

January 2018

  • The Leslieville Elks Hall burned to the ground Dec. 29, 2017. A 17-year-old youth was charged with arson.
  • Rocky residents Duncan Hughes and Deegan Mofford were members of the Red Deer Optimists Chiefs hockey team that won silver in the AAA Midget Mac’s Tournament in Calgary.
  • Clearwater County announced an extensive department restructuring, reducing the number of departments from five to four, among other changes.
  • The Town of Rocky reported issuing 48 building permits for 2017, a considerable decrease from previous years.
  • The Rocky Barnstormers Radio-Controlled flying club held its 32nd annual Polar Fun Fly on January 1.
  • Seanna Sepight, daughter of Tyler and Brooke Speight, was Rocky’s new year baby, born Jan. 9.
  • Rocky Mountain House RCMP recovered 11 stolen vehicles on the Sunchild Reserve.
  • The Helen Hunley Legacy Fund gave $150,000 to the town for the naming rights and refurbishment of the park next to the museum.
  • Families from near and far took part in Crimson Lake Provincial Park’s first Snowy Saturday of the season.
  • Cross-country skier and Olympic medalist Beckie Scott visited students at the O’Chiese School.
  • Local high school rugby player Clay Guthrie was selected to play for the Canada U18 team in a tournament in Hong Kong.
  • Clearwater County councillors opted to leave a vacant community peace officer position unfilled, leaving four officers to carry out duties.
  • The Rocky Whirlaways celebrated 65 years of square and round dancing in the community with an event at Leslieville Hall.
  • Died: Carol Brown; Larry Goodhope; Richard Detta; Mary King; Barbara Symesko; Clifford Matthews; Jean Warneke; Rose Winter; Richard Gabler; Betty Gray; Brenda Bingham; Scott Hornstra; Charlie Mottus; Maud Ponich; Loree Blair; Charles McArthur; Travis Smith; Kenneth Hunley; Irene Salmon; Martin Macleod; Sandy Henry; Leny Askes; Daniel Nikiforuk; Vern Graham; Ralph Miller; Natasha Justinen.

February 201

  • A home in Pinewoods Mobile Home Estates suffered severe damage from a fire.
  • Local goalie Duncan Hughes signed a letter of intent with the Olds Grizzlies of the Alberta Junior Hockey League.
  • Former Rocky resident Chris Witwicki was heading to the winter Olympic games in PyeongChang, South Korea, as the coach of the Canadian slopestyle snowboarding team.
  • A fundraiser in support of the Leslieville Elks raised over $50,000 for its rebuilding efforts after the arson and destruction of the Elks Hall in December 2017.
  • The Rocky Curling Club’s mixed bonspiel included several junior curlers making up some of the 20 teams.
  • The Evergreen Community Hall hosted its sixth annual pond hockey tournament.
  • Biologist Gordon Stenhouse made a presentation updating attendees on the Alberta Grizzly Bear Recovery Program.
  • Fourteen people took part in the Crimson Lake Polar Bear Dip and raised money for various local non-profit groups.
  • Alberta Transportation was eyeing two intersections near Rocky for future roundabouts.
  • Wrestler Hunter Smith took gold at the Alberta Rural Provincials.
  • Died: June Cowie; Mervin Cooper; Yvonne Saville; Thelma Northcott; Mel Fink; Neil Foreman; Joy Hammond; Daisy Keim; Herman Siegel; Anthony Walliser; Ella Butler; Dorthy Sands; Doris Newsted; Hazel Thompson.

March 2018

  • Ignite Rocky and Clearwater held its first annual meeting with Barry McQueen elected as chair of the group.
  • The Rocky Minor Hockey Association held its award night to celebrate the successes of its members.
  • The Rocky Fish and Game Association held its annual awards banquet for the 2017 season.
  • Oil companies Newalta and Tervita announced their merger under the name Tervita Corporation.
  • One man was in hospital after an avalanche swept over ice climbers at a climbing wall west of the Cline River. Rocky Search and
  • Rescue members and Ahlstrom Air were deployed to assist in the rescue.\
  • The Clearwater County Crime Watch group hosted its second annual Crime Prevention Tradeshow, to increase awareness of crime prevention in the community.
  • The David Thompson High School senior girls basketball team were victors at zone finals in Sedgewick, enabling them to proceed to provincial finals.
  • The Village of Caroline installed a new and improved security system in the village office.
  • Pioneer School’s Grade 8 Band, under the direction of Kim Hastings, received a gold award for its performance at the Alberta
  • International Band Festival in Calgary as well as the trophy for Outstanding Junior High Band.
  • The Rocky Bottle Depot won an Applaud a Depot award from the Alberta Bottle Depot Association for their speed and accuracy.
  • A Kayak Youth Development Program at the Credit Union Co-op Aquatic Centre was hosted by the Rocky Canoe Club.
  • Diana Spencer withdrew her request for a judicial review into the 2017 municipal election in Rocky Mountain House and Clearwater County.
  • The Rocky Pro Rodeo’s annual tarp action raised $89,500 for the event, considerably higher than expected by organizers.
  • Alberta Environment and Parks gave Clearwater County a grant of $125,000 to cover costs associated with the Rocky to Nordegg Trail concept.
  • Spectators packed the Christianson Sports and Wellness Centre to take in the opening ceremonies for the Bantam B Provincial tournament.
  • The Mountain Rose Women’s Shelter received a nearly $2 million grant from the federal and provincial governments, to go toward building a new facility for women and children affected by family violence.
  • Rocky town councillors moved to implement a part 9 non-profit corporation to take over the management of the North Saskatchewan River Park with a view to accessing grant money not currently available.
  • The Rocky Medical Clinic implemented a daily walk-in clinic every weekday from 9 a.m. to noon, in addition to evening clinics on Mondays and Thursdays.
  • The Rocky Raiders celebrated its league championship in the 2018 Bantam Tier 3 Central Alberta Hockey League.
  • Rocky Chamber of Commerce honoured local businesses at its annual banquet. Award recipients were: Glamour Studio, Marth
  • Kostuch Environmental Stewardship Award; Pidherney’s Inc., Business of the Year for 25 employees and over; the Rocky Mountain House National Historic Site, David Thompson Country Tourism Business of the Year; Grillers Steakhouse, Hospitality Award; Rocky Brake and Alignment, Business of the Year with one to 25 employees; Photo Magic, Home-based Business Award;
  • Fountain Tire, Customer Service Excellence Award.
  • The Chamber honoured the late Cindy Taschuk with the 2017 Lou Soppit Community Builder of the Year Award. Her family was on-hand to receive the award in her place.
  • Mayor Tammy Burke was at the Chamber banquet to present Mayor’s Awards to deserving citizens. Clay Guthrie received the Award for Youth Athletics; Chris Tensen, the Recognition Award for Voluntary Service; Pioneer School Grade 8 concert band, the Award for Fine and Performing Arts; Wendall Mason, the Mayor’s Special Award.
  • Harewaves Wireless Inc. out of Eckville received a federal grant of over $370,000 to lay fibre cable from Rocky to Pinewoods Trailer Park along Hwy. 11A.
  • The Caroline Chamber of Commerce was working to create a healthcare centre in the HUB offering various medical services, including doctors, a chiropractor, physiotherapist and others.
  • The Rocky Figure Skating Club held its year-end carnival, themed The Greatest Canadian Indoor Ice Show.
  • Died: Gladys Brady; Merle Hein; Reginald Kyncl; Howard Bjelke; Grant Hay; Toots Kanten; Iola Scott; Harry Herringer; Shirley Needham.

April 2018

  • Clearwater County passed a bylaw regulating the production of cannabis in the county.
  • The Town of Rocky and Clearwater County’s joint bid to host the 2019 Masters Games was approved by the province.
  • Over 100 kids took part in the Caroline Wheels of Time Museum’s third annual Easter egg hunt, despite frigid temperatures.
  • Willie, a trained therapy dog, was on- hand at the Rocky Public Library to listen to children read.
  • Rocky Support Services Society held an open house in its new mixed-market apartment building.
  • Downtown businesses gave out candy and hosted games for an Easter egg hunt.
  • The bantam and midget Sunchild Eagles hockey teams each brought silver medals home from the Native Provincials tourmanent, held in Edmonton.
  • Staged Right Productions presented Moon Over Buffalo, its 12th annual production.
  • Rocky town councillors approved a 2.8 per cent increase for the 2018 operating budget.
  • The Keyera Strachan gas plant ceased sour gas processing.
  • Caroline Minor Hockey held its annual awards night.
  • The community was saddened by the news of a bus crash in Saskatchewan that took the lives of Humboldt hockey players and staff.
  • The bantam AA West Central Tigers took silver at the Alberta Provincial Hockey Championships.
  • Marcien LeBlanc stepped down as Métis Local 845 president, after two decades at the helm of the organization.
  • St. Matthew Catholic School was on lockdown after a phone call to police regarding a suspicious person on the premises.
  • Fred Sutherland, a Second World War veteran and one of two remaining Dambusters, was honoured at the Royal Canadian Legion R.L. Zengel Branch No. 8 with a portrait of his 20-year-old self.
  • The legion hosted a one-woman play called Jake’s Gift., written and performed by Julia Mackey.
  • The Village of Caroline’s Volunteer Appreciation Night honoured the many volunteers in the community including Amanda Archibald as volunteer of the year, Lilith Nuzum as youth volunteer of the year, and Helen Willigar with a lifetime achievement award for over 50 years of service to the community.
  • Rocky’s Volunteer Gala attracted over 160 volunteers from 85 organizations. The event celebrated the many volunteers in the community, especially Jim Muhlbeier with a Lifetime Achievement Award for Volunteerism, Roxie Porcher as Volunteer of the Year, and Baillie Burns as Outstanding Youth Volunteer.
  • Died: Lloyd Switzer; Vanessa Berjat; Richard “Chuck” Woodley. Dorothea Ellis; Gene Clay; Karen Edwards; Norman Mellor.

May 2018

  • The Bradshaw family was recognized with a century farm award for 100 years on the farm at the annual Rocky Agricultural Society banquet. Art Terpsma was awarded as member of the year. Rural beautification awards went to Linda and Barry Proudlove, the Kyncl family and the Martinson family.
  • The Town of Rocky transferred municipal reserve land to Red Deer Catholic Regional Schools to accommodate four new modular classrooms for St. Matthew School.
  • Nineteen Clearwater County firefighters took part in the Firefighter Stairclimb Challenge in Calgary, joining firefighters from around the world to raise money for the Wellspring Foundation which supports those living with cancer.
  • The Rocky Figure Skating Club held its annual awards night.
  • Northern Crossing performed Chicago as its spring production.
  • Rocky French Immersion students took to the stage at West Central High School to present an evening of French entertainment.
  • Rick Emmons was appointed as Clearwater County’s Chief Administrative Officer.
  • Winter-killed yellow perch were washing up on the shore of Crimson Lake.
  • Representatives from major industrial companies in the area hosted a Safety Day for local students.
  • A 28-year-old Caroline man died following a head-on collision on Hwy. 54.
  • The Compassionate Care Society’s fundraising walk raised over $11,000 to be used for furnishing their proposed hospice suite.
  • The Rocky Mountain House Chamber of Commerce hosted a two-day trade show at the Christenson Sports and Wellness Centre.
  • Next to New volunteers donated $70,000 to community organizations.
  • Grade four students took part in an Educational Agricultural Tour of area farms to learn about farming.
  • Linda Robinson was coordinating a community garden project.
  • A team from Rocky Lanes brought home a bronze medal from the Bowling Nationals in Charlottetown, P.E.I.
  • A garage sale fundraiser for the Mountain Rose Women’s Shelter organized by Royal LePage Tamarack Trail Realty raised over $8,200.
  • The sun shone on the Big Horn Stampede in Caroline.
  • Pat McDonald was presented with the Sovereign’s Medal for Volunteers at an event at the Rocky Museum. Only a handful of Alberta residents received the award, minted in honour of Canada 150.
  • An adverse possession, also known as squatter’s rights, court case in the Caroline area was decided in favour of landowners Leona Hallock and Vivian Oliver.
  • Katelyn Willsie showed the Overall Grand Champion Steer and Jayden Warren the Overall Reserve Grand Champion Steer at the 4-H Show and Sale in Caroline.
  • The Rocky Knights Soccer Club held its sixth annual World Cup soccer event with 300 young players taking part in the tournament until well into the night.
  • The Pioneer School Grade 8 band returned with a gold rating from Musicfest, a national band festival held in Toronto.Died: Jack Holkestad; Alma Hollingsworth; Justin Courtright; Marjorie “June” Withers; Richard “Dick” Mackey; Doreen Toews; Gordon Adrian; Daniel Bekolay; Mervin Cooper, Barbara Courtright; Myrtle von Hollen; Doyle Seely; George Stewart.

June 2018

  • Visions West Outreach School celebrated its first independent graduation ceremonies, with 13 students taking part.
  • Local pharmacies were cooperating to provide medications to customers amid a country-wide shortage of some drugs.
  • The Mountaineer swept the Alberta Newspaper Association’s annual awards, earning first place in each of the five categories in which it was nominated.
  • Vincent and Annedien Van Steenis welcomed the birth of their triplets.
  • Bailey Scott gave the valedictory address to the 12 Caroline School graduates.
  • One hundred students took part in graduation ceremonies at West Central High School.
  • Alberta Agriculture and Forestry wrapped up two prescribed burns in the west country, at Hummingbird and Wapiabi.
  • All kinds of weather conditions, from scorching sun to freezing rain, greeted participants and fans at the 2018 Rocky Rodeo.
  • Tomco took the best western dressed award during rodeo week. Rocky Credit Union earned the best western décor award. The annual competition is sponsored by The Mountaineer and Henry’s Western Wear.
  • The Confluence Heritage Society celebrated 35 years as an association at a tea held at the Rocky Mountain House National Historic Site.
  • The Medical Equipment Lending Society welcomed executive director Morgan Dahmer.
  • Logan Fontana, a Grade 11 student at West Central High School, took gold at the provincial Skills Canada joinery competition.
  • Rocky Native Friendship Centre members participated in the provincial Day of Friendship with a community walk and a barbecue.
  • The athletics department of West Central High School held its Colour Night to honour outstanding athletes, including Athletes of the Year Brooklyn Hall and Payton Balzer; Ironman Awards, Kenny Bertagnolli and Briana Forner-Walker; Heart and Spirit Awards,
  • Brandon Manna and Gabby Sever.
  • Condor School hosted a cross-country run at Crimson Lake Provincial Park. The fastest boy was Sloan Lee of Condor School; fastest girl was Amelia Chambers of Pioneer School.
  • Chloe Park, a baseball park completed in honour of Chloe Kaniusis who was killed in a collision caused by a drunk driver in 2014, was dedicated in Alhambra.
  • Fish and Wildlife officer Tony Brooks said that the year so far was above-average for grizzly sightings.
  • Caroline-area resident Ron Doel celebrated his 100th birthday.
  • The Rocky Native Friendship Centre hosted National Aboriginal Day festivities, including powwow dancing, drumming, traditional games and a fireworks display.
  • Over 100 Grade 3 students released rainbow trout into Twin Lakes as part of the Fisheries Management division of Alberta
  • Environment and Parks Fish in Schools program.
  • TransCanada representatives were in Rocky in advance of the NOVA Gas Transmission Ltd. system expansion project, part of which will take place in Clearwater County.
  • Died: Susan Brun; Delbert Fox; Anthony Tekelenburg; Gordon “Dale” Moore; Melvin Schultz; Darrel Doran; Joseph Gagne; George Arnett; Ryan Podolski; Charles Whitesell; Lee Roy Leppke; Evelyn Humphrey; Brent LeBlanc; Hilda Byzitter; Robert Ambury.

July 2018

  • Sheila Mizera dropped her lawsuit regarding the 2017 municipal election against the Town of Rocky Mountain House and Clearwater County.
  • The first Market on Main event of the season was held.
  • Rocky Mountain House and area residents were among the first in Alberta to be offered a clinic for hepatitis C screening and subsequent treatment.
  • Laekin Kinch was valedictorian at St. Dominic High School graduation ceremonies.
  • Clearwater County councillors decided to stop investment on its north development for now, committing to reinvest in the existing county-owned facilities in Rocky.
  • Excavation and foundation work began on the Clearwater Centre for Abuse Prevention, under the umbrella of the Mountain Rose Women’s Shelter. The organization received considerable funds through a government grant from the CMHC for the project.
  • Upon the recommendation of the Clearwater County Council Remuneration Committee, county councillors voted to increase councillor wages.
  • Large crowds enjoyed Canada Day celebrations at the RMH National Historic Site and at the Wheels of Time Museum in Caroline.
  • Brittany Verduyn won the Clearwater Idol competition held at Canada Day celebrations at the NHS. Dave Evans took second place and Jeremy Forsyth was third.
  • At David Thompson High School Kyra Henkelman and Zach Hubl gave the valedictory address.
  • Grade 9 students at Rocky Christian School celebrated their graduation, with Mark Lublinkhof as valedictorian.
  • Blacksmith Henrietta Verwey set up shop at the Rocky Museum’s Pioneer Park for a day of demonstrations.
  • The Buster Creek Horse Trials drew competitors from across Alberta.
  • Hannah Murphy was planning to compete in the Miss Canada Petite Pageant as a national finalist, planning to bring attention to the issue of mental health and suicide.
  • Students Emilie Schieve, Rayelle Cooper, Jordyn McLaughlin, Isabelle DeRaadt, Anika Langberg, McKenzie Spellman, Jessie Johnson and Julianna Valstar all received awards in the Royal Canadian Legion Remembrance Day competition.
  • The Mountaineer was again named best overall newspaper in Canada by News Media Canada, the third time in a row the newspaper placed first in its class.
  • Clearwater County purchased land and a building from the Town of Rocky to house the public works department and regional services.
  • The Rocky Organization for Animal Rescue (ROAR) temporarily shut down intake services of stray and unwanted animals due to a glut of kittens at the shelter.
  • Dr. Don Witten ended his three-decade medical practice in Rocky.
  • The Alberta Conservation Association held a celebration in honour of its acquisition of the Porter property on the Raven River, with the goal to conserve the Raven River watershed.
  • A large crowd gathered in 30-degree heat to celebrate the ground-breaking for the Rocky Spray Park, the first stage in the construction project.
  • Abby Pratt chose a visit to Comic-Con International: San Diego as her gift from Make-A-Wish Canada.
  • Mountaineer editor Laura Button received the Brian Mazza Memorial Scholarship to attend the International Society of Weekly
  • Newspaper Editors’ annual conference in Portland, Oregon. The scholarship is named in honour of former Mountaineer editor Brian Mazza.
  • The Rocky Airshow dazzled fans, returning to the airport after a three-year break. The Snowbirds were a highlight of the show.
  • The baseball diamonds were busy with two provincial tournaments, the Mosquito AA Tier VI and Bantam AA Tier VII.
  • A travelling exhibition, From Vimy to Juno, about Canada’s Armed Forces’ presence in France a century ago, was hosted by the Rocky Mountain House Museum.
  • Died: Gerald Bulmer; Merle White; Deanne Elgie; Marion Sterling; Sally Bugbee; Robert Clary; Lynne Hunt; Robert Phillips; Lorraine Schroderus; Beryl Wickins; Gilbert (Mike) Burrington; Thomas (Bill) Hornshaw; Naomi Regnier.

August 2018

  • Parks Canada completed its reintroduction of bison to the Banff and Panther River Valley area. Part of the area they will be roaming runs through Clearwater County.
  • Parks Canada and the Métis Nation of Alberta signed an agreement at the RMH National Historic Site allowing Métis free access to all national parks and national historic parks in Alberta.
  • The body of a 29-year-old male was recovered after the man fell from a guardrail at the Brazeau Reservoir, 80 km northwest of Rocky.
  • Two canoeists who capsized on the North Saskatchewan River were rescued.
  • The first female-only motocross skills clinic was a sold-out event at Table Top Raceway.
  • The annual Leslieville Antique Days attracted a large crowd.
  • The Caroline Post Office marked its 110th anniversary of service to the community.
  • After 34 years and more than 2000 babies, midwife Barb Bodiguel retired.
  • Nordegg Days was a celebration of community spirit, attracting 750 people to a pancake breakfast and other activities.
  • Raphael Zengel, First World War recipient of the Victoria Cross, was honoured a hundred years after his actions at the Battle of Amiens with a graveside ceremony and banquet at the Royal Canadian Legion. A new street sign renaming 49th St. as R.L. Zengel St. was also unveiled.
  • The Tidewater Charity Golf Tournament (formerly the Husky Charity Tournament) raised $42,000 for the Clearwater Boys and Girls Club, the Primary Care Network and the Good Samaritan Society Clearwater Centre.
  • Rural Beautification Awards winners were announced by Clearwater County. They were Roger and Bonita Bott, active farm; Miles and Carmen Jensen, acreage over 15 years; Gene and Donna Nichols, retired farm; Mike Day and Shelly Sommerville, acreage under 15 years.
  • Kurt Bensmiller won his third championship at the Battle of the Rockies on the World Professional Chuckwagon association racing circuit.
  • Element GP Inc., a corporation looking to construct a cannabis cultivation and extraction facility in Clearwater County, held an open house to explain its project.
  • Area emergency services handled a number of rescue-related incidents over one weekend.
  • Clearwater County firefighters were deployed to help fight wildfires in B.C.
  • The Crimson Lake Trail Run welcomed 180 runners to its annual event.
  • Rocky Knights Soccer, Alberta Soccer, Keyano College and Red Deer College collaborated to host the inaugural Chambers
  • Memorial College Game, in honour of Bridget and Zara Chambers, who died as a result of a car accident in December 2017.
  • Former Rocky resident and trombone player Brayden Friesen was named to the CBC’s annual list of 30 hottest classical musicians under the age of 30.
  • The final Marketplace on Main of the season took place with an appearance by Rocky’s “Elvis.”
  • Died: Theodore (Ted) Chudak; Chad Larsen; Denna Davis; William Eickmeyer; Ethel Davies; Kenneth Fisher; John Cardinal; Douglas Meston; Joy Hammond; Irene Howard; Robert Emerson; Margaret Marston; Travis McNutt; Daniel Paul.

September 2018

  • The Rocky Airport hosted the annual Canadian Aerobatics contest, with aerobatic pilots from all over Canada taking part.
  • The Village of Caroline held an open house and visioning sessions about development in the village.
  • Area residents had the chance to learn about bears and bear safety at an information session held at the Christiansen Sports and Wellness Centre.
  • Clearwater County’s annual West Country Ag Tour attracted about 80 people to the day-long event.
  • Rocky Town Council approved the development of $240,000 worth of improvements to Helen Hunley Park, near the museum. All costs for the project are to be covered by the Helen Hunley Foundation.
  • The Rotary Club of Rocky presented its last donation cheque to the Clearwater Boys and Girls Club. The club surrendered its charter after nearly 24 years of service in the community.
  • Alberta Junior Hockey League rookies Jordan Adams and Duncan Hughes, former Rocky minor hockey players, took part in an
  • AJHL exhibition game at the Bunch Arena in town.
  • The Caroline Legion held an event commemorating 100 years since the First World War.
  • Rocky Search and Rescue participated in the rescue of a hiker in the remote area past Pinto Lake.
  • Rocky RCMP produced a new crime map to illustrate crime hot spots in the community. The site is hosted on the Town of Rocky’s website.
  • Shell Canada held an event to donate $30,500 to seven local organizations.
  • A weekend storm brought snow to the area.
  • David and Stephanie Carter received the keys to their new home, the third Habitat for Humanity project in Rocky.
  • The Hospital Auxiliary presented bursaries to two students in the medical field, Chanda Strome and Blayde Melaney.
  • The Mountaineer celebrated 95 years as an independent, community-based and locally-produced newspaper in the community.
  • Died: Mary Jaeger; Gerald von Hollen; Leanne Harrold; Pauline Hooey; Darren MacDonald; Terry Goddard.

October 2018

  • Rocky Airport manager Ken Fowler piloted a Cessna 180 that appears in a Netflix production, “Hold the Dark.”
  • Due to projects coming in under budget, Town Council was able to approve six additional 2018 repair projects.
  • Parks Canada held an open house to discuss a new draft management plan for the RMH National Historic Site.
  • The Rocky Speed Skating Club celebrated 30 years in the community.
  • Rocky RCMP were investigating a drive-by shooting in town.
  • Fright Night at the Site was held at the RMH National Historic Site.
  • Two youths on ATVs had to be rescued after becoming stranded near Saunders-Alexo.
  • The Rocky Barracudas Swim Club welcomed their new coaches, Glenn and Naomi McNair.
  • Rocky residents noticed a massive Hercules CC130H flying over town. The aircraft and crew were part of the Canadian Forces
  • 435 Transport and Rescue Squadron out of Winnipeg and were in the area for practice missions.
  • Clearwater Regional Fire Rescue Services and Rocky Search and Rescue were dispatched to rescue a hiker on Coliseum Mountain.
  • A group of Calgary medical students interested in rural health visited Rocky for a weekend of skill-building
  • The Mountaineer welcomed new reported Tyler Klinkhammer.
  • An upgrade to Rocky’s wastewater treatment system was estimated to cost $500,000.
  • Clearwater County and Rocky Mountain Town councils were developing cannabis bylaws to deal with the federal legalization of the drug.
  • The Rocky Band Parents Association held its annual fundraising dinner featuring The Mocking Shadows.
  • Local groups met in Caroline for a presentation on the danger of opiates from the Turning Point, an awareness group based in Red Deer.
  • Tea for Thirty was held at the library to mark Women’s History Month.
  • Jim Duncan was elected reeve for Clearwater County.
  • The Canadian Union of Postal Workers were holding rotating strikes across the country.
  • Town residents were invited to take part in an open house to tour the water treatment plant.
  • A proposal to change the name of the West Central High School athletic teams drew reaction from support to outrage in the community.
  • Parents Greg and Charlee Hainsworth welcomed quadruplet babies, born in Calgary Oct. 18.
  • Died: Allan Van Eaton; Doris Black; Thad Rear; Patricia Gerry; Jack Gordon; Owen Morgan; Jack McDougall.

November 2018

  • Construction of a cannabis production facility in Clearwater County was set to go ahead after an appeal to the Subdivision and Development Appeal Board was denied.
  • The West Central High School Rebels volleyball team finished the regular season undefeated.
  • The Rocky Kinettes hosted a Halloween haunted house and dance for the community.
  • Holocaust survivor Eva Olsson spoke to four local groups about her experiences in the Second World War death camps.
  • The annual community Remembrance Day service, hosted by the Royal Canadian Legion R. L. Zengel V.C. Branch No. 8, was held at West Central High School.
  • Dave Parsons was the winner of a 60-second $1,000 shopping spree sponsored by the Evergreen Co-op. Parsons gathered over
  • $1,500 worth of food during his spree. He donated the $1,000 worth to the Mountain Rose Women’s Shelter and Evergreen Co-op management donated the balance also to the shelter.
  • Next to New presented $80,000 in donations to local groups, bringing this year’s total to $150,000.
  • Two men were charged after the death of a man on the Sunchild Reserve.
  • The West Central Rebels football team raised over $4,000 to donate to breast cancer organizations.
  • The Mountain Rose Women’s Shelter hosted a Women Standing Together event to draw attention to violence against women.
  • The Rocky Arts and Crafts Guild held its annual craft sale.
  • Crowds in town were treated to the annual Parade of Lights.
  • Nine-year-old Arianna Schulte was mayor for a day after having her name drawn during the library’s summer reading program.
  • The Rocky Kinsmen and Kinettes organized the annual Festival of Trees at the Lou Soppit Community Centre, featuring many activities for the community.
  • West Central High School hosted the 3A provincial volleyball finals.
  • Nine youths were banned from the arena complex after multiple incidents of vandalism and theft.
  • Died: Jessica Schamehorn; Margie Jensen; Chris Vandervies; Geraldine Williams; Archie Griffith; Marlene Courtright.

December 2018

  • Public outcries were numerous over the lack of transparency and accessibility in the NDP government’s invitation-only consultations on the Bighorn Country proposal.
  • The Lord’s Food Bank set a fundraising goal of $55,000 during its annual Christmas Drive.
  • Coach Jamie Brown gave pointers to young basketball players at the Love of the Game shooting clinic at West Central High School.
  • Students from St. Dominic High School volunteered at the Operation Christmas Child Distribution Centre in Calgary, helping to sort and pack shoeboxes before they were shipped overseas to needy children.
  • Rob Unkauf, a teacher at Pioneer Middle School, along with his family, departed for a year-long teaching position in Australia as part of a teacher exchange program.
  • The province announced cuts to oil production due to a historically high oil price differential which is costing the province an estimated $80 million dollars a day.
  • Families in Caroline were out on the town Dec. 7, for the Christmas Light-up event hosted by the Caroline Chamber of Commerce.
  • The Church of the Nazarene in Caroline was converted into a historic village for the annual Night in Bethlehem event.
  • Minister of Environment and Parks Shannon Philips, Deputy Minister Bev Yee and Assistant Deputy Minister Dana Mackie came to town to meet with councils of the Town of Rocky Mountain House, Clearwater County, the Village of Caroline and the Summer
  • Village of Burnstick Lake, to discuss the province’s Bighorn Country proposal.
  • Stephen Petersen has organized a rally in support of the oil industry. The event is planned for Saturday, Dec. 29, at the Lou Soppit Community Centre, 2 to 4 p.m.
  • From cautious optimism to outright outrage, opinions varied at the Bighorn Country public information session Dec. 12, at the Lou Soppit Community Centre in Rocky Mountain House. Many at the meeting were still unsatisfied, feeling that their concerns weren’t being taken seriously, and there were still many questions left unanswered.
  • Anna Bertagnolli and Katie Kinnane were the grand prize winners in The Mountaineer’s Shop Rocky Christmas contest.
  • Eight-year-old Kaleb Leavitt earned a gold medal in Bowl Alberta’s Peewee Division.
  • The RCMP detachment received funding to purchase a fume hood to be installed in the detachment’s evidence room. The fume hood will protect officers from exposure to fentanyl.
  • An anonymous group of donors known only as the Secret Seven donated $7,000 dollars to purchase bikes from Evergreen Co-op.
  • The bikes were distributed to kids at several organizations and schools around Rocky.
  • The Mountain Rose Women’s Shelter Association received an anonymous donation of $250,000. The donation will assist in building the Clearwater Abuse Prevention Centre.
  • Alberta Environment and Parks hosted a guided bird walk through Crimson Lake Provincial Park to teach families about the species of birds that populate the park through the winter months.
  • The Pioneer School band program presented its 27th annual December Showcase concert.
  • Clearwater County council passed the 2019 budget with a $52 million operating budget and $42.4 million capital budget.
  • Town of Rocky Mountain House council held 2019 budget deliberations. The town collected an estimated $22.5 million in revenue in 2018 and is proposing an investment of $18.5 million into projects throughout Rocky Mountain House in 2019. Budget approval will take place early next year.
  • Died: Margaret Grace Finlin, Petronella “Nellie” Croy, Gladys June Lemmon, Celine Marie Delina Reynaud, Russell Holmes, Richard Feys.





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