heritage kicked off their “This is Our Canada” tour in Rocky Mountain House. Emmanuel Jal spoke of his experiences growing up as a child soldier in Sudan at the conference.
Clearwater County councillors voted to grant $15,000 each to the Everdell and Leslieville halls.
The Mountaineer was one of the top newspapers in Canada following the 2015 Canadian Community Newspaper Awards. The paper earned first place for Best Holiday Edition for the 2014 Christmas edition and second place for Best Coverage of the Arts. Additionally, former reporter Sarah Ann Collins earned second place for her feature photo.
Gerald and Joyce Willsie and their three daughters were named Farm Family of the Year by Clearwater County Ag Services and Landcare.
Russell and Andrew Thompson shaved their heads, and Russell Thompson his full beard, at a fundraising barbecue for Cole Pearse, who was undergoing chemotherapy for Hodgkin’s lymphoma.
The amount of snow and ice in Rocky in 2014 cost the town of Rocky $78,606.06 more than anticipated.
The Wildrose Public School Division announced a new superintendent, Brad Volkman.
The West Central Stakeholders Synergy group had their biannual public information night on March 31.
Good Neighbours: Marie Scott, Bob Bancroft and Travis Graham.
Died: Barb Bromley, David McFarlane, Shawn Morgan, Wilbur Stainbrook, Florence Wyzykoski, Alice “Lenore” Draganuik, David Neil Evans, Leo Bosch, William Finlin, Betty Hiney, Marion Law, Helen Prins, Shirley Muyres, Shirley Mae Saar (Cottrell), James Thompson and Jean Wrolson.
April 2015
The Mountaineer welcomed Kayla Bruch as the new town reporter. Kayla began work on April 1.
The Caroline Library focused on Alberta authors this spring. They had a display of books written or published close to home.
Caroline recognized about 200 nominees at their Volunteer Appreciation Event.
Clearwater County awarded Jornad Industries a contract for the 162-kilometre grader beat north of Hwy. 12. They also awarded a tender valued at $94,173.83 to Frontier Construction to supply culverts for the county’s 2015 construction projects.
People in the Rocky Moutain House community reached out to global organization Habitat for Humanity to help bring affordable housing to the town.
Calgary Flames’ defenceman and Caroline native Kris Russell posted a record on April 2, 2015, in a game against the St. Louis Blues. He blocked his 274th shot and set a new NHL record for the highest number of blocked shots in a single season.
Kandi Wyatt made it to the professional level of boxing.
Northern Crossing launched their production of South Pacific with its new lighting system including 16 LED bars with 12 bulbs each.
The Calgary Sports Car Club took part in Trail of the Gnu, an event where drivers took their off-road vehicles into the west country and into the mud.
Medicine River Wildlife Centre put on a program called Don’t Be A Kidnapper, telling people not to take baby animals from their natural habitat unnecessarily.
Const. Reyno LaCock and children’s restraint systems technician Lesley Toole, with the support of Alberta Health Services, held workshops on car seat safety.
The town’s audited financial statement was passed by Wade Noble and Partners Chartered Accountants at town council on April 7.
Candidates for the provincial election were decided: Hannah Schlamp for the NDP, Jason Nixon for Wildrose, Tammy Cote for PC and Joe Anglin as Independent.
Clubroot, a disease that infects farmers’ fields, was confirmed in Clearwater County.
Clearwater County signed a new revenue agreement stating they will see $750,000 given to Rocky over the next five years, and Caroline will receive $50,000 annually.
Bill Eickmeyer celebrated his 103rd birthday on April 9. There were five generations of Eickmeyers at the party.
Heidi Hetherington was sworn in as the new Wild Rose School Division trustee on April 21.
Caroline resident Flo Holton’s horse was the winner of the Working Cow Horse Open Bridle event at the National Reined Cow Horse Association Celebration of Champions in Fort Worth, Texas on Feb. 21.
ESRD Wildlife Management personnel carried out a prescribed burn in the Hummingbird area.
The Mountaineer welcomed summer reporter Jordan Johnston to The Mountaineer in mid-April.
About 150 people gathered at the Royal Canadian Legion for an all-candidates forum with local candidates for the provincial election.
Brandon Strawberry, Grade 11, was named the 2015 Indigenous Shining Student by the Alberta School Board Association.
Pioneer School and West Central High School achieved first place at the Red Deer Kiwanis Festival April 20 to 24.
Two dogs and an 86-year-old woman were injured by two pit bulls that were running loose on a walking trail in Rocky Mountain House on April 27.
A record number of senior-level industry leaders were in attendance at Enform’s fifth annual Executive Summit on Safety at the Calgary Petroleum Club.
Caroline held their first Kris Russell Day on April 30, in honour of the Caroline local who made it to the NHL.
The Caroline Club Volleyball Team travelled to Oahu over their spring break.
Good Neighbors: Brenda Lucas.
Died: Clayton Grosso, Joan McDonald, Brenda Rodtka, Gloria Whitelock, Lawrence Bolen, Norman Jones, Barbara Larsen, Florence Morelli, Clara Beanblossom, Dennis Bradshaw, Tammy-Jo Olson.
May 2015
Clearwater County approved tax increases for 2015: two per cent for residential, four per cent for farms and eight per cent for non-residential.
The RMH National Historic Site opened for the season with new progamming.
Leanne Witten began work as The Mountaineer’s summer reporter.
Visitor numbers were down at the annual Chamber of Commerce West Country Trade Show, although vendors reported an improvement in sales over last year.
Pioneer School and West Central High School bands placed highly at the Red Deer Kiwanis Festival.
Wildrose Party candidate Jason Nixon was elected in the Rimbey-Rocky Mountain House-Sundre riding in the provincial election.
Provincially, the NDP under leader Rachel Notley obtained a majority to form the government.
Rocky resident Kevin Wilberg participated in the Red Deer Special Olympics, bringing home 16 ribbons.
Gymnasts Dylan and Casey Patsula competed in the Alberta Gymnastics Provincials.
Donald and William Shaw presented the Rocky Legion with Dead Man’s Pennies, memorabilia from the First World War.
Dale Shippelt, representing an unnamed committee, approached Rocky Town Council with concerns regarding how the town operates and requested a third-party review of the town’s processes.
Russell Hickman was elected as Ward One trustee for Wild Rose Public Schools in a byelection.
Safety Day was held for the 10th year.
The Caroline Cougars six-man football team sent three of their players to play in the Six-Man Senior Bowl All-Star Game at McMahon Stadium in Calgary.
Photographer Wayne Howse took the winning photo chosen to grace the cover of The Mountaineer’s 2015 Visitors Guide.
Two firefighters from Clearwater Regional Fire Rescue Services were injured in a grassfire.
Jason Alderson, Jim Kult and Michelle Narang were candidates in the byelection to replace councillor Bill Symko.
A 39-year-old Rocky man died following a fatal ATV rollover near Chambers Creek campground.
A fire at the Rocky and area landfill had a Hellfire Suppression Services Inc. crew working all night and into the early morning hours of the next day to put out the blaze.
The annual May long weekend checkstop in Clearwater County checked about 1,500 vehicles.
Hundreds of people attended the Rocky Community Volunteer Hub appreciation luncheon.
Next to New handed $70,000 in donations to local community groups.
Rocky Sea Cadet Corps 198 Yukon celebrated their 50th anniversary at their annual review.
Alberta Environment and Sustainable Resource Development stocked the children’s fish pond with 500 rainbow trout.
A province-wide fire ban went into effect.
A local Habitat for Humanity committee was formed.
Rocky RCMP seized a large amount of narcotics, multiple registration and insurance cards, bicycles, and cash from a Rocky property.
The Canadian Owners and Pilots Association (COPA) took local children up for flights.
The Aboriginal Head Start program celebrated 20 years of service to children and families.
Quilters gathered in Rocky to assemble quilts for the children of the three RCMP officers killed in Monction, N.B. last year.
Died: Richard Tigner; Amelia Hummel; Alan Richards; Evelyn Hoffart; Vernon Lacourse; Roy Cardinal; Hendrik Opdendries, 90; William Demas, 95; Vic Gale, 76; Colleen Jordan, 46; Roy Parmentier, 72; Lance (Bug) Nystrom.
June 2015
Significant vandalism occurred at the Crimson Lake Provincial Park lifejacket station.
Three pit bulls responsible for attacks that injured two other dogs were ordered to be euthanized by Judge W.A. Andreassen in Rocky Provincial Court.
The Rocky Volunteer Hub moved its office to the Rocky Museum building.
Renovations under the supervision of the Clearwater Heritage Board began at the Nordegg Museum.
The Rocky Rotary Club donated $25,000 to West Country Family Service Association towards the purchase of a new wheelchair-accessible van.
Bill Groves and Daryl Lougheed received Federal Exemplary Service medals for their many years of service as firefighters with Clearwater Regional Fire Rescue Services.
The Rocky Kinsmen Club donated over $17,000 to Rocky Flipz Learning and Wellness Centre.
A special football skills camp hosted by Caroline School featured three members of the Calgary Stampeders.
The U-16 Rocky Wildcards volleyball team took home silver medals at the 2015 National Volleyball Championships, held in Calgary.
The Rocky Knights soccer club held its third annual World Cup Soccer Day.
The Pioneer School Grade 7 band earned the Provincial Superior Award at the Alberta Band Association provincial festival, the 19th such award in 20 years of competing.
Theresa Strawberry received an Esquano Award from the Institute for the Advancement of Aboriginal Women for her work in Rocky, Edmonton and the O’Chiese Reserve.
Rodeo fans enjoyed unusually sunny weather for the 43rd Rocky Pro Rodeo.
A magnitude 3.5 earthquake was felt six kilometres northwest of Rocky.
West Central High School drama students presented the musical “Grease.”
Town council announced Canadian Natural Resources Ltd. $50,000 sponsorship of the Zamboni for the renovated recreation facility.
Soldiers and members of the public recognized the 71st anniversary of D-Day and the 15th anniversary of the dedication of the cairn for the 1st Canadian Parachute Battalion, Airborne Monument at Siffleur Falls.
Jason Alderson was elected to fill the vacant town councillor position.
Two people died following a single vehicle rollover on the O’Chiese Road.
The Mountaineer was named one of the best newspapers in Alberta, earning first place in each of three General Excellence Awards and two Awards of Excellence.
Three students of Arashi-Do earned their black belts: Pete Pedrazzini, Seth Jameson and Brady Nile.
Mae Tryon was appointed chair and Russ Hickman vice-chair on the Wild Rose Public Schools board.
A petition initiated by a group proposing that Rocky town council undergo a review by Alberta Municipal Affairs began circulating in town.
Wild Rose Public Schools announced that families living in the Nordegg area will have the option of enrolling their K-3 children in an interactive education program in the old Nordegg schoolhouse, beginning in September.
St. Dominic students completed a new outdoor study area.
Aboriginal Day was celebrated at the Rocky Mountain House National Historic Site.
Clearwater County signed a memorandum of understanding with Yellowhead County concerning the Sasquatch initiative and protection of the eastern slopes.
Reporter Jeff Medhurst joined The Mountaineer staff.
Two men died following an incident at the Bighorn Gorge lookout near Crescent Falls.
Ground was broken on the Good Samaritan Society Clearwater Centre’s new memorial garden.
Devon Frayn was valedictorian at David Thompson High School graduation ceremonies.
St. Dominic Grade 12 students celebrated their graduation with Dana Andrishak giving the valedictory address.
Former West Central Rebels football player Tristan Melanson signed a two-year contract with the Canadian Junior Football League in Victoria, B.C.
Valedictorian for Caroline School’s graduating class was Sydney Alstott.
Carter Trautman gave the valedictory address for WCHS.
Good Neighbours: Vonnie Peters, Joyce Ahlstrom
Died: Catherine Dahle, John “Neil” McEachern, Norma Provo, Earl Atwater, Marta Grabner, Carol Sanders, Wayne Traversano, Mary Airey, George Berger, Linda Herber, Rilla Lyster, Angelina Bednarz, James Hamilton, Laurie Woodward.
July 2015
The O’Chiese Competition powwow drew more than 500 dancers.
Dale Hansen retired from his position as pastor of the Rocky Mountain House Church of the Nazarene, after more than 24 years of service in Rocky.
The Rocky Mountain House National Historic Site hosted Canada Day celebrations.
An out-of-control wildfire forced the evacuation of campers near the Forestry Trunk Road.
Two Sunchild First Nations residents were killed in a collision on Hwy. 13.
A panel of justices dismissed a $25 million lawsuit brought against the town by RVB management in 1998.
A census by the town recorded a population of 7,220, down 80 residents from the 2013 census.
The Thompson Country Horse Trials featured 180 entries.
Renovations were completed at the Nordegg Historic Golf Course.
A fishing derby at the Children’s Fish Pond attracted 63 entrants but no fish were caught.
Clearwater County purchased 153 acres near the airport for $1.2 million, to be used for future expansion.
Lila and Bruce McColman celebrated their 70th anniversary.
Dave Johnston of Rocky took home two cycling gold medals from the Alberta 55+ Games in Strathmore.
The Rocky Airshow 2015 attracted 7,500 spectators for a day of aerial acrobatics. The Snowbirds’ performance had to be cancelled due to damage from a hailstorm the night before.
Former NHL hockey player Theo Fleury was in town with his Victor Movement rally to bring awareness to children’s abuse issues.
A single-vehicle rollover near Cow Lake killed a 15-year-old girl.
Alberta Animal Services gave the town notice of termination of their animal control contract.
Heidi Northcott and her Canadian women’s baseball teammates took home the silver medal from the Pan Am Games held in Toronto.
The Regional Waste Authority reported that the total amount of Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) received at the Area A Rocky Regional Landfill nearly doubled from 2013 to 2014.
Rocky Mountain House hosted 20 firefighters from Nelson, B.C.
The Miniatures in Motion Horse Club held its 20th Miniatures in Motion show.
Pat Frayn won first prize at the Calgary Stampede in the Creative Arts and Crafts category for her quilting skills.
Shell Canada pledged $30,000 to the town for emergency preparedness at the renovated recreation centre.
The Western Wheels Classic Auto Show took over Main Street on July 25.
Died: Holly Cartwright; Norman Coutu; Veronica McKervey; Robert Hall; George Piller; Tom Albert; Morris Reum; James Heikkinen; Henry Vandenberg; Murray Austad.
August 2015
Dan Gonzales, director of The Lord’s Food Bank, said that demand for their services increased dramatically in the previous four months.
A 20-year-old man was killed in a collision at the intersection of Hwy. 11 and the Crimson Lake Road.
An open house and recruiting drive was held at the Rocky fire station.
Warm weather greeted visitors to the annual Leslieville Antique Days.
Linda Tomlinson donated a First World War saddle from the Light Horse Cavalry of Alberta, 1915 to the Royal Alberta Museum.
Maintenance was done on a TransCanada pipeline, part of the Ferrier North Lateral pipeline, near Rocky. The pipeline was out of service for five weeks, causing the Rocky Gas Co-op to find an alternative source of gas for customers this summer.
The annual Fat Tire Festival was held at Frontier Lodge in the Nordegg area.
Wild Rose School Division welcomed its new superintendent, Brad Volkman.
Construction began on a new heliport at Rocky Mountain House Health Centre.
The wildfire hazard was reported to be high to extreme.
David Thompson High School students Hunter Smith and Brooklyn Thompson represented Clearwater County at the Western Canada Summer Games in Wood Buffalo. Brooklyn brought home a gold medal in wrestling.
Karina Stevenson went to Seattle for the Can Am Games as a member of the U-20 women’s 15 Rugby Canada Team.
Fifteen exchange students from Kamikawa, Japan visited Rocky.
West Fraser LVL celebrated its 60th anniversary.
Kurt Bensmiller took the world title at the Battle of the Rockies chuckwagon races.
The Crimson Lake Trail run was a success despite rain.
Candidates for the Oct. 19 federal election in Yellowhead riding: Sandra Wolf Lange, Green Party; Jim Eglinski, Conservative Party; Ryan Maguhn, Liberal Party; Cory Lysang, Libertarian Party.
Twenty-eight vehicles took part in the 100 Foot Shootout event.
The third annual Prince of the Park skateboard tournament took place at the skate park.
Daystar Smallboy of the Bighorn Reserve headed off to Michigan to train with the Kalkaska Rhinos hockey team.
Otis the Owl from the Medicine River Wildlife Centre visited the Helen Hunley Memorial Library.
Base jumper Sheldon Rice was airlifted to Calgary after hitting a cliff while jumping near the Banff Park border.
Local student Eden Feddema went to the National Heritage Festival in Ottawa.
The Caroline fire station underwent renovations.
More than 1,000 people took in the 34th annual Lions Demolition Derby.
Bob Galloway, a gunsmith from the Leslieville area, competed with Team Canada in the 2015 International F-Class Championships in Ottawa.
Died: Robert Gettis; Robert Kraychy; Albert Bergsma; William Delaney; William Martin; Rachel Ottley; George Goodburn; Inga Garrett; Gladys Higgins; Philip Jukich; Roger Smith; Oliver Schroderus.
September 2015
Lochearn School students got an extra week of summer holidays while contractors removed trace amounts of asbestos from the gymnasium.
Town engineer Kris Johnson reported to council that Alberta Transportation indicated that left turn phasing is necessary at all existing signalized intersections along Hwy. 11 in town.
Rocky Rebels’ football coach Vance Curtis began his 41st year of coaching.
Roger Smolnicky, director of Recreation and Community Services for the town, told town council that the recreation complex renovation would cost $3 million for additional equipment beyond the initial scope of the project.
Two males were injured in a shooting in a residence on the outskirts of Eckville.
In August, as of the election call, Clearwater County, including Rocky Mountain House, became part of the federal constituency of Yellowhead in time for the upcoming federal election.
The Rocky Mountain House Chuckwagon Association donated over $7,000 to the Rocky Flipz Gymnastics Club.
Clearwater County’s Rural Beautification awards were handed out for the 30th year. Awards were: for acreage under 15 years, Bernadette and Jos Mensen; acreage over 15 years, Gary and Gay Steeves; working farm, Marlene and Case Korver.
Northern Crossing awarded a $1,000 scholarship to Brendan Wanderer.
The Rock youth centre hosted a grand opening barbecue.
Bernard Couve de Murville, a graduate of St. Dominic Catholic School, was the recipient of the $2,500 Martha Kostuch Scholarship.
The Victim Services Charity Golf Tournament attracted 126 participants.
Rocky Fortis Alberta celebrated 15 injury-free years.
A petition presented to town council by a committee of concerned citizens was deemed insufficient to require an inquiry or inspection of the town by Alberta Municipal Affairs. In spite of this town council requested a Municipal Affairs review to address citizens’ concerns.
Rocky Mountain House Community Peace Officers took on animal control duties after the previous provider terminated their contract.
Caroline village councillor Mark Van Slyte resigned.
Rocky Mountain House, Clearwater County and the Village of Caroline were awarded the 2015 Minister’s Award for Municipal Excellence by Municipal Affairs Minister Deron Bilous for collaboration in a number of areas.
Caroline School students raised over $11,000 in their annual Fall Frenzy fundraising event.
The Mountain Rose Women’s Shelter celebrated 25 years of service in the community.
Good Neighbour: Jayman Lefebvre.
Died: James Rodermond; Marvin Cressman; Shirley Raymont; Marlene Ferguson; Beatrrice Harding; Roxy Lekosek; Bob Hollingsworth; Margaret Wozniczka; Kim Brennan; Murray Haight; Denise Anderson; Rose Yakimetz; John Hanlan; Bryan Currie; Lorna Mitchell; Eva Spongberg.
October 2015
The town of Rocky began front-street curbside garbage collection.
Former Rocky resident Bryce Chudak began competing internationally as a figure skater.
Students from St. Matthew School raised over $6,000 in the Terry Fox National School Run Day, bringing the total raised in their 23 years of participation to $198,500.
All students in Caroline School took part in their Terry Fox Run.
Long-time former Rocky mayor Lou Soppit passed away.
Eight birds were shot and seven died in a night time attack at the Medicine River Wildlife Centre.
An RCMP investigation into a man who had been found in medical distress in a car dealership lot before dying discovered that it was not a criminal case.
Three sisters, Catie, Dara and Jana Bott, died in a farm accident in the Withrow area.
Conservative Jim Eglinski was elected MP for the Yellowhead riding in the federal election.
Nationally, Justin Trudeau led the Liberal Party to 184 seats to form a majority government.
A tulip-planting ceremony at the windmill in Rocky marked the 70th anniversary of Canada’s efforts in the Netherlands during the Second World War.
A black bear was captured at the Miller family home south of Rocky after it went right up to the doorstep looking for food.
The arenas at the renovated recreation complex opened with new names, the Quick Lane Arena and the Bunch Arena.
Change rooms and other areas of the complex were named for various sponsors in the business community.
Rob Murray, a mural painter from St. Albert, was in town painting murals on the exterior walls of local businesses.
Students at David Thompson High School, St. Dominic High School and West Central High School were celebrated for top marks and scholastic achievement.
Kinship care and foster parents were celebrated at the Caregiver Appreciation and Citation Dinner held at the Rocky Mountain House National Historic Site.
Susie Benum received an award for 20 years of being a foster parent.
Lawyer Bill Hopkins, formerly of Rocky, was elevated to the bench as a justice of the Court of Queen’s Bench of Alberta.
Jason Sheath was admitted to the Law Society of Alberta by Judge J.B. Mitchell in Rocky Mountain House Provincial Court.
Loyal Ma, a Union Cyclist International official who ran the BMX event at the 2012 London Olympics, was invited to preside at the 2016 Olympics in Rio de Janeiro.
Entrepreneur Michael Hyatt was the keynote speaker at the Central Alberta Business Innovation Conference in Rocky.
A celebration of environmental successes within and near Clearwater County highlighted the Ellis Bird Farm, Inside Education and the Sylvan Lake Management Committee Take it Off program and other initiatives.
The Rocky Native Friendship Centre welcomed 136 people to its 40th anniversary celebration.
The Amerada Trail around Crimson Lake was resurfaced thanks to a $20,000 donation from the Brian Mazza Memorial Trail Run.
Good Neighbours: Evan Wilson and Caelem McIsaac.
Died: Elsie Christensen; Margaret Hallock; Derrick Owchar; Lou Soppit; Patricia Schafer; Bryan Weberg; Reba Bredehorst; Olive Bayford; Larry Grieve; Dawn Pike; Stanley Shupenio; Peter Van’t Bosch; Dara Bott; Jana Bott; Catie Bott; Olive Bayford; Stella Coté; Wayne Hallock; Elizabeth Falt; Jim Pollitt.
November 2015
Between 50 and 60 guns were stolen from Don’s Gunsmithing on Hwy. 22.
WPW Inc. donated a truck to Rocky Search and Rescue to be used as a primary response vehicle.
Next to New gave out their last donations for 2015, bringing their total donations to non-profit groups for the year to $146,000.
Alberta Education approved funding for an $8 million modernization project for David Thompson High School.
Ten veteran members of the Rocky Legion received special medals commemorating the 90th anniversary of the Royal Canadian Legion and the 100th anniversary of the Royal Newfoundland Regiment.
Ben Worth began duties as the new manager of the Helen Hunley Memorial Public Library after the retirement of Cathie MacDonald.
West Central High School will be receiving $5,000 per year for the next 10 years, a total of $50,000, for their welding program from the Canadian Welding Association Foundation.
A clothing drive for students in need spearheaded by PennWest Petroleum Ltd. gathered over 3,000 items of winter wear.
The Rocky Rebels bantam football team won gold in their league championship game.
Installation of lights at the skateboard park began.
Pat Alexander was reinstalled as Reeve of Clearwater County during council’s organizational meeting.
Earl Graham was renamed deputy reeve.
Local author Colin Manuel published the third novel in his series on the adventures and misadventures of farming.
The historic David Thompson Hotel on Main Street was demolished. The building dated back to the early 1920s.
Escaped prisoner Jason McGinn was captured in Rocky.
Caroline School celebrated student achievement at their annual awards night.
A large crowd gathered at West Central High School to take part in Remembrance Day ceremonies.
A youth was charged in the crash that resulted in the deaths of two people from the Sunchild First Nation on Hwy. 13 in the summer.
The Rocky swimming pool was renamed the Credit Union Co-op Aquatic Centre after the Town of Rocky entered into a 10-year sponsorship agreement with the Rocky Credit Union and the Rocky Co-op.
The Rocky Arts and Crafts Guild hosted their 21st annual Christmas sale.
The Rotary Club’s Festival of Trees attracted 2,000 visitors to the week-long event. However the final fundraising tally was about $10,000 less than last year.
Area farmers were concerned about the ramifications from the provincial government’s Bill 6: Enhanced Protection for Farm and Ranch Workers Act.
Thirty-five floats dazzled spectators in Rocky’s downtown during the annual Parade of Lights.
Good Neighbours: Marj and Randy Johannesson; Ken and Ellen MacKenzie.
Died: Dean Jensen; Frank Piller; Richard Cox; Darry Nile; Margaret Antonchuk; Bill Symko; Margaret Ogi; Hildur von Hollen.
December 2015
RCMP charged three people after a high number of stolen items and drugs were found at a local residence.
The Rocky Rotary Club distributed the profits from the Festival of Trees to 18 local organizations.
After a public consultation discussion town council moved to consolidate two parcels of land at Day Park and redesignate them as municipal reserve.
An open house was held at the renovated recreation centre to give residents a look at the progress of the project.
Rocky Search and Rescue and Clearwater County signed a memorandum of understanding regarding a merger that would have the organization operate under the county’s division of Community and Protective Services.
The Central Alberta Pregnancy Care Centre held a fundraising event to support services in Rocky.
The local Filipino community held a Filipino-Canadian Christmas party.
Dr. Jim Saunders retired after 35 years of medical practice, 28 of them in Rocky.
Strathcona RCMP recovered firearms stolen earlier in the year from Don’s Gunsmithing, among other stolen goods and drugs.
Trish Rognvaldson of Rocky was appointed vice-president of Canadian Parents for French Alberta.
The Town of Rocky entered into an agreement with Shaw Cable to provide public Wi-fi in the recreation facility.
Andrea Vassallo began her job as the new manager of Clearwater region Family and Community Support Services.
Northern Crossing presented their Christmas production, A Ray of Hope.
Clearwater County committed $76,000 to match funds raised by the Nordegg Community Association for construction of a new playground.
Between 300 and 450 people took part in the Fur Trade Christmas event at the National Historic Site.
Nordegg Education Centre held a community open house.
The Lord’s Food Bank surpassed its $55,000 turkey drive fundraising goal.
An accumulation of carbon monoxide at the aquatics centre was blamed on hoar frost built up on the air-handling unit. Two people were treated by EMS for carbon monoxide distress.
Good Neighbours: Roland and Linda Barbey; Heather and Kurt Dick; Peter O’Toole.